Lets talk about being the disciples of the Lord -- for that let us take John 21:15-18 "So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.” He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep. “Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.”." This passage talks about St Peter, who disavowed lord Jesus Christ thrice and now had to reaffirm his feelings towards his Master thrice. He also received three missions in this world. People love to talk about the Rock on which the church was founded being St. Peter, because its so nice to inherit or the keys of Solomon, allowing to bind things or let go in Heaven and on Earth. Just like little children are they, gussing about the police or agents flashing their badges of authority, how it has power and makes people listen, not understanding exactly why and how!
If you don't understand there your power as a Christian comes from, it is better not to use those kind of things, there you bind stuff in Heaven and on Earth, because you might get the same answer the sons of Skeua got, for not having their credentials check out. Your relationship must be intact with God, just as a Police officer or Agent must be according to the Law!! A corrupt officer or agent dost yield the same power as an honest one, what ever movies and such have made you to believe. One callout in court will show the difference. You can do more things, the more integrity and honesty you possess. You can either care about your Face and Self-Esteem, how people perceive you. Or you can take care of your Quest in this world, your duties. If you have to deliver the audit or serve the suit to somebody popular, chances are, it will kill your social life. While its a dick move to shoot the messenger, every good one learns to live with it. If you really wanna be the Knight in Shining Armor and do the Lords bidding, then you forsake, what you there in the real world. For that reason, Samurai tattood themselves, to mark, that they are no longer normies or peasants. And the regular people there afraid of them and kept to themselves. Nobody likes an Angel of God, because such kind can bring you good tidings, or death and despair itself. Why would you like such a person, who can curse you and 5 generations in your house?
Don't think for a second, you will do it for yourself! That there is a scoreboard with your score on it, to commemorate your awesome service. At the end of the day you get your pay for just doing, what was asked of you. You had the contract of wanting to be the Navy SEAL Christian, so what seems to be the problem? X^D There are so many Christians, who give up, because God made them bleed too much.
I once beheld Lora O'Brien of YouTube, talking in "Is the Morrigan calling you?" What are the signs?" And what can I say. ^^ I approve of her ways, explaying her goddess and how to approach her. It was highly informative and I recommend her content on this topic. Jahve Lord of Hosts is the same kind of Dangerous entity as is Morrigan. You need to offer real respect, the kind you offering to your waifu or husbando. Especially I loved, how she pointed out, you having to be on the case Every Single Day -- that Queen Morrigan, wont always show up etc. Which is the common royal trait. People are so used with democracy and living as equals, that they have forgotten, how class society works. Many such things in the Bible and other holy texts are written in Hierarchy. What does it mean to you. If you don't learn to respect that hierarchy, it starts to work against you. If you fail to deliver something, you deem insignificant, the force you are communing, may take it as contempt against him/her. And if its Yahveh; Hera; Hekate; Morrigan etc. A God, who knows how to hold grudges, you are in a world of hurt!! <3
Never ever ever, piss off your God!! UWU You can piss off other disciples, and apologize to them and your God, even clerics and priests of yours betters and do the same. But how exactly are you gonna apologize, if you pissed off the source of the redeaming quality. Especially Jahve lord of Hosts, is known to warp your mind, as He did to the Pharaoh of Egypt, to show His awesome powers to Moses and Israel, like a narcissitic sociopath mansplayining to his waifu and court!! You don't want to have this kind of God at your six, then you did something naughty!! UWU <3
Always fulfil your vows and try to avoid slurring, because it devaluates vows to other people. I'm one to talk about that, then I hiss and slur like Yosemite Sam, blowing my stack all the time, its still important. Jahve lord of Hosts is the God of Lawfulness and War. All his Angels are war-ministers worthy of dousing a region with fire, like happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. They there just guilty of being too proud, for their own good. Todays world is far more wicked, so I wonder what would befall us, if lord Jesus Christ comes back -- and dost find enough faith in His Churches to His liking! In accordance to the Sermon of the Mount, not some doctrine agreed upon the Pope or some other religious authority on Earth. Make an educated guess... :P
If you wanna be the Disciple of the Lord, you also must let others gird you and lead you to places which you dost like, as is also the rule of the Sabbath day. If you are not available to laypeople and non-faithful, then you're not really holding the brand of your team in high standards. First Lord Jesus Christ takes and takes and takes and fucking takes!! And perhaps then you get the scraps under the table, what the dogs missed... UWU Do you still think, you got what it takes to serve El Shaddai; Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? Is your calendar this available, thenever He calls you only ask to jump how high and where!! Can you be like this, or are you building up Your Success-story? I really pity those Christians, who think, they can have Their Lives next to serving Lord Almighty. However are you gonna deliver on that?
