Monday, June 7, 2021

Shredder & Whiteraven

 This is the TMNT parody setting, there just like in Karate kid -- the female one, which sucked, Splinter agrees to train the niece of the Frog-Emperor, because her attention deficit disorder and multiple personality conduit, for playing around with an ancient spellbook. (Don't do drugs) Whiteraven will pull through in the end, while being three mouthfuls on training, getting into petty feuds over nothing and thinking herself top of the food-chain (Don Quichote) in the end accidentally falling in love with Shredder an edgy cis white male rich delinquent playing Communist. Having pointless fights on the street over much ado nothing, to gain some street cred but mostly being abused by the system. Eventually Shredder will abandon the foot clan, who in turn clone Splinter and assassinate the original blind splinter. Devastated Whiteraven tries to surmount feelings of vengeance and what Splinter has taught, while figuring out her true feelings and path in this life, not the agenda posted by others. Eventually ending up sacrificing herself for the loved ones, finding her nindo and insiting a rebellion against the Black Splinter clone, foot clan and the cult of the Octopussy (Khtulhu=Villgax=Bond supervillain) On the charred remains of Nicolo Tesla . The foot clan worships the 8 tendrils of darkness. Each are a different rainbow colour and ability attribute of traits SJW possess, like cancelling; Karening; doxxing; gaslighting etc.  And they believe, Whtieraven is the second coming of their Chosen One, who needs to get Woke. And so on... It should be hilariously funny.

Whiteraven is an average SJW 24 yr. old chick with snow-white hair and indigo-green skin colour a 14 yr. petite appearance and personality. Begrudged and angry at her peers, for being taught, that all is mens fault only she can save the day. In whitch the other turtles and Splinter have to get her down from the high horse teaching her the ropes about teamwork and discipline (Kung fu) To make her spirit more livid, here's a hentai scene of how they met with Shredder. 

Whiteraven is begging for trouble and rubbing herself off on Shredder, who can't take this anymore being a betamale, and ends up fucking Whiteraven:

-- "I can't believe, you took my virginity!"

--"Pull it out now, comoon, its not a safe day for me!!"

-- "I can't, its stuck, my hips are moving on their own accord..."

-- "What you mean, its fucking stuck? You can't come inside, I'll get pregnant!"

-- splurt argh

-- "What the fuck did you just do??"

-- "Nuff, sorry, my bad..."

-- "btw. I was just joking, fam... nice workout."

--"You seriously killing me... hold on now... I would fuck your lights out,... alas... I'm out of juice."

--"That's the spirit, Shreddy..."

they get startled by the other turtles and master splinter, who are disgusted finding them together without clothes on. Splinter rips Whiteravens head off and shits in her neck, for forgetting his teachings and makes her apologize for such disrespect.

-- "Sorry it wont happen again!!" leaves scene

--Why am I distraught all of the sudden..."

After a pep talk with blind Splinter, Shredder finds out, Whiteraven is an adult, but like a child, who likes playing with peoples feelings and assumptions about sex. etc. 



  2. The Bad Boy Trope, Explained
