Where does the Hero go, then it comes to following lord Jesus Christ? Where ever, the masses say: "They can't be saved!" ; "They aren't with us!" ; "They need to transform first, like we did!" The mission of lord Jesus Christ was uncompromising and dauntless. It offered something, no priest or teacher or zealot could fathom gatekeeping the borders of their values. Isn't it ironic, that those, have the most issue with gatekeeping, who do that against their opponents most. Heroic people can always redeem themselves and work from newspaper guy to CEO like the common trope in USA goes. Mundane people can't stand that, because they lack heroism and fervor, to go past of consuming values. Thus they have to toss dirt and mud on the Hero, to feel better, for not wanton for calamity and terror. The reason, why mundane people want status quo, it dost need no thinking. Every automaton can do it, inside the hivemind. Others think for you, taking away the responcibilities. You can't have values, if you're not responcible for living out them. If its always somebody elses fault, for you doing your thing, you don't really connect to your values -- you're merely attributing your Avatar state inside of a game account, being that very Avatar, not the person controlling and atributing itself. Others will do that for you. The reason, why people hated so much on the concept of Diablo 3. People want to make mistakes, while attributing their heroes in games, because that makes them learn the most, not then things are done for them through the right suit of armor or weapons. You'll never learn new strategies, if you don't get outside of your confort zone, which you wont do, if status quo holds fast. Good games kill status quo, like did Diablo 1 and 2 not hold on to it. You will get more pleasure and enjoyment, if you get denied things through immersion, better storytelling etc. That requires you to be able to read fairy tales like code, not like mere stories. The problem with people these days is, they don't understand trading card games being the emanation of law magic, what was of old. Previously people there able to use cards to connect to concepts instantly like castng spells. Nowadays its a mere game!! Disappointing really...
Then Jesus chose His disciples, notice how He didn't choose the stunning and brave amongst the descendants of Maccabi or the Pharisee or Zodokite. Notice how he embraced the challenge and chose Peter, a rowdy slurring fisherman, who acted before thinking. James and John, who also there known as "Boanerges" aka "Sons of thunder" basically moral zealoths, who also there fishermen together with Peter. Andrew the diplomat; Bartholomew aka Nathanael the Royalty; James Younger, the writer of the Epistle of James. Judas from Kerioth who became the antihero and traitor; Jude aka Thaddeus, the brother of James Younger. He was also called "Trinominous" "the bearer of three names" This was the alt-right Nationallist. Mathew aka Levi, the Tax-collector; Philip the stoic cynic, who probably was also a fisherman, coming from the same place as Peter; James and John. Simon the political Zealoth and Thomas the Mystic. Now look at these professions and look at the average Christian or Jewish group think or congregation or church, and tell me, if people still choose their teams like that. These days people only look, if they have enough INFJ or something else on their spread-sheet not the man or woman behind the number. And then they are upset, then God dost redeem and bless their numbers!! Lord Jesus Christ is seldom heared on those meatings, but its always His fault, then something goes wrong.