Lets see, who is totally possessed by his works and is a worthy example how much you need to give in order to be heard by your God and have your prayer even reach the courts of the most high? John Wick! If you cannot be a Christian, as well John Wick treats his assassin work, you will not prevail!! <3
You have to be Pure Willpower Incarnate, even if your Miers-Briggs gusses that you don't have that in your vocabulary. You have to find it in you and work really hard, even eat your heart out, to get what you need and want. In the Bible, in order to become a prophet, you needed to "Eat wormwood and drink Vinegar" because those are the words of the Lord. Inside your mouth they are sweet as honey, inside your stomache and guts their bitter as wormwood. You will do the same face, after drinking vinegar, then communing with the Lord. If not so, then perhaps you there talking to something else. Normally it wont be a happy day, because there is so much to correct in your personality. Even if God commends you, it means you can do better! There is no rest for the Champions of Faith, for work needs to be done!! Your God comes first place and your family and hobbies etc. come in seventh. All the other places are for those people, who are reaching out for Your God and you shall deliver, or else... I don't know, why people wanna serve this particular God. Sounds like the Master-Chief in Men of Honour.
You didn't accept this quest, to get a badge in a game and further your social life. You wanted to make a difference, so learn to live with that desicion. Loose everything, including your sanity, if you must, but not your true child-like faith to your God. Not to be confused with childish NPS Rees. ^^ <3 There is only You and Your God in this World, nothing else matters!! Can you do this, or will you give up? That is here the question. You will burn out, if you don't know this limitation of yourself. You are as strong as your willingness to be filled and imbued to the point of possession -- for lord Jesus Christ was also possessed by the Holy Spirit, and was tossed into the wilderness in order to receive His mission -- can you empty yourself until the point of no Mind and no Ego? It is true lord Jesus Christ likes you more, if you can have your own opinion and mind, but in the heat of the moment, you have to be able to shut those down, to let the Holy Spirit take action, like in Yugioh anime series the ship between Yugi and Yami-Yugi. This is the very reason, I love anime and manga so much. They are on point with this kind of topics, progressivists miss out on, for trying to be in their Utopian Dream, but not seeing how they gonna get there, standing in front of their Mirrors of Erised!! I guess they didn't learn the Potter lesson, of not wanting to use the thing but have the thing. Its a big difference, if you already ate the cake, you still have to bake, or you first do it and then start honestly sharing, who gets what piece!! People tend to love, the guy, who shares and minds about others opinions more, than the one, who does everything himself. Because if you do everything yourself, there is no social life and room for the others, how can you even be mad for being left out of theirs?? That is, there the SJW mess up, first being toxic in the environment, and then Responcibility along with Consequenses, comes haunting their freshly dug graves. Your Word, is as valuable or платной (the caller of shots), as the russians say, how much heat you can pack and shit you can deliver. If you're not willing to do the time in servitude, then I hate to break it to you, that account is overdrawn and the writings are already on the wall!! <3 UWU Nothing ventured, Nothing gained... but You wanted to be the real deal? Think about that and Godspeed <3 ^^
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