It is not my way to love the competition, but if you have time, please visit Mark Mansons site. I will provide the links below, in the comment section. It got stuff, I really like and admire, what could help your life, whether you are a Christian or just fighting with depression and anxiety. Are second guessing your life's decisions, because of Existential angst and terror, of not knowing, what to believe and for what intrinsic purpose!!
The number one reason, why people fuck up, are they parents, wanting to cheat and give us the best possible start position, to begin our lives. It would be as good, as cutting a moth out of its cocoon, to make the butterfly emerge victorious -- while in so doing damaging the life-expectancy and wing structure of the insect, making it a cripple. Or to simply be the bear who, shoos off the fly on his sleeping masters nose, by throwing a boulder at it, thus killing the master, because the fly flew away. You cannot cheat away pain!
Then a Child learns to walk, we don't prevent him falling down. He needs the experience of standing up again. The same is true about going to the potty. Using too good diapers, will result in the child not wanting to change his life, because his ass wasn't wet and burning enough!! Our mistakes define us, because they give us the question: "What went wrong?" and the follow up "What am I gonna do about it?" You cannot excel in anything, if you're constantly content with, what you got. It would be a good form, for meditation, but not for running a business... I like the quoting of Pertrand Russell "The whole proble about the world, is that Fools and Fanatics, are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people are so full of doubts." by Mark Manson. Its the key point, why things don't get done, but it goes far more deeper, than the 80/20 rule he tries to convey. Even inside the social groups there are layers upon layers. Some Creators, if to use his definitions, are more subtle and reasonable along with their engagers, while the lurkers sometimes do respond to glimpses, what stroke a nerve, to then go into the silence once more. The roles interchange, depending on the narrative and context. In one social group you're the Senpai, while in the other you are the pupil craving to be noticed and running around with a proverbial yandere knife, to kill his competition...
The second reason, why people fuck up, is our judgment-perception ratio. People like to say, that INFPs can only perceive, while INFJ can only judge; stating, that their respective other abilities to be underdevelopped. I don't agree with that. Using the coffee talk in Tokyo Ghoul, then one of the main ghouls talked about, how to make the best coffee, with one of the leading Ghoul Hunter, who was checking him out -- You could have the best ingredients and treat them poorly and get an less than average result; while you can have poor ingredients and treating them with care you could exceed expectational tastes!! Our Judgment-Perception ratio depends directly from our parents, environment, how we led ourselves to confront and solve our beef. Its the thing, what makes one a Bully while the other become the perfect Wictim. One always go from success to success, while the other gnashes tooth, like the failing players in Kuroko's Basketball -- the story of the Phantom sixed man, who didn't mind to remain in the shadows, to improve the teamwork, not the individual perfect characters of each and everyone!! The problem is never, that somebody took something away from you, but because you failed to stand up after you fell down, because you convinced yourself, its no good, I cannot win, the game is stacked against me... The auxiliary reason of failure is the memed rabbit trying to be a great woodpecker and a frog to love carrots, later on can't even do his own thing good, what the Christian MBTI'sters so love. It has a truth in it, while not for the right reasons. Don't accept expectations of being, what you are not, but learn to stand up for what you really are!! If you consume and amount resources into being something, what you don't really love, it will affect your real desires as well, because now you have an expereince of moral; psychological and physical failure. Why should now be any different? Before you can even get to do your thing, you would have to get past the boundaries you and the chosen advisors you yourself aimed to listen to, what got you fucked up.
The third reason is forgiveness. If you don't learn to forgive yourself your mistakes and the advisory used, to get there, then you will never get past them, but are doomed to follow through those simulacrums of sirclejerking, until you snap out of it. Which mostly you will not do, if to revert to the movie "Revolver". Why should you cut the costs and accuse yourself in the wrong decision, if you can just throw more money at the problem! That is, what sculpt our ways, and either redeems or dooms us. We could all have a Terrorist or Personal Jesus inside of us, what you let out and nurture each day, defines you, not your mistakes, as long you are willing to look into the mirror and get better. The difference between Judas Iskariot and St. Peter, who did the same sin, was that one cried salty tears and acknowledged his shortcomings and redoubled the effort with his 3 vows to lord Jesus Christ, to love Him truely in this world, through His disciples and the work on their behalf, the other tried to give the bribe back, what he used to lure himself into betraying his lord and Saviour, and if that didn't work, hang himself, for not being able to snap out of his pride and forgive the betrayal of a Godly figure in his life!! One used his life to be a means to aid other people, the other wanted to use other people as a means to show himself on the winners side and as a worthy Jew.