A true leader makes due with what he can get, not tries to get the best and most expencive material. Why is that important? If you work somebody up, who in his default was not worthy, you spend resrources but gain trust and loyalty. Normally, what I learned through crossmarketing, an idea lasts 4 years, before its workers or competition highjack it. If you invested in loyalty however, you keep your team, because, instead of going with the discount offer, they will go with you, for toiling with them, then they didn't deserve it. The reason, why the disciples there so fiercely loyal towards lord Jesus Christ, was that they had room to do mistakes and there welcome, at the time of not being worthy of the calling!! Try to explain that to those stunning and brave gatekeeper-Karens who only want Communism Now, with the people, who already can live in the Utopian world... Thus not understanding, why they wont make it in this world. If you don't hone the skills in this world, why should people believe in the there after, then they only can relate on your act with this world? That is the very reason, moral zealoths or even political ones, don't get no support nor trust from the masses. They constantly throw their coffee away to make their cup look empty, then confronted with the overflowing cup koan. They cannot fathom the simplest thing about zazen, while gloating and gossiping about it, as though they have mastered it. The more I hear about wisdom and such, the less I believe their accuracy, because companies don't relieve their insider information and patents onto the public forums, why would those people spoil their secrets like that?! And then they want more trust and support, being unable to keep secrets!! A true leader grows to be a leader, not IS a leader from the start!! That is the very thing, I cannot forgive to Myers-Briggs, for focusing on the leaders, who already are, but not on how they got there, to learn from it for the others, who are lesser and not so adept. You are not born a Hero or a leader. You answer the call, then required against insurmountable odds, because nobody else is around, to do it for you. One Man, faces that call, and throws away his shield and sword and hides amongst the women and children,. another takes up his and maybe dies an unsightly death, but gives the others something to live for, maybe retreat to fight another day. There is nothing pernitious of a self-sacrificing Hero, because that is, what emboldens and hightens the senses of a Hero -- the notion, that the next sip of air and breeze of wind and sunlight, could be your last. To live every moment as your last -- that will startle your enemy seeing on your face, and let you live longer!! But people cannot comprehend this kind of continous self-sacrificing to keep your life this way. People want to be granted it through status quo, and then their surprised, why things don't work. You will get, what you're willing to sacrifice, because people take issue, fighting a Man, who would go through dead bodies, to further his goals. They're rather on your side, to cut costs, if ever possible!! That is the very reason, men get Slutshamed while growing up, to make sure, while over-feminizing the populus, that no challengers exist. For the same reasons, Chronos ate his children, thus making the emergence of Zeus possible, who because of that very notion became the Father-God. Overtly feminized cultures and societies beget and bread Manly Heroes! The Arab peninsula, before Muhamed the Prophet was Matriarchy -- because the old wife of Muhamed, didn't want him to fall in love truly, she herself made sure, the young prophet would have 4 beautiful waifus, who cockblock each-other out. Thus she could forever remain in the prophets heart as the one and only True Love. And in so doing killed Matriarchy!! The more you fight the forces od chaos and cast demons on the wall, the darker the shadows and the more you have the things to fight in the society. This is the very reason, why future societies will again be Patriarchical, for Feminism overthinking too much and trying to difuse the situation. Thenever Women think like men, they loose their mental strongpoints. Women should never approach things directly but indirectly, through mediations like an INFP does, instead I have to see, that feminists do the INFJ or even the ENFJ thing. And that simply doesn't work. If you want to offer new insight, what undermines the old, you should encourage not antgonize it on the people. Then you antagonize people, they fight back, then you encourage, which means, you actully have to hear the opposite sides argument out -- which the Karens never do. Otherwise there would be not so many complaints about the topic and so many comment sections with disabilities. You cannot talk about the possibility of Democracy nor Feminism, then there is no option to choose Else. If you can do only the "Right Thing" and tell "The Truth" people will assume Else simply because you took this option away. That was the very reason, Arianism became a thing, for the Catholic Church not understanding the culture of the Germanic Tribes and forcing their Papcy down their throats, then they didn't like the idea of Kingdoms and Kings -- and the Pope looks like the King, from the outside, how ever much you gaslight, that this power is in the Name of Stewarding for lord Jesus Christ!! Sure looks royal to me... You get more shit done, then you keep your PR department lean and mean, because they consume the most resources. You don't need to win ALL the battles, like Pyrrhos tried, it suffices you win the decicive battles important for your brand and endgoals. The PR department is usually the place, which starts to fester and cause criticism the most and first, before it corrupts the HR. There is a reason, why Jesus worked with 12 conflicting characters, and not with 12 all-stars. Because they there conflicting, they there too busy dealing with their issues and had no time to take over the message of lord Jesus Christ nor shine in their own light as they say. There simply was no room for that. If you choose conflicting characters, they conflict energy can be furthered to your endgoals. If you know what you're doing that is...
Again! Where does the Hero go, then it comes to following lord Jesus Christ! The Grim and honest answer: "He goes fishing, for there is no place for him in our plans!!" Halleluyah
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