Sunday, February 11, 2018

Steal the show

When morrow seems devoid of Hope
and dreams faked their silver;
when all tales of Success seem yoked...
Like a lost gambler - dead broke!
Wallowing in the corner like a snakes sliver;
they all turn their back and run down the shiver.
Spining the edges you cannot cope...

When Fervor and Zeal elude your thoughts;
Resolve and Valor abandon your entrails.
No encore seems to be - like caught;
possessed by rage and despair for naught.
You sought for a Victory - another fails;
no shout outs for you, just empty your mails...
Filling the boxes with question marked taunts...

If you can't get out of your coffin;
eager for blood, but run dry in your vains.
Wanted a Stalwart Hero - became ruffian;
just another deranged buffed up fan...
Just steal the show and don't let the darkness reign;
pull yourself up from your hair - even without fame!
Splicing words ain't horrid as a broken souls coughing...

I wish

I wish I had a raven
for every time I've been wrong;
for fucking up my chances;
for not knowing how to belong...

I wish I had, but a raven,
although they don't sing so well.
Their croaking sounds are craven -
nothing in first glimpsed glances...

I wish I had a raven;
instead of giving up in vain.
Anxiety and sorrow lingers;
reaping its own in pain...