Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Passive Passifists fisting on the gist, missing in the darkness, passionate convulcist. 

Rhys rugged crybaby was trying to be nice albeit the -ist. -Isming became spaced out spasming. 

Narcissist active in its compassion to loving-kind the ones what do the time, to comply; 

murmured the intervenue the internment revenue revenanting the diminutive wraithful of minute 

actions, what had nothing ado to small-talk two fucks around the "Aeoum" -- Fi; Fae; Foe; Whom; 

Caverns of the lost Arc I sacerdox for Gollum, for the one bling to woo them All. and I fling!


  1. https://youtu.be/u4l4mIeDfBg 5 Signs You're Not An INFP

  2. https://youtu.be/YgVZUhC20Zo 7 Lessons I Learnt in My 20s as a Highly Sensitive Person

  3. https://youtu.be/pWJnCgGmRuE Are You an INFP or a Sensitive Person/Empath With NO FRIENDS?