What I don't agree with Mark Manson, is about the whole america being "woke" because its the same proverb of the "religiousness" in a society. People understand the concept differently. For one person you are "woke" because you there studying chacras and drinking herbal tea, for the other, you would have to bash the fash or do some other initiation like rite, to be one of the tribe. People have different layers of engagement. You are more engaged to your parents and wife or children, then to the traffic lights and driving laws. You listen to them all, but in different ways and attributes or blends. That all defines, how "woke" you are. I would go even so far, as to claim, due to the interconnections of social media, those second- and overthoughts, what previously got STFU at the dinner-table, now get augmented by ourselves; our factions; news-media and corporations; the state etc. Everybody increases their chances to rule the world, while trying to exorcise the perceived the demons in their realm or simply, pulling the splinter in the neighbours eye, while having a log in their own... Your judgment and ways, how to perceive things, sculpts your way to Heaven or to Hell!! Lord Jesus Christ did say, that St. Peter told him to have the keys of Solomon, to open or close doors in Heaven or on Earth, but that also meant, you have to stand by your decision in using that right. Don't complain, then you close a door, that others around you, wont monkey see, monkey do your action back 10-fold with the boot as intrest. I really like the soviet joke about prayer, there dad tells the teenager not be afraid of slender man in the closet, and because of his explanation, the grannies dinner prayer gets hit, because there are no spiritual beings connecting with our lives! Be wary of using moral absolutes, because, like swords, they can cut both ways. The man living by the argument also dies by the argument! For some reason people, who are proud of their conversion videos, are not so happy if the same happens to them and a Christian converts to Satanism and not the other way around... I find it fascinating. Why should hatred and discent be ok one way, but not the other way? You are not being proud, of Lord Jesus Christ doing His thing, but You and little jesus owing to You, to make it happen, because the bible told You so!! You are expecting something, based on your values, forgetting, that the other side might have values as well. btw. did you know that the way we draw cubes in math class, is the symbol for an indiginous tribes holy spider-god? You just have to look it like a Jewel and not like the diagonal shape of two planes being interconnected with each-other because of the transension from 2D to 3D...
The fourth fuck up reason is, not learning to let go, nor forgive the opposition having values you cannot defeat with your Truth. It must be frustrating and an intrinsic moral failure, if you go to convert somebody, to find out, that all your moves get parried and you ass gets handed to you on a silver platter. Maybe you didn't pray and fast enough, or maybe the other side is demon-possessed or is doing steroids or something else, what can be fixed by simply going to court and wailing; bemoaning accusing the opposition of wrongthink and wrongdeeds! What was the title of Diablo again, was it not "The accuser"! Learn to cut your losses and call it a day, while still acknowledging your beliefs. You don't believe, because you keep winning, that would be like a gamer, who only plays, because he's placed top 10 on some scoreboard. Would he stop playing it, if the score board disappeared or the rules got changed, making him not being ranked amongst top 100 or 1000 anymore. People don't burn out, because God did the Job to them -- such arrongant Hybrist comparison -- but because your expectations got offended and then you started reading under the thumb, parcing through the Bible, to excuse yourself and your way of life, what got checked. Why change, if its the others fault, for violating this or that ToS? The same Bible, what calls us gods and gives us the Keys of Solomon, also advises against doing unto the other, as he has done!!" Pro 24:29 Right after denouncing false witness it is said, that contempt is not ok. Yet people are so good at discenting and holding others in contempt, for failing against the ToS. Its the same issue with the two cheeks. If you are too busy in shaming somebody, eventually You will even make lord Jesus Christ in Heaven cringe and disavow any knowledge of you, You doer of Iniquity, for which reason, He chose to give us the: "Turn the other cheek!" to deescalate the situation... You don't know your own wrongings, then you are so close to open and shut somebody others case, that yours could be laid to rest as well!
