These two poems, done by Genka, a famous Estonian Rap artist, have deeply moved me. I always appreciate, then such celebrities do low paying work for the government or strictly propaganda. Because somebody has to do it and have a spine. We are talking about the age old topic, what situates on the hot summer days. Especially on the 4th of July, you American readers, should mind to celebtrate your Great day, with some mindfulness, that you also need some sober nice guy, who drives you at home, or enough cash to pay the cabby. Its not too much to ask, to do the right thing. <3
These are the poems, what deeply moved me, I will provide the links in the comments section.
Vaata, kel seltskonnas on selgroogu!
Veiko, Ints ja Marx -- kolm sõpra, nagu kolm musketäri;
otsustasid, tegid kõiki asju koos -- ei olnud mingit kääri.
Tõid mere mitme kildi tagant otse kodukoha karjääri;
sest, mis see ikka põlvini saab olla, kui vette kastad rohkem kui sääri!
Näpud püsti, pidu käib hundijala vastikust;
sai Longeroga loputatud pudelist plastikust.
Jooki Intsule veel sisse, seltskonnast kõige aremale;
Marx noor ja sirge hirv, naised svaipisid ainult paremale.
Veiko vähem rütmikam, no, selline iisim kuju ta;
Tarts siis tegi ettepaneku veidikene ujuda... :
"Ma ei tea..." ütles Veiko "kas see mõistlik ettepanek?"
"Me kõik suht vindised ja nüüd vetteminek!"
Marx siis uljalt end Veiko haardest lahti kiskused:
"Veiks, ära ole sihuke eit, sa vist pissid ka istudes!"
"Mis ikka juhtub? Jumal hoiab joodikuid ja meid!"
kõrgel kaldal valmis ujuma kõik nagu Indrek Sei.
Vaieldi, et mina soovin ujuda, sina mind ei peata;
samal ajal seltskonna pesamuna Ints pani peaka!
Et näidata "julgust" Et miskit ei tee ujudes väike joogipoolis;
nüüd Ints on olnud 4 aastat ratastoolis...
Nõme öelda, aga see on veel hästi, sest pooli;
kes eelmisel aastal uppusid, olid tarvitanud alkoholi!!
Üks mees peatas hoogu, üks mees ei olnud mitte peorikkuja;
vaid näitas, et tal on selgroogu!
I took the liberty of editing the marks, because either YouTube or the editor really suck in narrating poetry well. It can be written better, and the chosen words. But ah well, its the thought that counts. ^^
Look, who got the spine at your gang!
Veiko, Ints and Marx -- three friends like three musketeers;
they did all things together -- nothing diluted them peers.
(The word kääri can be translated to cissor or driving an edge between or simply rotting. It wants to rely how intimate the friendship was, that you couln't even drive a knife in between, and how much they felt the peer-pressure, to stay like that together)
They brought the sea many miles into the homesteads abandoned stripmine;
what good is the water for your knees, then you only dip in legs of thine!
(Karjäär can also be translated as business or the career you may want, in here, the aspirations and expectations you could possess, which has a stark contrast with the stripmine. Estonians like those aggressive wordplays, there you leave much to be said... UWU Also the "Water only for the knees, is a reference to a fairy tale, there two fishermen there stuck on a plank of ice and pleaded with God to be spared, then they will each do a trick, but then they saw that water was to the knee, they slurred and lived happily like before, one only donating a candle instead of the chandeleer and the other glittering prices on his merchant goods excusing himself with the taxes...)
Thingers upright, the party went along moonshines ilk;
Long Drink guzzled down, bottled plastik, smooth as silk.
(hundijala allika vesi - synonym for Alcohol, valid translation moonshine)
A drink in, for Ints, the Courage of the Champions;
Marx, the young stag, while the girls swiped to the right guns.
(I don't really like swiping - scroling up down or sideways, in this context opting for betters, because it can drive the lesser men to despair and cause acts of depravity, later regretted -- coming from theology studies, but hey its the language, what speaks to the yourhs these days, then in Rome... ^^)
Veiko, less of good vibrations, laid back and easy going;
Tarts made the offer, to take a little swim for the showing.
"I don't know..." said Veiko " Is this a great idea?"
we all kinda hammered and now swimming, yeah!"
Marx in a dare, got away from the hold of Veiko:
Don't be such a hag, Veiks, you probably piss sitting too!"
"What could possibly happen? God protects drunkards and us!"
on the high ground all are eager to swim like Indrek Sei gussed.
(Indrek Sei is a famous Estonian swimmer, who now is a businessman. The God protects drunkards is a negative saying from the Soviet times, then druncards kept fucking up their lives, but seemingly always had plenty of health and money to keep on drinking. Then a drunkard falls down, it somehow is, that he dost get injured as a regular. Thus the saying that God protects them...)
Arguments went, I wan to swim, you wont stop me, how;
in meantime the Tweety Bird, Ints took a head for the bow.
(Ints being the Courage of the party is really put out for the show, how stronger peers fighting can drive them over the edge, and how we should take better responcibilities on that. You can always choose, whether you're popular now, or the rest of your life -- its getting better later, and you'll understand, what I mean...)
To show forth "Bravery" a little drink dost nothing to the swimming Man;
now it has been four years from this fatefull day, strolling in a wheelchair tanned...
Lame to say, that was the betters, for half of those friends;
who drowned last year, had been drinking alco for the trends!!
One Man holdup -- this one man, was no crasher,
He got spine among the gang, to call shots and cash there.
