Friday, July 2, 2021

Why are Christians reluctant in attending court?

 Let's talk about the Christians attitude of rather sufffering wrong, than taking care of their rights. For that, we must go back  in time and see, why the Roman Law was so bad in Christian eyes. Back then, it was ok to bribe the judges and witnesses also the jury. The courts there open spectacles, attended by plebs and low life, who shouted and snarled in between th speeches, the both sides had. There was no limit, on how much the winning party could askew from the loosing party. That in turn created many circumstances, what there unreconcilable with the Jewish Law and Sermon of the Mount. To avoid hitting the other cheek and getting more than you deserve, thus humiliating in soi doing even God, who created the both of you. The Christian is required to stand down, to avoiid more evil, than aqcuiring your petty grievance and understanding of justice. Its also seen as Magnanimous to do thus, and is more accessible to rich people. Stilll, it should be the norm, that people wont venture over the thin red line, even if it damages your own case. What would be the victory, if you sacrifize everything to obtain it? You should rather try other methods of persuation, before you decide to go to court, because you can also win your worthy case!! If you give up your worthy case, it feels less bitter, than if you loose your worthy case, for the judge not seeing it your way. People have different understandings of righteousness and it can hppen, that all sides think, they are right, and the judge has to deliberate between those. It is better to recant your rights thn to be proven wrong and having to carry on the shame, of having lost in the Court. Sometimes a minor defeat is better, than pursuing a great vicotry, People are seldom understanding about it, because rhey only account, what is in front of them, not what is in the side or beneath the surface. You be smarter than that and not trigger happy, trying to account all the slights and offences done against your person. Such people get evaded a lot and die in solitude, which is self-impsoed. Everybody hates the cronicly indepted and the loan-shark. Don't be either side of them!! I wish you a good day and Summer. <3 UWU ^^ 


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