Let's talk about turning the other cheek. The most controversial teaching, lord Jesus Christ has given unto us. Why should we not fight evil, with its own weapons, to let it hoist itself with its own pretard? Because, the more you escalate, the more you get riples, that confront your escalation. Thus you need to de-escalate. Sometimes its not wise to confront a chargin bull head on, and see, who has a bigger and thicker scull, but do a sidestep and let this attack go to waste. Then ever you embrace, what you really are, don't let yourself be shamed nor intimidated from your true goals, then you get your true power instated on you. Ego can confuse oneself, by stating fears and calamities, how other people are vectors or threats. The Heart and guts knows better, that you should just let go and submit to your desires and let them flow out of you. Become like Water, as Bruce Lee once said, and make your craft resolve. Work your thing every day. Treat it, like a lover does, spending more time with what you want, not what people say, you want, nor what offences or misunderstandings it makes them find in you. Why should it be your business, to give a fuck, that the mosquito has a problem with you and is out for your blood? Shoo it away;swat it or use proper clothing and ignore. Let it be the mosquitos problem, why would you accept the problems and trouble of others, if its not yours offence?? Give it back to the caster with regards. Even then you die, for your way of life -- oh, how much more savoury that life actually is, compared to those sad NPC, who there out to end yours. Why would you help em out, in ending your Fun. Keep going and never look back. TealSwan of YouTube understands! UWU Halleluyah, what a day to be alive <3 OWO
https://youtu.be/c3dVu2xOZyw Lose Yourself - Rumi (Powerful Life Poetry)
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/Ay9WqzyoNjY All People Want Power - The Truth About Power
https://youtu.be/z3kXEBR3d4s Are You Afraid of Desire? The Truth About Desire - Teal Swan
https://youtu.be/feb62NZJ_3w SUBMISSIVE | Dark Techno | Cyberpunk | Industrial Mix
https://youtu.be/KtJoH4cMPZs Creativity and the Pursuit of Excellence
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/Nje--J7fsfw Genius or Madness? The Psychology of Creativity - Professor Glenn D. Wilson