Thursday, July 1, 2021

What they don't tell you about the MBTI.

 When you have studied the MBTI charts, you notice, their weight isn''t distributed evenly. To the aghast of SJW and others, who despise merit, the better Personality types are less frequent, while the common types are more dominant. You can't build a pyramid, if you don't lay its foundation. The first thing, you will notice, is how unevenly the different types are situated, without any system or cause. Numerology and Astrology is much better in letting you see the patterns. But MBTI tends to hide those, so you wouldn't use it yourself and would buy it from a board of Wizards and scholars, which I don't like so much!

1. You have to constantly watch your traits on the scale of E Extroversion and Improversion; I, S Sensing and Intuition N, T Thinking and Feeling F, J Judging and Perceiving P -- even after you know your type, now you know, what you lack. And that is the shadow work you need to get on with, in order to hone and refine the grade of the Jewel of Persona you really are. If you fail to do so, you are the coal version of lets say INFP, then you could be the Emerald version with runic enchantments on... ;)) Sometimes advancing yourself, is an experience similar to a snake, shedding its skin, and will result in existential metamorphosis and the change of your very nature and type. 

2. If you put the persentages into the MBTI square and project it to the Pie, it will look like this: 

1. INFJ 1.5% ; 2. INTJ 2.1% 3. ENTP 3.3% 4. INTP 3.3% 5. INFP 4.4% 6. ISTP 5.4% 7. ESTJ 8.7% 8. ENFP 8.1% 9. ISFP 8.8% 10. ISTJ 11.6% 11. ESFJ 12.3% 12. ISFJ 13.8% (1.5 ENTJ 1.8%; 2.5 ENFJ 2.5%; 4.5 ESTP 4.3%; 8.5 ESFP 8.5%)

3. Now you can take the square i. e. 12, 3, 6, 9; 1, 4, 7, 10; 2, 5, 8, 11  and Trigon 12, 5, 8; 1, 6, 9; 2, 7, 10; 3, 8, 11. The First square is called the square of leaders. The second is called the square of Tanks; The Third is called the Square of Clerics, while the middle is reserved for the Jokers or Tricksters.

4. The Square of Leaders ISTJ; INTJ ; ENTJ; ESTJ. Take notice that the square and pie numbers don't match because they are in different system. While the square is projected into the pie, certain pieces will sift their place obtaining multiple attributes or becoming inbetween values. Those are the values, what will foreshadow you, which you need to mind. From that later... 

a) ISTJ "The Logistician" is Practical; Fact-Minded and Reliable. The go to guy, then you want to move things around. Coming at 10 o' clock.

b) INTJ "The Architect" is Imaginative; Strategic and Planners. The go to guy for birds-view ops. Coming at 2 o' clock.

c) ENTJ "The Commander" is Strategic; Logical; Efficient. Like any drill sergeant, the guy, who gets your grunts into shape! ^^ Coming at 1.5 o' clock. 

d) ESTJ "The Executive" is Organised; Practical and a Leader. The Exo, is who takes over from the Commander, and is the CEO sub-type. Coming at 7 o' clock. 

5. The Second Square of Tanks is ISFJ; INTP; ENFJ; ESTP.

a) ISFJ "The Defender" Just like the name said, Protective; Warm and Carring. Coming at 12 o' clock. 

b) INTP ""The Logician" is Innovative; Curious and Logical. Coming at 4 o' clock.

c) ENFJ "The Protagonist" is like the Paladin, Charismatic; Inspiring and Natural, coming at 2.5 o' clock.

d) ESTP "The Entrepreneur" is Smart; Perceptive and Energetic, comes at 4.5 o' clock.

5. The third Square of Clerics are INFJ; ENTP; ESFJ; ISTP. 

a) INFJ "The Advocate" is Quiet; Mystical and Idealist, coming at 1 o' clock.

b) ENTP "The Debater" is Smart; Curious and Intellectual, Kinda the devils advocate type. Able to investigate a topic from both sides, without much ado of time or effort. Coming at 3 o' clock.

c) ESFJ "The Counsil" is Caring; Social; Popular. Kinda like Deckerd Cain, the Village Elder type. Coming at 11 o' clock.

d) ISTP "The Virtuoso" is Bold; Practical and Experimental. The guy who playtests the ideas into their logical conclusion, mastering everything on a whim. Coming at 6 o' clock.

6. Then you look at the clock numbers, you obviously understand the patterns, that ISFJ; ENTP; ISTP; ISFP form a conglomerate. The Defender; The Entrepreneur; The Virtuoso; The Adventurer. Notice how the Adventurer is from the inner square, of the Tricksters. So this team has 2 Tanks and 1 Cleric. Obviously the 2 Tanks will tandem it while the Trickster will be doing Rogue action and the CLric will to healing action. It might seem odd, to pit The Virtuoso together with the Entrepreneur, because they seem to be polar opposites. One being lead by money, the other being lead by inspiration. One will sell, the other will deliver. You can't have this without that. One leads the other follows, like a well rehersed dance of Paso Doble. The fact, that The Adventurer is in the team, it will help to get the Introverts out of their shells, while letting the Extraverts let off steam. Having an Explorer on your team, lets you not run out of inspiration and drive, going to places, you otherwise wouldn't. Having the Defender in your team, you can always respite behind his/her shield, then it gets too hot!! While gaining Fervor and soothing your soul in the process. it can give you new perspectives, what you couldn't see alone. Its the Rock formation. 

