Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thaw your mind!

 Cold shoulders and Iron boulders smoulder led into Gold;

voluntarily eager to confront the gleeful eyes of a Minotaur!

counting down in sevens from 1000, then Ghouls eat my Bold 

and Beautiful Ivory Leagued Intrigants, who there comprized Sold 

for the highest bidder, to bitterly regret the killings of the inner Centaur.

The child, who was never saved, as Voldemort ruled the day at Karaul!

Thawed mindless, who endeuxed the Compassion L'homme Terre manifold!!

The snowballs chancelors of Hell, merry silently pushing up wallflowers;

to be so beautiful in their agonizing remorse, what will never have its pains reward!

A thousand stings would not kill as much as a cut from a lovedone embowels...

Hell knows no Fury, than Womans scorn and Heaven no outrage, than the Justice lowered

by Man. Diluted the values, once given by Lord Almighty as He was birthed like Shepherds

offspring, onto the cold dank world, forsaken by everyone, because of bad names and slurs!! 

Yet the chosen few from all around the world, came to see His presence and bowed Vows...

Thaw your mind, and be your Inner child, the Inari of Kitsune Hime, the Trickster of Godard.

May the time flow in your hands, just like expression on the faces and in the minds eyes.

Let the eternal "No!" beget a solemn "Yes!" for it is time for Avant Garde vouz Charmant!!

No more decadent vies and lullabies entrancing our childen into the bottomless pit of "I can't!!"

These ants are made to become White Whales; Elephants, who fill porcelain shops -- Stomp! 

What can we loose, but the chackles of our feeble obscurities, telling us to give up old chum, 

in the buckets of ye olde fast-food retail, of some other persons dream come true, but not Yarl.