People talk about being genuine, without knowing, what the fuck they are talking about. People talk about being real, thinking, they even know themselves, to be that way!! In so doing, we have always been taught to hate the faker, because he is like funny money. He is not, what he promises to be. What I am talking about, is the booze and the haze -- if you have any problems with that, you are free, to tune in somewhere else... In order to understand the light, you first must understand the darkness. In order to understand being gifted, we must understand being mad. The lack or inability to use your gifts, but rather being abused by them. We have been taught, that the world is being divided into the haves and dont's.
Its rather been divided into the people, who control their minds, whether of small or great measure, and those, who are confined in their own minds. A ,man can be feeble inside his great mind, because its greater, than the small and feeble persons around him. he is still a slightly greater feeble man... What has it to do with faking it? Lies and omission, just as cheating is there to get you somehwere, you cannot go directly. That does not mean, you will keep shortcutting it from A to D as though B and C dost not exist. If you do that, you just reverse polarity, and the D becomes the new B and the B becomes the new D. The real genii will learn to cheat with that.
Even then using deceit, one does not become Deceit, you still want to live as yourself, under the cloak of deceit. That is the first mistake of the common man, then becoming enlightened. People are either only the Sun or only the moon, never understanding, why they are this or that in that circumstance! People always put money on the table, to buy the lesser engine part, then try to use the lesser engine part and the money on the table, to afford the greater engine part, although, they don't own the money anymore -- I learned that from an anime-movie, then a trickster was tricking a cyborg merchant. It was about a female heroine, who's dead little sister became her quirk, because the cyborgs killed her. Those cyborgs, who tried to be like Man, and help him out, ended up almost destroying Man.
The same problem is with people, trying to be themselves or enlightened too much. Then you are shooting the arrow, you are stretching the bow, eventually, you have to either let go of the arrow and shoot something, or let go of the bow, and let it break down. Indecision is the root of many problems on this day and age... Not ready and able to take and understand responcibility and consequences its follow up.
People need to know, how to be themselves and live their lives, but people also need to know, how to bluff in poker. If you don't know it, you will have a very dull and boring, uneventful life at the outskirts of this world. You fake it, to get around the rough edges. Lawyers know the better part of it, doing it for a living. The problem becomes, then the salt or diluting agent becomes more important, than the thing itself, being seasoned or diluted. You are still doing it for the thing, not for the seasoning or diluting agent. An Entertainer is not self-important, but for entertaining the audience, it always makes me cringe, then I hear yet another Hollywood actor/actress impose their version of Brittney Spears songs "Oops, I did it again!" and Lucky in the same go. Bitch, that is your thing, you do, why so sad about it, getting sober? It's always funny to see Heroine cry, "Oh no! I am the drug, what keeps people asleep!!" This is the reason, we have bread and circus. So other better men, could live your life, while you are stuck in the Matrix. And then people are done with it, they crush it and build another Matrix in other terms.
Civilisation was not built to become enlightened, otherwise Lao Zi would not have abandoned it. It was built, so people would forget, that Cain killed Abel and Romulus killed Remus!! Just because you send your murder and darkness away from you, dost mean, it will stay away. It will eventually creep back, like Chaos always does, finding new forms and meanings, and you have to shave it off again -- that is the second mistake, people make in becoming enlightened. They think of God, as though, He has cast off His Evil side, and thus he has become Good. No, God, while being fully capable of being like Kali of the Hindus or Morrigan of the Irish, is in control of His such powers, while Man is possessed by its wants and dont's. If God one day, decides to put away His creations, as I have done many times, as a writer with my creation, who is gonna judge Him on that, and call it unethical? Is the song really gonna judge the composer or the poem the poet?! The moment, this world pecomes nothing, its terms of service also become nothing, its understandings become nothing, like the logical frame of a game, what was conceived, and then it was decomissioned and shelved, for perhaps some other time or none. Who's gonna go to God, if He exists in such Absolute form? For the same reason, this kind of Absolute exists, its shadow must also exist. Just as it is important to be wise, it is important to be, like the Seer of the village in Diablo 3, who just wants to enjoy the life!!
If you don't learn to let go, Life will let go of you. The more you grasp, the more you smother, like the pimped up villain in Ben-10 who merged with a bot and couldn't steal diamond rings anymore, for grasping them too hard and breaking them to dust. Letting go and leaving things unjust; vage, allows you to have more things. Coming back to the lesser engine part and the money. While you cannot buy with the same money the second time, you can pool resources together and use the acquired material in union. That is the principle of Nations, why we get lied and cheated to, so the glue keeps us together, so we would not live in the darkness. For that we have legends and cults holding fast. Does that make the measure important, or what is measured? Understand, why you are being yourself and why you are cheating or relenting from it. As long you don't understand the difference of that, you will always be possessed by something or someone, on the wrong terms, you are not ready to pay for. We are free to choose, but once, somebody marries, all the other worthy candidates become void. They are still pretty -- but just not for you! Do you know your ay, what makes you leave your mother and father and stick to it, until the day you die, and never look back? That is here the question! That also defines your rules of engagement and terms of service... and what game you're playing beholding the Revolver. Have a nice day, and fulfill your hopes and desires; while staying on top of your lives! Lies of Heroism – Redefining the Anti-War Film
ReplyDelete Radical Honesty – What If We All Told The Truth?
ReplyDeleteI will never understand why 24 blokes read this one; or why 65 blokes from Canada of all places payd me a visit on October 28th in one hour it went from 2 to 65 WTF!!; it was so enjoyable to see that view count drop to single digits again... The introvert in me approves... UWU