Monday, June 14, 2021

Loose -- Ends

 All Wells what loosens well. Making ends meat, some Ents seem meek;

In the bleak glimpse under the Beak on  the breaking habitual sin, I creep.

Poisoning the Farewell to arms race, for the bearhug, chasing the Bullshit...

Swelling the lanterns, to allure the lost souls to Ost the cost to combust the North

dust, I dost the chosen host -- most meatings, Me; Myself and I had to Yahweh, 

aher asher aher -- ma bama ba -- Baba Yaga -- Kame-Hame-Ha -- Bruhaha.

Chokeholing in one stroke of Genius maddened in the glee of bladdered cocktails 

feels of nature and Pedigree, singing Podagra Supreme, for multitasking is asking Queer!

Many dismay and say, Nay -- Not Gay, but Thus Slay or Pray -- should prey the Norwayed

dung, I fermented in the Crayoning sulfurous display. The words lost all bounds and rampanted.

Departing for Hells Kitchen, the Grandmother of all Evil, besieged me, to give her a kiss on 

the other cheek. I bleaked on the outsome of wreaking Havoc on the lucky streak, raising the Steak!

Butterfly cuts on the director, who played too much Barbie girl for the criminal blond hierarchy Kendo 

going back to the beginning of Matriarchy. The Arch of Orocha was Covenanting for a new Pope... 

Her holy name was both male and transformer part of Angelic Nephalem, to blame it on the INFJ; 

who wanted to INRI the INFP-T and WMCA. Instilled the darkenss around God, to draw the light 

closer, but the fiends and friendish laughters even more closer. Lest one Jobs friends be molested.

All loose ends must be loosened, to fill the cups to the brink and overflow the valve and Trend; 

procrastinating the Precursors off-End, eyebrow the rend flesh psychos going Nacho libre and inwend. 

As the cup becomes One with nothing, discipating all inert gasses inside, the glasses glossed overt, 

the abyss overboard and inbound the lost score. Wild Loose Faze out the maze of the Minotaur-scout.

Knocking out of zounds, legion of despairados, disparaging the asparagus, to Angus the  August Anjou.

Pretend to be a rainbow of colours and meanings, while not menacing to redeeming any of the gleamy; 

how should this Speedy Gonzales get Everybody Diaz in Blood2 going Meblue without virtue res-ponds allocating funds, in the crypto current of Ultima Thule and Wingardium Leviosa raising the kilt.

Lowlanders wanted to Claymore the jars of clay, bored and had to swear allegiance for the York-whore.

High and Mighty Jackrabbits desided to Manhole the NaNaNa in StrontsiumNitrate and have a Hanabi.

Sakura blossoms and blew up her stack, to find Naruto Uzumaki, holding hands with Sasuke Uchiha.


  1. Darksynth / EBM / Dark Clubbing Mix 'πƒπŽπŒπˆππ€'

  2. Invictus - W. E. Henley (Powerful Life Poetry)

  3. Is Madness Always a Mental Illness? - Nietzsche and the Divine Mania
