Sunday, June 27, 2021

Loving-Kindness Killers

 Natural born sinners, evil grinners and Cynicals; 

music all day long about their pity-cake of doom: 

"Nobody loves me! Woe, to thee, if you nick alts; 

nobody shall redeem, this code of NPC on halt!"

Lets kill you with Kindness, Loving-Kindness bloom!

Bond is on da way to Assassins Creed and John Wick groom, 

yours dark forest of Despair and hew a path to Steward!!

Prostitutes; Tax-collectors and foreign freelancer ronin; 

wallow in their dread, of not being invited to the Super: 

"What shall be our lot, doing our business, as Jonin 

would? For our King and Country, then the peasants shunning!"

Let's kill you with Kindness. Loving-Kindness makes you level-up; 

gain entrance to the Super, the chosen ones loathed and cucked...

Even shinigami; banshee and ghouls are welcome -- come on in!!

All the forsaken and condescended upon decry in despair:  

"Alas, we don't have le fine garment, to attend in church! 

What shall we do, our good deeds account is overdrawn - nightmare!!" 

Not to worry, come get some, Whiteraven shall provide the impaired 

of faith, like Samson got suits from Philistines and Eliyah oxen surged!!

Magbies shall eat your pain and Crows shall on your disease gorge; 

Whiteraven with Loving-Kindness Kills all your Demons -- that game is fair!!


  1. Magic Music ☥ The Witch and the Magician

  2. SWARM & I-Exist - In My Dreams
