Normally Myers-Briggs are used, to verify your spiritual gifts, for congregational work or other such. If you have studied the questionaire long enough, you have noticed its fundamental strong -- and also weakpoint. The asnwers are given in a scale of +2....+1...0...-1...-2. Why is it both strength and weakness? If you're honest, it encourages you to come forward and give more accurate answers. The Good answers are in the sidelines, then you vehementely agree or disagree with the question. Mostly people like to keep it on the straight and narrow, to remain nice guys. Yeah! Good luck with that ^^ This test was devised to specifically pennalize nice guys. So If your answers wobble in between on the +-1 to 0 area, don't excpect a really accurate reading. Because you're still gushing and mimicking others traits and energies. Just like with a compass, if you use it next to a tank, you get one reading, if you use it on an open field with no iron around, you get a whole different reading! Now pay close attention. Your Family has a unique Myers-Briggs as an entity, what can alter your stats, based on your wants and needs... All them apart can influence you, given they're dominant types. Dominant types affect Submissive and vice versa. If a Submissive type acknowledges his/her role as such, that will in turn influence the Dominant, who can relieve stress etc. Because normally people bitch around, trying to play all corners like a libero in Soccer, while not listening to the coaches gam-plan and then being upset for the triple red cards. If you're trying to go for the multi -- its always your fault, not sticking with one Myers Briggs and not being entirely honest. All those types come with their perks and side-effects, Also your nation can have a separate reading. For instance, USA supports INFJ the most, because they like CEO's and Capitalism. Because of it, all people in America, are slightly proclivited towards it. X^D The Germans are mote like ENTJ "The Commander" France is like ESFP "The Entertainer" Japan like ISTP "The Virtuoso" There was a time, then France was, the Virtuoso, but that has long been past, due to succumbing on their ridiculous understandings of Liberte; Egalite and Fraternite, what would make their ancestors cringe... -- what can't be negotiated about. If you wanna be more, you have to suffer your minds boxes; offices in and around and overcoming them more. Just like an athlete on a workout. Others are not coming to push those weights up, so if you're in love with the Orcish 8-pack you have to train like Hell, to get it. The same goes with mental faculties. There is a time, then people can have multiple personalities, and it has been docuimented. Its called Exam-Stress Disorder, then somebody has worked his/her mind out so much so, to prepare for an exam, that he/she starts lapsing in and out of the dream state without contol. Some people start talking in tongues, others develop skillsets not natural to them or start talking with people, who are not in the room. etc. The point is, if you can pool your mind into a 6 year old state, while holding it under scrutiny and stress, you will eventually enter "the Zone" what Kuroko no Basuke was talking about. You can even enter "The Zone" "beyond The Zone" aka "The Zone of No-Zone" there physics and reality peel off the ceiling and wall, like paint. Only much faster... Remember, don't try to solve it, like your answer is, but how to score high. How to make it reality, thats another statement. Now you have to do a lot of Gestalt Therapy; Behavioural Analysis and -training with yourself, to get the wanted traits. This is also the reason, why many people don't trust this test. After 125+ IQ it becomes relatively easy to cheat in that. It only gives accurate reading, then the teacher fills it for you, to avoid cheating. For that, the teacher must really know the class, and let them do various things, letting them not know, that they are being read. Only that way, you can rule out the cheating probability. But hey, if you give those answers yourself, based on your moods, you can be anything you like, as long you respect the test enough and pay close attention, taking notes, on what you actually agreed on. If you're a Christian, lord Jesus Christ will definitely askew You, about the Myers-Briggs different outcomes, and why you had to undergo them for no apparent gains, then you enter His courts. If you can face that, then its all good fam, "keep doing your thing, you cracy kiddos," like Lucifer Morningstar said in front of an altar. I believe it was S1 Ep. 1! MURAMASA 【村正】 🏮 Japanese Trap & Bass Type Beats ☯ Trapanese Lofi HipHop Music Mix ~ 600K Sub Special
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