Justice and Vengeance -- the two sides of the Coin of Life!
You can't have one without the other... If the World is skewered,
by Alltoohumanists, in their politically correct manners.
Sickly sweet, they prospect words, gatekeeping people from people.
Where ever those sickly sweet puritans take up shop, people start discenting!!
Segregation and turmoil ensues, along with hatred and bigotry.
True Lawfulness offers both Justice and Vengeance, to make Mercy more sweet.
Without Vengeance, the Law is Toothless, Without Justice, the Law is Blind.;
thus is the reason, why people long for Mercy, to avoid the sword of Justice -- Vengeance!!
There shall be no Tomorrow, without Vengeance, because such is the spirit of Man.
To say otherwise is to slander and pretend betters than you deserve and are able...
If people want more Justice and Mercy, offer mores to your opponents!!
What does it give, if you offer these to your kind -- demons can do the same --
offer these to thy enemy, then you can prag about enlightenment, being stunning and brave!!
Mortals have no business with Mercy and Justice, for they dost offer it to nobody...
All the widows are decrying; all the strangers at your gates and orphans witheirng away;
while you're busy buying the house of thy enemy with a sandal and fornicating on his domain!!
There shall be no Justice and Mercy, as long people jealously judge their opponents;
in their hearts they do the same, if not worse. Soon you'll be eating your own children, like Chronos.
You are the children of your time and like gods of ancient times, you shall also be cast aside!!
Future generations will come forth and cringe upon you. Are those, who claimed to be exalted;
truely enlightened, stunning and brave, the children of Stars and Godly characters?
And then they shall bellow in laughter, about your stupidity and nerve in navel-gazing and Avarice!!
He, who draws the sword, shall fall by the sword. The battlefield dost care, there you messenger, or
there you soldier; footpad, or knight! All bleed the same and die whereof.
Those, who claim no responcibility, soon they will run from chamber to chamber, to hide and seek;
they will be uprooted nevertheless, and their seat will no longer know their names...
Do Justice and Mercy, then you receive the same. Do Vengeance and Hipocracy and you receive
with intrest. Your enemies shadow will come back haunting you, with a vengeance. God will not
listen to your prayer, on that day, no matter how many churches you would erect, or incense you
burnt, nor how much offerings you would give for your soul. On that day, you shall fall, lamong
the enemies, you've slain, the same way you disposed, them, thus shall be your destiny!!
https://youtu.be/BI6yCt8dq2c Oracle Technology Hidden in the Old Testament | Truth or Lore