It is always so sad, then a great thinker is so right, but fails on the finishline. Then describing and condemning Christendom, the beholder of the Faith and Doctrine -- just like with Social Justice Warriors, who put "Socialism" inside of Justice, to make it not blind and indiscriminate anymore -- to see it only one Righteous way!! Establishment has always been the enemy of Life and True Being of Values, what are not abstract political nor technoological talkingpoints. Wherever Theology and the science of the masses takes root, it corrupts its points of view, to appease the multitudes, in the same form, then the people of Israel wanted to erect lord Jesus Christ as their king, and then they couldn't, they betrayed and crucified Him, for not getting bread and circus... People don't want the Truth to change their life, for that they had the Sermon of the Mount and 2000 years time to do so -- no, people want sweet lies, what tell them, that there is a loving god, who turns a blind eye, no matter what they do in this life, as long they can ping the right speech. Forget about doing the thing for real and actually being the Christian, who died on the Cross, as long you have your indulgences met, The reason, people love Humanism, to hate through all Humanity, any kind of real personalized concept of Man!! Why talk about egotism, then people cannot handle themselves, being full of depression and anxiety for the very reason, that they deny Life itself. You cannot be Yourself, without taking up your Cross and Responcibilities for all the vows you met, not only apologizing, like the Nazi on the Nurnberg trial, who had 9 children, if I remember correctly, and in his mind, that excused his atrocities!! Isn't it the utmost show of cowardice, if you hide from yourself, behind the apron of your vife and backs of your children, because you cannot face it alone? When was the last time, people dared to be genuinely proud of their deeds, without being smothered, while eating the cake: "Alas, what would the cake think -- is it morally good to have that, or should I await for someone worthy!" This continuous existential angst of having to assume the lower place around the roundtable. People are only able to understand reason and values inside the box. Take that away, and people don't know anymore why they believed and followed the code in the first place. They never received it in full, but the blind obedience of assuming, our peers know betters and tell us in due time. When Jesus wanted our faith to be in our hearts, the true Temple of God, we keep erecting new systems and catherdrals, to keep the people enslaved to culture and establishment. Lord Jesus Christ never wanted to build a Christendom on Earth, because then you found something, you also seal its fate and assume its final day as well. Nothing Man-made can last longer than 4 generations. Isn't it intreaguing, that it takes exactly that time, for a new confession or reformation to emerge and fall down to their knees again, after their time is spent. Because those rebuild and rekindle institutions and titles and honours, but not People and Lives and Real Values, what are not abstract contemplations of our understanding, what should be deemed Good or Evil! In Basketball it is good to dribble the ball, while in soccer it is good to kick it with your feet. In football, while its called that, it is mostly played as a game of tag, tossed around, seldom actually kicked. Does one man, playing basketball relate more Christian values, than if he would be playing soccer or football? That is the alienating and condescending nature of culture, that you cannot be walking with us, thus you must be an enemy, Just because of reasons of culture and having different upbringings, not because of hostility towards lord Jesus Christ. There could be a muslim concept of Christ and a Hindu concept of Christ; an atheist concept of Christ and a agnostic/gnostic concept of Christ. But due to Christ having been born a Jew and birthing Christinity through the teachings of His followers. The establishment can only see one true gospel and one official version of the Bible. In this matter, Nietzsche done well in his written books, to fail in his own lifes implements and contempts against the Church, that it also corrupted his vision about, what could be saved from the abstract concepts, if they there to be interpreted through life and not through dogma; idealism and politics.
