Spiritual ascension in Christendom, coming from Judaism, sprouts from self-sabotage. It begins with fasting, then you deprive yourself either from monetary funds (tithe) or physical nutrients, which is food. What people seldom understand, that our prayer times are also meant for this kind of self-sabotaging, there you eat wormwood and vinegar, Eze 3:3; Rev 10:10 The reason is, defragmentation and clearing up the cache. When you first occupy a space, so it cannot be filled with habits and aspirations, you inadvertently experience nihilism. The Void and Oblivious reality of God. Then you do that, the Ego starts appreciating the little things, you already got, but missed out, for seeking better things. Because Ego also wants to stay alive and not disolve in the Void. This is sometimes called the tunnel effect, becase in a way, you're killing yourself. All of a sudden, colours look far more brighter; ships more meaningful. Your own bickering over this and that irrelevant. Please let it be clear, you only get on the edge, to settle things out, not take them out. Just as TealSwan of YouTube correctly pointed out, your Ego must survive, or there is nothing to enjoy your ascension but an empty suit. It is true, lord Jesus Christ can use mortals like angels, who are in fact Holy Mecha Units, who can be used like we use cars, if God wants to go somewhere without disrupting that place with His energy signature. For if your energy signature is stronger, you will get the juice, while the weaker is loosing juice. That is one of the reasons, God restricted Angels from having ships with mortals, for a human is for an Angel like drugs or a battery/conductor, and the mortal will loose too much from such a ship. God can do that, but that also means, all the things, He intended to achieve through your Ego, will be lost. Not only misuse or nonuse of talents but misuse and noneuse of Ego will be pennalized after this world ends either for you personally or for all of us for good. You there created your emotional signature for a distinct reason, not as a mistake. Even Jossif Stalin and Adolf Hitler had a purpose in life, what the whole world needed to learn. For they became politically and socially possible, because the world was too greedy and selfish, not because they forced themselves on us, and there was nothing left to do, to stop them. We remained dorment and silent in our navel-gazing, because that was cheaper. Or to use Homer Simpsons words even at shotgun barrel point in the bar: "Why can't someone else do it!!" Things will always be shitty in your life, if you let someone elses Ego skulpt your inner space. -- Or someone elses talents. Know yourself, and why you're here in this world. And you can know, if you wanna lead, or if you wanna follow. It is useless to teach a sheep, how to eat meat and bite, and nonsense to teach a wolf, how to eat cabbages (Classical Soviet Cartoon reference) The World is filled with cabbages and roses, which one are you?
How does a Black Raven relent from his formal life and ascend in becoming Whiteraven? He starts selfinducing depression! By cutting ALL the ties with his family and lovedones. This is all a sacrifize for your dark God. It was especially easy for me, being born a bastard and called "Monster" by my grandfather. -- I have forgiven him, because he couldn't help it. I wish I could have done so sooner, not after seeing him broken in the hospital bed, with cancer in the groin and in the lungs and tooth fallen out. It was a ghastly end, for an ingenius architect, who's passion never resolved, for being born into the wrong system, which didn't approve his way. He would have been a CEO in America. -- Because all bastards belong to God. unfortunately I couldn't find the correct quote, its a long time, I confronted with the 5 books of Moses. Alienation is a good thing, if you want to wear the mantle of a prophet.
Here comes the confusion part. People assume, The Prophet is like the Pastor, the nice guy, you can relate and have dinner with... NO! NO!! The Prophet is The Mediator, between The Holy and the Mundane. So that The Holy can't do, what is happening right now in Israel and the Gaza sector, for being a Holyground. Then you get confronted with Holiness, it doesn't make your life alright, because Jesus Saves. Our perseption through the Cross, has made us soft -- because God in his kindness, made His Son experience the full Motherload, which people dost undestand. Elii Elii, Lemah Sabahtani! Then lord Jesus Christs was alienated from the Holy Spirit and El Shaddai!! to be in the Underworld for our sake... If you come in contact with Holyness, its like in Princess Mononoke, the demon touching you, because, demons being former angels, their attribute is still "Holy" They just lack the funds to assume their former rank, thus they deplete upon contact, to keep themselves alive in this hostile environment, there they react like gas discipating. In order to stop that, the demons commune with the physical world, and while they do their tricks, it keeps them stable. --You get corrupted, for not being Holy. Holyness, makes all what you are, come to fruition, just like the arab curse: "May your wishes come true." In the Bible it is found by "Fill your cup/your ancestors cup and godspeed!" A Person walking on death-row is Holy; a bastard, as said before is Holy; a minister is Holy. But this Holiness, dost come from himself but from God and the relationship with God. You didn't do anything, to account for that, neither in Good nor Evil -- God just chose so, without communing it through you, whether you like it or not.
