Sunday, July 25, 2021

Why does Conquest come before War?

 Has anybody had those times, he is amiss from his body, to contemplate, like a child, why things are what they are? Why dost the first Apocalyptic rider bring Conquest, and only the Second bring War? Shouldn't war commence first! That is our contemporary mind playing a trick on us, because we don't know the rules of engagement of the olden days anymore. Before you could have War, there had to be a triggering event, to strengthen the hearts of your men, and make you vile for the enemy, so there would be no room for any peace offering nor pleas of Mercy. In order to burn all bridges, Conquest needed to commence first. For every good story needs a troll or Joker, who reveals the twofaced nature of this World. That is the reason, why Conquet comes first, and takes away Mercy and Peace, so there could be room for War. Then War has commenced fully, it will vacate the room for Famine, because that is the side-effect of any good conflict. Ask Africa and all the refugees, how it got there and how it is. Somebody always did something, and the other side could not let it slide and turn the other cheek anymore. Thus the previous life got burnt down, and nobody went home happy!! The culmination of all this Conquest leads to War leads to Famine leads to Death. For Azazel is still waiting for his scapegoat.You know, that goat, he was supposed to get, but lord Jesus Christ replaced, with His Cross. Since the Christians don't like Him anymore, how about turning it back at the beginning, then all the powers of Heaven and Hell ran rampart, and there was no stopping it!! Either you Christian deliver your full ass and lives over to your Lord and Savior or you fuck it! There is no inbetween... Those, who don't gather with lord Jesus Christ, while calling themselves that name, scatter! The Darkness is coming and Justice has fallen from Heaven, to give way to Social-justice and the worship of Lilith and the altar of shame. Shame for not living up to standard; shame for being full of fears piss; shame of fucking up and not knowing the answers; shame of not being enough in this unforgiven time. Then Heaven is closed and its Heroes gone, you will decide, whether you give in to despair, or let your light shine from your cold Ambers,to rekindle your life and your surroundings!! What's it gonna be is up to you, so Godspeed! Fill your cup and be your intentions fruit!!

1 comment:

  1. Why Vigilantes Can't Deliver Meaningful Justice