True Humility dost deny Life and Pleasure, but limit the excesses of decadence, what can only reach into resentiment and being aghast about your deeds, thus through that guilt-trip so eagerly abused by both the church via various indulgences and penitence rituals or its enemies through various social pogroms, what never intent to make their victimized followers lives better, because should they allow them to achieve beaugeouis and be respectful citizens of state, why would they vote Democrat or assume hostility of State... We are our own enemies, building up walls and gallows, there we go at the Footsteps of Marat'; Robespierre and Charlotte Corday -- to hoist our enemies with their own pretard! Things always die on itself, if you play god to pity but not to live as One, but to feel the superiority and condescence over the other, before you send him away, to await your condemnation and execution. Lors Jesus Christ, didn't even condemn that women, caught on adultery, merely pointing out, that the accusers should not be guilty of the same sin, and then there was none left, called the trial off!! Did He approved women committing adultery -- No! He asked her not to sin again. Did He indulge in Vengeance to make Himself the Moral Absolute on Earth -- Hell No! You can always tell the difference, how somebody uses his faith. Is it for Life, or is it for Vengeance. True establishment, while denying their own urges, allow them in the masses. Not all people should fast or play around with diets. Not all people should promise to hold up strict moral codes, their unable to follow in the first place. Why do you vow to drive your car at 40 miles then others are driving 65?? Do you hate yourself; your God or Society and other people -- that you would make your life this hard, and others having to pity you and try to find you a suitable loly, to make you get over it... For too long it has been called virtuous, to help out those, who by themselves there put under the yoke, not by some malignant entity and power. How many condemnations of the devil will be overruled in the Courts of the Most High, to condemn faithful Christians, who there doers of iniquity!! If you take no responcibility, your don't get no life and you cannot be tempered nor humble to any extent. What people call "Humility" is another word for Self-Loathing and passive-aggressive contempt of Life, that others dared to achieve betters, thus they must be guilted to share it, while you don't contribute even the least manner of expence by your side. Even the blind and the crippled or dull of mind can be Nietsches Superman, never a political or religious Zealoth, who has only his own code in mind, to forget his own responcibilities in the name of the greater Good, what always gaslights the way. What does it mean to talk about the Greater Good or lesser of two evils -- that you rationalize things to look in a logical pattern, then they previously there'nt such abstracts to be toyed around. You wouldn't talk like that, if you acknowledged both sides on par. You only talk like that, to convert somebody in your own ways, to make yours look better -- for you got the Gospel and you are the Teller of Truths, what shalt not be disputed!! How revealing is the just anger of the faithful, then they smite the children of their enemies to the rock and burn them on the stake as witches. If the moral zealoths there right, they'd rather loose the case to win the Life, not win the case to loose multiple brothers and sisters, like Cain did to Abel, to judge: "I wasn't his Shepherd!!"
On the case of the LGBT community, by laws of culture and dogma, gays can't go to Heaven, like Witches are put to death!! By laws of mercy, which must triumph over the Law, if you showcase true love from one Solitary Individual to another Solitary Individual, it dost matter its sex nor creed nor anything else. God, being Marriage itself, will uphold this! Should however that individual contemplate in his mind, that his love run out and he/she has new love for something or somebody else -- there cannot be a second blessing of God for your marriage. The moment the priest said: "LET WHAT IS BROUGHT TOGETHER BY GOD, NOT BE BROUGHT APART BY MAN!!" and you thoufht of choosing again, you made your vow a curse in front of God!! There is only one marriage in God, not multiple marriages -- your stubborn hearts, what lust for your neighbours wives, commends you to sin like that, calling divorce a Christian right or a political right, and still coming to a church, then Jesus condemned such. If you cannot stay faithful to One, admit your promisuous ways, and don't marry. It is better to affirm your sluttiness and be that in public, than put the mantle of Christendom on top of it, like it will turn a blind eye in front of the Lord and Saviour, you never wanted to worship nor follow. People are as much Christian these days, as gentlemen are truely gentry!! Just an abstract fellowship, just like with the Pharisees and Sodokite, will yield in nothing, but the virtue sginals you aimed for the first place!! There is your booty. Everything above LGBT, what came after, is just political intolerance to spite the people unable to opt gay values, just as Christians had their "gnostics" who became Kings of the faith, while sending their brethren to courts or wronging them by other means. If your faith makes you one of a kind and special, while taking up the space of your brother and sister or putting your heavy shadow on their sholders, like a costly mantle, then you're not truly enlightened. Don't make people owe you anything, but owe the people Freedom of Choice and Opportunity, you had the Privilege to enjoy!! It is always your choice alone, even then being a rape victim, if you choose to stay that way, or if you choose to move on, to spite your fate and the one, who did this to you... Your choice, in choosing enemies and offences; your choice, in choosing friends and blessings of Godspeed -- along with all kinds of wishful tidings about Arkadia Mayor -- we should be happy and rejoycing, that our lives are hard and miserable. Because that proves, we are not dead yet!! Always distrust the sweet dreanm before the brutal and rude awakening. People talks about wokeness, just like the Emperors tailors talked about le fine garment, what can only be beheld, if you fit in your office and there wise, in accordance of their guidelines -- is it any suprise, that so many nudist Kings jump around, like a running gag of Diehard!! Always distrust, then people call themselves "Fearless"; "Righteous"; "Just" etc. A Wolf has never problems with its credentials, meating up with a pack of Sheep. If the Sheep would know this, they would understand the teachings of lord Jesus Christ and stand their ground, make the devil run and even old Wolves doubt their experience, before they run away, before the Sheep!! But alas, the sheep, being feable in their minds, must do as sheep always does: Be meak as a serpent and wise as a turtledove. Christ never talked to the masses, even if he talked in the boat to multitudes, He talked to the Solitary Individuals. You can't go to Heaven en masse, as a faithful follower of a movement, but as yourself. The Right Team nor the Right Speach nor the Right Code wont save you, but you being right with yourself and with God. Are you Nietzsches Superman, or are you alltoohuman, excusing yourselves with the contempts and prospects of others, that denied you take up responcibility! That is here the question. Have a nice day, may you find Yourself and be Your best Nature, full of Life's Virtues!
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