Many Christians writhe missionary Prose, to be the one, that binds; why would you do thus, to sway people away, from their moral guidance and spiritual core. The true self of I! Everybody deserves, their light amongst darkness. To be the One, who like the gods, do fabulous things... Release your shame and abandon your murder, be your own Good and Evil, to go beyond the boxes and checkmarks. Be the cross, that releaces from the tomb, those demons and wraiths selfimposed. You are your limitations and desires.
Be released form your despair, to be not enough for your commoner goals. Be done with your guilt and move on from the mowers of alien lawns. Be your own law of atraction, be your own Shepherd of lost sheep. Do your thing and believe in yourself, for there is none to be doing it for you, but yours singed.
Me; myself and I -- be wanton to success and make no excuses nor draw lines in the sand, to halt yours worthy pursuit and advance. Raise your lance and pay the Piper, to hear the fat lady sing. What is right and what is good, is worthy of sacrifice and trust. Know what you believe and move towards it. Embrace the Bitch and be it par Excellence -- own up your mistakes and shortcomings, making them your strongpoint.
No heroine was made in a day, nor by giving up and womansplaining, how she didn't get enough chances and lines. Why would others hold your hands and patronize you -- if you got what it takes, make your own bright and stunning future Mockingbirds and lullabies; make way, for your Worthy Kings/Queens way!! 10 Things That INFP People Always Do
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