The Fifth reason is worry. Especially to the shame and detriment of me and other Christians, who been told not to worry!! It really stung me, then a Pastor on YouTube talked about this issue, and how many in the audience, who there Christians, laughed about it. It sounds like a fishermans story, forgetting who the first disciples there. Why would you not worry, if all the known world is built upon it? First it creates the urge; craving and breaks your bones, then it amends and refreshes it, so you could feel betters... But what is the World made of -- its made of Us and You are a VIP in it!! Hating on the world, it tends to slip out of our focus, that many problems or demons on the wall are self-imposed. The numbers on the wall are not counting down "Meneh Meneh, Tekel, Upharsin!" because somebody else drank from the holy grail and feasted on the tabernacle, but because You enabled it. What did lord Jesus Christ say, then Judas Iskariot had a problem of the oil not being sold and given to the poor? Learn to see the route, there your motivations go. Then start lecturing others, how to change their ways. Perhaps it is You, who needs to change his course! And do not worry, if God told you to be by your side, He'll be there. Deal with things, you can change, not with things out of your way and handle. It may look good, that you worry for the peasants in equador, but at the end of the day, those people wont be better off, while you bled your heart out for them, while you didn't change a thing in your life. You just got some browny points or golden stars for well said things, but what will you do in the pit of Vipers, like a scene in Vikings. You can say well, but throw away your sword and shield, then the hour of reckoning comes. Normally, the most loud people, give up first, while the quiet ones save the day. Ones let out steam, for the tweet, the others for the hew of enemies to be smitten, to hold his lovedones safe. See the difference in there. Worries make fears and calamities strong, and make wardrobes look full of slendermen and the creeping branches, behind the window, like the grasping hands of an undead-Ent! That in turn creates more worry, because you ask yourself, what to do with it!! If you let go of your fears, the worries would cease and decist the reason to answer a non sequitor what to do list... People always like to give you their to do lists, to motivate you in getting better. Is it really, what you need and want, or what they need and want of you, for some kind of reason? As long you don't know those terms, why would you get psyched and accept things, without testing them out. You wouldn't buy a computer behind the corner, because it could be stolen or of dubious quality and even include malware. But you would accept to do lists, because they came from a chekmarked address. The most poison I have received from people, I loved and trusted, because they perceived something in my life as wrong and hurtful, trying to pluck it out, causing me to despair and alienate even more... Theres nothing more dangerous than your peers being your "friends" and trying to help out. I get to defence mode, if I even hear that sentence!! Don't fake concern and friendships to hide your worries of loosing control over somebodies life. In the end you'll loose much more, than confronting with your fears and calamities. Talking openly, why you dislike something is better, then accusing video-games or D&D being devils work. This is what pushes our youths into the loving embrace of Lucifer, because some Christian Gatekeeper closed the door to Heaven, for he heard the wrong tunes; saw the wrong T-Shirts and hair style etc. But what he does, is vetted by God Himself, forgetting his disputes with family and friends in his childhood.
Coming back to the beginning of owning the right to make mistakes. You can never feel confident about yourself, if you don't own the right of fucking all up!! Its like living a nighmare of somebody elses dream, there you have to hang out with concepts you never liked in the first place. Imagine having a date with somebody, and you have to marry that person, because somebody else chose it for you, to further his agenda for your life in the future, you don't feel so sure about, for you are prospecting all the ideas out and don't even know yourself! Does it feel nice, to be so helpless, then you get no say in the backseat and then having to be loving it as well!! Does it give you options, what to do about it? Parents hate micromanaging, then the government does it; then some fringe group does it; then the chuch does it; then they suffer it -- they immediately forget about it, then its time to lecture their own children and keep control in a firm grasp. You own as much life, as much experience you have of life, which you get by trial and error. Why is it so hard to comprehend. I'm not talking Chinease nor trying to map the way from 4D to 5D to make a wormhole portal, like in Stargate -- yet it seems to me, only a chosen few, who most of the times are not even Christian, understand that concept!! Your Concept Of Who You Are Is F*cking You Up | Mark Manson on Impact Theory
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