Misunderstandings are the lifeblood of intellect. Its very hard to comprehend, I had to learn it from all the people possibly, accessible to a Chrisian Youth -- from Nietzsche the AntiChrist!! Why do misunderstandings happen? Because we assume something, and instead of asking the source about it, we fuck it run with our peers, who might have a corrupted view on the topic. If somebody has a crudge against you, he tends to not see things indiscriminantly, from all the possible angles. Because he's own way of life is at stake. For that reason, Nietzsche embraced his bad guy role and started playing the AntiChrist, but his mental disease got the better of him, infused by the injuries suffered from war, the he was tending the wounded. Some sicknesses can augment your depressions or mental deficiencies.
Highly intelligent people have this problem. All their life is like this perfect tone. There are no ups and downs. No just anger, and going on a tangent, because you see all the sides equally good and well. So then somebody has a fight, its like white noise. It can drive a man insane. So what can an empath do, then he's faced with this problem, there every side is equally good. -- He starts misunderstanding! Being able to take things out of context allows the Empath to survive, brecause now all of the sudden, his perfect tone, is not so perfect anymore. It has riffs. Because of those riffs, the Empath can experience highs and lows, and those get them out of depression and allow them to feel something and have real relatable feelings. Seeing things only from our perspective, is as good as our eyes not having the Madeye Moody range of view. Having an clearcut opinion, is what makes humanity possible. Not that we can have all the colours, looking like rainbowsanake Amenomurakami!! That's why it is good, that we have four seasons and 2 phases per day. It keeps life flowing and don't let one energy smother the other. That's why I can like zen; Jinyang and other such theories. They are in balance -- also the Western theories, because they are out of balance. I use a stereoscopic imprint, there the balanced is confronted with the unbalanced. This is the Reason, why Songoku goes to the West; why the balanced Zen-Master have to go towards the SJW millenials. Because opposites draw each-other and suplement for the betterment of both sides. While I loathe the SJW's it is probably true that only an SJW could satisfy me as waifu material, because I would not take anybody else seriously enough, to stay in this world and not hit Nirvana. I have noticed, that I tend to only make a fuss about one prticular kind of people. I guess our issues are drawn to each-other and suplement well >//////< Who would have known? Well it became obvious, how much I liked the Griffindor Girls. Hermione Granger; Ginny Weasly; Angelina Johnson. That this is my proclivity. SJW girls. After all, Slytherinians always loved the ones who broke with establishment rules and blood ties. Although for that realization to dawn on you, you have to go in depth, because unfortunately J.K Rowling being a Feminist, don't approve that, thus she never wrote a single love story between Griffindor and Slytherin but the Severus Snape and Lily Evans. It deserved to be drawn out more, but this author was never good at tragedy to begin with. In any case. Embrace your petty feuds, there is a reason, why God stays out of Mans busienss, allowing them to do their rights and wrongs. Because acsension is not possible, then "everybody" are stripped onto the genius INFJ level. There is a reason why its a 16 type system not a one or 2 or 4 type one. All of the colours are meaningful and make the others even better. If you focus on only one colour, it becomes rigid and psychopathic. Because all the other characters negate the predatory impulses. Just like the jubgle flowers smell best in their natural habitat, and not in a vase. Thank you for having this meditation with me, I wish you a good day <3 UWU
https://youtu.be/2Jb-vTb3xF0 The INFP Dark Side
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/I-qN3ksfJi4 INFP Self-Bullying - Why INFPs Treat Themselves Badly
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/4HbcoKGaMPk Õnn on Sinu Elu Eesmärk! Tahad teada, miks? - Teal Swan