It seems like a controversial topic, for a Christian Baptist to say. Why would I say, that the event, that destroyed one of the more unique forms of Christendom, which was the mixture of Christinity and Judaism, the scattering of that denomination and the killing of Steven the Martyr, also the first deacon of faith. Why was this a good thing, in my view? Because, while the church lie dormant and well, all the salt was inside the church -- but by scattering all the church-members, you made laypeople into preachers of faith, because they simply had no other choice. Being ostricized by both Romans and Jews alike and the Christian Church being too weak, to offer a helping hand, being persecuted themselves, you simply had no time nor space to give up, for nobody cared about your feelings nor opinion on this matter. You either worshiped or died!! Without it, we wouldn't have Christianity as a world religion, but yet another gnostic cult in the mediterranean seaboard. It would also mean, we would know no other world religions, due to lack of Christian Conquest and Exploration leading the way, to discover them. There would be no Capitalism but feudal lords and duchys running city-states and warring against each-other. There would be no Germany, because the tribes would not be united, nor any other great power house country, because without the great Nemesis, there would also not be alliances against it. There would be no Russia, because the local tribal leaders, would squabble in between themselves and find no reason nor morale to get out of their shell. Without the church, there would be no unifying power, to make all the different forces, what helped to shape the world, as we know it, to work together.
We are, as it stands now, at the brink of another Steven like upheaval, there the old will be scattered and torn apart, to build something entirely different, what we cannot even fathom. The question is not right or wrong, good or evil, because those are the terms of future historians, not the ones living in the event horizon. Emotionally speaking, it doesn't help much, to know, that your loved-ones death contributes towards something better, because we want our lives and the significant others to flourish, not perish. However, if this kind of upheavel dost not happen, it will dwarf Christianity and the Culture we know now, into a village rite. Its the difference between reformation and stagnation...
When it happens, it will always come with sweet words of compassion and unity, holding one hand in front for the shake, and the other behind the back, holding the hatchet. When resources become abundant and scarse at the same time. Then meanings and virtues become so diluted, even the wise men have trouble divining their moral affluence. Then there is again, another genius for every day of the year and the number of people, who mock any kind of faith or reverence towards the sacred and transcendant, you will see it happen. More shouts and debates will be made on the fairness of this and that, while the topic is never about the things being said... its about, who gets to own the bakery baking your pie, and what name is the street its on!
Then all this is happening, take faith and don't relent in prayer and fasting to thy lord Jesus Christ. Have a nice day! <3 UWU ^^
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