Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Trick or Treat

 Menotaury Alpha Kentauri, minute in the entowering sadness; 

Anima going Vivaldi, vide la cida loca, the bleech dripping on your lips: 

"I didn't eat nothing!" Nobody was exhumed, to be muse for the accused.

The 4th wall fourthcoming in the meltingpot of Gold weighing in tinsoil; 

spoiling the glittering prizes, with wars on the toils, embroiled within your soul.

Alba Mater was sowing an Albatross into the other side of the serpents sliver; 

fashing the hashtags of toes, that pointed in directions of notions to intertrade...

Mercury was falling for Marie Curie and ate sweetheart periods of Rice-Curry! 

The liaison of Corason and Poison, there ado for a raison d'etre to raise the plead; 

Mayday in your hour of need for speed, the sugar-rush had to fuck your thunder!

Indeed, alas, the LSP, which hunted for the D to poison the I am Wells for the Wick-Tory.

Ed; Edd and Eddy reverse psychology lobotomised into a tomygun and going postal. 

I'm gonna goofy on the block to chip Mungdal+Endive=True Lvov Story, Sancta Cruz!

As the snackronomicon sacrileged an alleged disposal of your tastepuns going zorg. 

Backwards logicians forwarding my Love-Nuclear-Bombs called LNB for the thong side 

of seeing the funny bone in lifes cherry picked dark sides, a Sith lord cannot Jedi-project!

Kabuki theater, going a la carte, to scaramouche the Cara Mia and Caravaccio for the Harlequin, 

Picasso didn't see in the Queen, for not being in the same age nor sage, insatiable and outraged.

The mushy rooms, there black, white and red -- Balzac in honor of the Astral Plane of Senecatists, 

didn't wanna cross with a cat and a hare, splicing the date in a dare with the devil on Ballsdeep.

Some Masters of the Universe Cited the theory, that only Mothers and Bladders may Farther all, 

to destroy all reform, conforming the informed deformation of contorted in the consortium sorcery.

1 comment:

  1. Jung, Alchemy and the Tree of Life - Eva Rider