(I like such poems, what make others vomit, because I'd rather piss people off and be politically incorrect, to see people still alive the next time July 4th comes, than to attend their funerals or giving small-talk to the sulking wheelchair, who laments on the dead, who there left hanging... I'd rather be this kind of friend, who's aim and strikes are true. If you don't like that, hey! You don't have to ruin your Independence Day, listening to little old Whiteraven. UwU What do I know about it? ^^)
The second one was "The story of a man with no spine." (Lugu mehest, kel puudus selgroog.)
Elu on ilus, kui mõelda, või noh -- pole midagi häda!
Noor pruut, töö ja siis see esimene suve vaba nädal.
Päike helgib, pagasnikusse telgid;
sõprade ees oma uue kahe-liitrisega kelgid!
Tuttuus. Nullist sajani sekundeid umbes kuus;
tuhisedes mööda võilillepõldudest ja raielankudest -- Tere, Eestimaa!
See parim aeg aastas, parim aeg elus -- Tere festival...
Parim aeg, parim õhtu, parim pidu -- kõik on pagana äge!
Kõrges meeleolus maandub ohutunne madalal lävel...
"Ära muretse, kallis," ise ütled. "Ma ise kõiki pärast ööbima viin."
"Kamoon, ma suht kaine ja sõidan nagu Top Geari Stig!"
"Ma võtsin vaid mõned koksid ja noh, enne need veinid;
ära muretse, musi, näe -- lava peal on üks lemmikumaid DJ-sid!"
"Ainult paar jooki veel -- tantsime, hüppame, kisame!
Pärast sõidame rahulikult, viin su Pühapäeval tervelt koju, nii lubasin su isale!"
"Me olime peaaegu kohal... Ma räägin siin võibolla 500 meetrist;
me veel laulsime kaasa seda lugu, mis parasjagu tuli raadioeetrist..."
Parimast õhtust sai košmaare täis öö:
Sest sa olid ainus, kes ellu jäi; missest et kinni oli turvavöö.
Su elurõõmust sai mõrtsukatöö.
Sa sulgesid uksed, enda ees avatud Maailma;
kuidas vaatad ta isale matustel silma? Ei...
Ei saa tagasi pöörata ajavoogu -- sul oli peaaegu kõik --
Aga sul ei olnud selgroogu... !!
Life is a flower, or well -- nothing to fuss about!
Young bride, a job and the summers first week off stoked.
The sun is shining, tents in the trunk;
pragging in front of my friends with my new 2-litred junk!
Factory New. From 0 to 100 in about 6 seconds it crews;
(Wait for it, its always a good notion, if in a two-liner rhyme, one of the lines rhymes with itself, by using the first word and last. You know something ominous is coming OwO)
cruising past the meadows full of Dandelion and the foresters flanks -- Hello, Estonia!
Thy best day of the Year, No in your Life, Hello, Festival!
(Dandelion fields have always been a connotation of frailty and death, because they develop this white coat, and then you blow, and they fly away, leaving only the bold head, just as the deforrested land, is a connotation, of what is to come next. ^^)
The best time! The best night! The Best Party! -- All is wicked-awesome!
In High mood, the attention descends on a low doorway for Kingdom come...
(Look, how the poet is making an effort of stressing out, how high the mood and cheerfulness of the party was, in contrast of the attention span lowered and what else is to come on this night...)
"Don't worry, honey!" you there saying "I will drive them in myself!"
"Camoon, I'm relatively sober, and driving like Top Gear Stig in full health!"
(You gotta love the connotations. We all know one of these young stags, who think, nobody can hold their water! who are relatively sober, like some teenagers are a little bit pregnant. The word used for delivering your vow or simply carrying out Viin (Viima) also can be translated as Liquoir. We also had the song of Oncle Bella "I took Liquoir" "Ma võtsin viina" I couldn't find its original in English. )
"Only a few cocks(-tails) and well, the fine wine before
don't worry, honey, on the stage, there is my favoritest DJ -- I implore!"
"Just a few more drinks -- we'll dance; we'll shout; we'll cry!"
afterwards lets drive slow, home safely, on Sunday, as to your father I signed!"
"We're almost there... talking 'bout 500 meters;
we even sang along from the radio, down the Aether..."
(Estonia has still not gotten away with the Aether theory of radio-waves, still strong in this figure of speech. Then a radio show is on, its on the Aether. UwU Love those anachronisms... It is said, then drunkards sing, it will ease their condition and let them control their motoric actions better, too bad it didn't work out this time...)
The best evening slumbered in a nightmare dread-filled night:
You, the last Man standing, although the seatbelts there upright!
Your joy of life became a butchers work, worthy of blight!
(This threeliner wraps things up well, I reallly love the sad face of Genka, what is so not him in his songs... It reminded me of the Ozzy Ozbourne song, then he was just sitting and moving his lips, because there was not more strength left in his drained and overused body. All those words there on point as well. You really can see the roadkill in front of your minds eye ^^ I love those roadkill commercials, as long they save even one life, they are worth it, how many bleeding hearts they ever piss off in the process, who don't care about the dead so much... Again, better be offencive, and have all alive the next season, than be politically correct, and go to funerals. That's my philosophy in Life!! <3 UWU )
You closed the doors, in front of you the Whole open World;
how shall you face his father on the funeral? Nay, you couldn't...
Can't rewind time, -- you had it almost -- but aint got the spine!!
(Recommend to watch and take care of your friends. You do no service, if you for the sake of friendship get yourself or others cripled or killed. Its no laughing matter. Festivities kill the most people, especially at times of Corona, people are wee bit unhinged. Its better to give tough love, than rough tears. ;) Take care ya'all, Wish you a Great Indepence Day, America <3 <3 <3) Vaata, kellel seltskonnas oli selgroogu. Genka 2021.
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