Thursday, July 8, 2021


 I dreamt, I was a prostitute, a Harlot in the Temple; 

multitudes washed over me, until value detested my thighs. 

Like wiping my nose, it was casual -- married or Bachelor... 

How indiscriminate it was, to offer the communion of Sin! 

The Mass, what All shall attend, without scrutinies contempt.

I dreamt, I was a hierophant, in a long neglected parrish; 

while the toil was arduous, joy emanated in all faces... 

Oh, how longeavous was the loving-kindness and splendor. 

All those little things, what valued none, but became priceless; 

while the roof was dripping at stormy nights, all got served!!

I dreamt, I was a Hobo -- living at the gates of a Worthy Man. 

This Christian tithed fairly and was well renowned in Church; 

yet invisible was I to his eyes, as he shook hands with Money!! 

No hardship and error entered his Manor, nor His Childrens plays -- 

all Lessons at School well versed; gifts better attributed... 

Who of these shall go to Heaven, then the time is right? 

Who shall pass the judgment and do the final cut! 

Is it the Harlor -- The Hierophant -- The Hobo -- or something?

Who gets to choose, with a barbers edge, splicing the Lords hairs; 

who could wring itself out of Hell's Kitchen into His Supper!! 


  1. Tantra Mantra Meditation Music - Tantric Sexuality Playlist

  2. SPIRIT ADRIFT - Forge Your Future (LYRIC VIDEO)

  3. Answer to Job 2 - Jordan Peterson's God - God's Psychology