The Mediator, or INFP-T takes the blunt end of life, into his very soul and Ego, to transform darkness into light, just as trees make oxygen out of Carbon dioxide. For if Holyness happens to you, You first receive the Audit. Or Moral Bancruptcy experience. Mostly then Nietzsche and Akutagawa expereinced it, being proud and noble creatures, they couldn't suffer it. It is always so much harder to humble yourself, if you have a long way to go, from your Ivory tower... That is the good part, why King Solomon or Jedidiah, (Friend of God) as he was called by his tutor., could master it, for remembering whence he came, but also forgetting it later, then he became too strong and rich. Smart and Strong people always forget their roots and think, they can fuck it better alone -- and are lamenting, why they end up in Eliyahs cave to commune with the Ravens!! Humility is good for your soul and Ego, because it preserves you for the people, and let them not see you as a hostile shadow lord, waiting to conquer all. Many calamities are selfinduced, because you there too awesome, thus the people started dismantling your drive, to be sure, it is not used against them. Because you're the Mediator, in between Holy and Mundane, people will notice, that you're the lucky clover, what makes things resolve. What do adults do, then they notice that on a child? They start abusing it and sending their gifted son to all kinds of places to stripmine the Good Vibrations. That is the worst thing, you can do to a Mediator. Because just as the Bounteous Kirin in Princess Mononoke -- an INFP-T dost give only good luck, he can also take somebody elses good luck and transphere it to somewhere else. Or simply give you bad luck, because he saw you do something, violating his ToS or saw your abundance and boredom. For that very reason, you should send that kind of a child to a monastery or other such place, to first learn control of that tendency. Otherwise that child will get tormented, difusing himself around other people, if he experiences giving them bad luck. Its not a nice thing to understand, that you must relent, to allow others to even get their chance in life...
I mean in video games, if you already have a purple gear you don't throw the dice on it, to maybe get a purple-green exclusive. That's not feasible, but in real life, if people see only their greedy wants, they would go there. Because they have only the "Best Intrests" of their child in mind. That is the one reason, I hate all talk about Indigo Children; Crystal Children etc. for it made me suffer in my childhood. Mundane people are incapable of reading that information, and will just smother their children out of expectations, that they got the next Nostradamus or Merlin!! You cannot force anybody to be The One, it has to be granted from Above. You could do all things right, and El Shaddai may still say: "Nope, I didn't have in mind to send one of mine there! You're good fam!!" You have to see it from the perspective of a CEO. There do you send your Audit or Finisher -- into the company, what is already making profit and don't need helping and micromanaging or into the place, there you could call it a day and cut the costs, to be done with it? So why is that, the most honoured and prestiged, who have no trouble in their mind, who only preach and worship with the righteous not with the wicked, Why do those always decry: "Give us a Prophet! We need a Prophet!! Give us times of Tribulation and we'll repent!" Ugh... You want the Day of Yahweh?? All the time Corona Chan was Procrastinating in the World was a warmup faze of the Day of Yahweh! Who else wants moore Tribulation? Please give your name up, so I could cleanse you from the Book of Life, because I don't want such a day. Because too many of my friends would die!! >#<
Let those be damned, who dare speak of the Days of Tribulation. You had 2000 years, to get your shit together; 2000 years to understand the Sermon of The Mount or the Prophets or the Law -- and you still need moore Prophets and time to procrastinate?? Fucking Why, Christians and Jews!! You shall not get a Prophet, but a Whiteraven, to cease and desist all of your medling, which only builds up your own lofty mansions but not the lives of the people, you there meant to serve!!
A Mediator is a servant of a servant, the private contractor hired by the contractor, who vowed to get the job done. Does that spell out, you got the power? No! You got the servitude!! You're Bob -- you get the job done, so others could bathe in thy glory, which is called "Theirs"! You only get the minimum wage. You do nothing fancy, just get the job done -- lest you upset somebody, with your ingenious moves, make them hate your guts and force you to search for straws to make bricks in Egypt.
You see yourself not even as the floor, but the basement dirt, in which the supporting beams are rammed!! You are invisible and without attribute; colour; face; smell -- just like the phantom 6th man, from one of my fav. Anime ^^ I love this guy and his Philosophy. A Prophet of Yahveh or a Mediator must be exactly that. The key ingredient is Teamwork. For you don't work for your own success, but the success of your CEO, who commissioned you for a task. Once your task is done, you're no longer needed there and are called somewhere else! Then the Mediator has roots and family, he acts as though he dost have them. Tomorrow you may ghost them all and go insane, to travel to Mogadishu or Gualalumpur etc. ALL you are and possess, belongs to your God, not to You! If you cannot suffer this, perhaps Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and El Shaddai are not your God... You do it for the sake of the Quest, not for the sake of the Booty after the Quest, for your Quest is never done!! Even then this world ends and you go to Heaven, you still belong to God and loose your name. Others will get a Holy Name, as promised, You shall be put into a tent and disapear, being the Gatekeeper of Heavens or whatever service God still requires of you -- or you could also hit Nirvana and become one with Nothing!! That's also a worthy option UWU You're in it for lord Jesus Christ, not for Yourself -- get it into your system already! If its not you, its ok. Not all Men must be Navy SEAL kind of Christian... Your drive and love to serve God, like the Tiger of the same anime I was previously referencing. If you cannot go into the Zone like him, you are unworthy of being the Prophet or Mediator. You will never unlock your true capacity as such!! You can be Gods Shield and Sword, which is given by God, whom ever He deems worthy of your Familiar serfdom, if you're willing to loose all, just for the right to serve! That is all, what the Mediator wants -- Eternal Servitude!! Thus is the Spiritual Ascension in Christendom. Any Takers ^^ Yeah, I didn't think so! OwO Have a nice day <3 UWU
https://youtu.be/Zlnemo7GmqU Hernan D'Ambrosio - Despues del atardecer (EP 2021) https://youtu.be/D63H5TNWnfQ Can you be both INFJ and INFP?