7. The Second formation, between INFJ; INTP; ESTJ; ISTJ or The Advocate; The Logician; The Executive; The Logistician is the formation of Air, having 2 Leaders 1 Cleric and 1 Tank. How can a team of Two leaders survive. One will Lead the Cleric, the Other will Lead the Tank, sometimes changing pace and targets, for added confusion! Having both the Logistician and Logician on the same team, has the benefit, that your logistics are not spaced out, like sometimes can happen, but down to earth, while still having the lofty attitude of the air in it, flying under the radar. Having 2 Leaders, you can see all plans in multiple perspectives and circle out according to scedule, who gets to lead on what date on shift. This kind of Team setting is good, then you have to handle multiple cenarios and/or quests. Also, if you wanna merge multiple teams together, it is always a good idea to use proper glue, like this setting. 

8. The third formation with the INTJ; INFP; ENFP; ESFJ aka the Fire and Water(Brimstone) formation. Being an INFP-T this is MY kind of Formation to Duke it out UWU <3 ^^ What's the problem with this one. It has 2 Tricksters in it, 1 Leader and 1 CLeric. So the Leader has his work cut out for him, to challenge and keep the Tricksters apart, lest they rip each-other a new one. The Architect; The Mediator; The Compaigner The Tetsuya Kakihara type; and The Counsil, you can make broad brush-strokes to make your own Isekai-MMO or something along the line... :P It will never be dull and boring with this kind of a team. Because it has both qualities of Fire and Water; Jin and Jang. Very Zen, in my opinion... also very hard to handle, because both tricksters are a mouthful and demand a lot of attention, to be on the same page and at their best game!! If it works out, the Architect will feel like forming the Matrix itself, while having unlimited Neo/ John Wicks at his disposal, who can identify any singular event, thanks to the Counselor being at their 6. It provides for synergy which is really good for gaming or developing. Or just for throwing ideas onto the wall. Something will always stick. ^^ 

9. The Trigons are the Dark teams, with the minus colon, for missing a link. Sometimes you can't get all the members together and have to wing it with what you got. The First Formation is ISFJ; INFP; ENFP. Instead of the INTJ this group is lead by a Tank (ISFJ) which provides a unique synergy trying again to keep the two tricksters working together, which can be troublesome without any clerics in your team. But hey, if the Defender feels up for the task, it can yield amazing rewards, exalting the Tank to a Paladin/Evangel level. This team is pure spirit incarnate. It either makes it or breaks it!! Depending, what you add to that team, you can have intriguing synergies. 

10. INFJ; ISTP; ISFP or The Advocate; The Virtuoso; The Adventurer This is like a vigilante tag team. If you can have your lawyers with these traits, it would be a killer move, especially if they are good. Your opponent wont know, what hit them. Sometimes it doesn't matter, what you say, but how you say it. Having these people, with high oral skills and imagination and judging in one team, is like the invention of a new colour or sound, what nobody thought possible! Its very hard to suggest anything to this radical, because it already works so well. ^^ It can be bad in passive settings, there is no clear cut mission, or there you have to fight in the trenches. For that reason, maybe a Tank unit to have more brakethrough powers like ISFJ or INTP; This allows to better procrastinate. The most mental distress happens, then people have to wait for that important memo or data, before they can go on. On those times good fishermans stories are a go, but unfortunately, people who work with their minds, are not able small-talkers... You could add another trickster, if they get along, but I don't know its a good idea in other settings. 

11. INTJ; ESTJ; ISTJ or The Architect; The Executive; The Logistician. On their own, this falls dead flat, because these don't get shit done, unless they don't have a working company to handle. Its basically your cup of Instant HR. Try to avoid this setting, then you need to send people on a field mission, because they will take over your company or fuck the assignment up. Also there is the danger of infighting. Have you ever heard of the saying two hard stones grind no flour, well three hard stones really put the dot on the i. It could get things done, if there would be a clear cut hierarchy though...

12. ENTP; ENFP; ESFJ or The Debater, The Compaignent; The Councel is a good line for a bar or a homeless shelter. Missing a link here, helps it out fitting in. Especially if you're offering high-end and adult stuff. It would be also a hell of a performance trio. In fact, it would work poorly, if more is added to the concoction, because then the game dynamic would change, and I don't think, those participants would take it lightly. 

13. If you mash the Types together this way, it will provide more in-depth results. No type is there for itself, but to fill a task in the team. Group-thinking also helps you to learn new things about your own personality. I would love, if some INTP or INFJ would look it over, to see where to amend this theory or make it better. Right now, its more of a thinking pattern, not really a sought out system. INFP on the hustle. OwO



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