The more I think of it, coming from my place... >////< its not that I enjoy writing positive commentary. but argh, whatever, you try to find something wong with it. I seriously hate you right now, Studio Ghibli, how are you even doing it. Are you having some kind of a computer cracking trope codes, to make them into anime, to keep me entertained? All I can think of, then I watch this -- damn, why can't I die and be reborn in there!! Why did I deserve to watch this Masterpiece. I know, I have been naughty all my life... There is nothing, what a security officer dreads more, than to do his business absolutely right -- and still somehow end up on top of a Karen, getting himself fired! In a way, that's what befell the main protagonist. He didn't have any beef, with the peope, who attacked the boar or his allies. They there themselves living in banishment and evading the Emperor. Nothing ticks me off more, than to see, somebody do his thinf, for his willage absolutely right -- and then getting a curse on top of it! Now, don't get me wrong, while its rare -- normally you cannot curse an innocent, but if God Himself wants to wager with the devil, as happened to Job, it can be done. In that sense, its not a foreign concept to me, its a good trope -- but I don't have to like it, while also acknowledging its effect on my mind. So I agree with the script. "The gods there laughing at them, letting the crownprince to save the day, but getting cursed for it!!" How do you even feel inside your head, then you know, its not your fault, but here's your snake eyes have a nice day and fuck you later! I really envi the Japanease culture. We Estonians have only "Kalevipoeg" to put next to it... sigh disappointed otaku noises UWU I was just glued to the screen, crying my eyes out, then the prince had to leave, receiving the Obsidian Dagger to wear around his neck. Its just not fair. Sometimes, then Using my favorite dictionary again. What you mean, no hits on Supreme God and Holy Spirit!?! Lets see, act of God - Fukakuryoku; God - Tentei; Kamisama; Jouten; Joutei; tenshu ... thats a lot of names. How do you even cope with so much Words? We in Estonia only say "Jumal" and everybody understands! Its not a complaint, the Hermione Granger side of my soul is rejoycing right now. I guess I have my work cut out for me... Coming back to fukakouryoku -- it translates itself as an irresistible force not just an act of God. Basically force Majore. Yeah, thats the right term I was looking for ^^ It normally is very hard to talk about religion with an Estonia, because it is believed to be bad luck. If you talk too much about those tidings (elves; gods; the devil) and don't offer proper reverence, it is believed, that trouble will start looking for you. So normally you wont find an Estonian, talking about matters of Faith, because of that. And then is the reason of 700 years of slavery; the Northern Plague specifically wiping out a large portion of my ancestors (mostly the scholar side) coming from Tartu, making the Tartu dialect a matter for the scholars also the gulag killing off our brightest minds. I totally feel kinship with the Eimishi people. Seeing the young prince, going to this wild goose chase, while being condemned by his own tribe, because of dvine reasons. Its much more enjoyable, than reading Job lamenting for so long, until the silent footsteps of the shadow of the lord soothe his soul. (Tenkei Ryouken Kamikage Joushitenjo) This Masterpiece was one of the reasons, I named my blog just like that. The others there Power Rangers and the ridiculous ways easterns name Dojo's -- it always made me laugh, how this or that school dared to name themselves. They definiely there'nt afraid of god laughing at them. X^D Even haughty men, sometimes put on make-up, to look better and more appreciared, I guess.... OWO
Anyway, on the road, which is a common trope with the Songoku (Monkey-King) going to the West. the prince meats a monk, who has to steal the head of a forest-God, to grant the Emperor immortality. No big deal, what could possibly go wrong there UWU Normally nobody doesn't speak up the truth, workign their own angles. It made me appreciate Rashomon both the movie by Akira Kurosawa and the Novel by Ryonosuke Akutagawa, the Nietzsche's Superman of Japan. I reccomend them both. It really gived you insight into the Pilat "Quid est Veritas?" problem then he had to interogate lord Jesus Christ, who only bears witness to the Truth. "To watch with eyes unmoved by Hatred!" that's some claim there, Ashitaka my man, you got some balls, brother... How you gonna deliver this godly quest, then everybody has a Face? Here I have to explain, what it means to have a Face or to loose Face. Its like the Brand of your company or the symbol, what represents you. People dont really connect with you, although today its an alien concept -- even after Matrix. But you connect through your Face. People don't offer respect to You, but to your face! The brand account, what sees your good and bad deeds in this life and your average attitude. Then people call up your name, this is the first thought, that pops up in peoples mind. Loosing that, would mean, that you don't exist anymore, because you have become a useless thing (Red Alert: Tiberian Storm) And useless things have a way of disappearing... The Japanese and the Chinese go to great length to hone their outside appearance and have a great sense of public shame. Not even personal shame, a concept known in the West-- but public shame, because you are the member of your Family, inheriting All good and bad things your Family has done. El Shaddai also curses and blesses five generations at a time... ^^ That was the common size of a known family bracket in Israel. Its very hard to carve your own path and make your own Face in that, not to mention, to glimpse out of your eyes without Hatred nor Fear -- the two demons, who have cast more holymen and women into the depths of Hell, than anybody else. It reminded of my own prayer sessions with lord Jesus Christ, then I wanted to follow Him, and He said back: "Son, you're begging for trouble!" UWU
Prince Ashitaka finds Irontown, from whence the bullet, what killed the boar, turning him a demon, for failing to protect his forest, thus loosing his Face! That's not any kind of town, its the town ruled by a Woman. Not just any kind of Woman -- muscet wielding and Harlot hiring kind. X^D Revy-Hime from Black Lagoon would be delighted to have such an older sister. UWU I really have to appreciate selfmade women, who carve their own path out -- not the SJW kind, by putting pronouns in the bio and letting their White Knight do the dirty work; or Government or somebody else -- while nobody offers you any place to put your head on to rest (Reference to Golgatha) I would definitely date or mary this kind of Woman. I'm not sure, she would want me. But this is the thing I'm looking for... OwO A Woman, who would cross paths with a God -- the previously mentioned monk, who was commissioned by the Emperor -- may his soul rot in Hell, for granting such a request. Lords always take responcibility, which orders they give out, and what their vassals do with it. Especially, if you're believed to be the Avatar of God himself. This monk, was a sleesebag, wanting to abuse the Irontown Lady, to do his dirty work, to be excused from any backlash killing God, while having a Royal pardon from the Avatar of God, to do so! Let that sink in. What a setting for an anime-masterpiece. This is worthy of Kurosawa and the other Giants of Cinematography. It also is very these days. The samurai are trying to wrench Irontown from its owners, to gain control of the Iron. A Mineral sometimes worth more than Gold, because, while it is easy to make Gold, it is hard to make resources, what can be used in warfare. So Mr. Nice Guy Ashitaka, has to commune with all those factions, not to mention the Wolf tribe and God of the Forest, and last but not least -- Princess Mononoke, the Wolfmaiden. A child sacrificed by her parents as an offering, then they there trespassing in the forest. And The She-Wolf raised her as her own. I felt about my birth the same, being unwanted and coming the most inconvenient way, costing everybody so much in matters of honour and respect. Its not easy, being born a bastard, in a Gaunt like setting, if to reference Harry Potter. Ashitaka must make those factions "Watch with hateless eyes!!" That's a Good luck (Taken) then I seen one ^^ It doesn't matter, that it should not be humanly possible to survive the things, Ashitaka did, already going to this Nietzsche's Superman errand, should not be possible these days. These days, people wanna drink soy latte and be hyperhumanized, thinking what the cake would feel, then eating it. Its a common Estonian panther joke. Suffer it, or you're too weak. Giving up yourself for such quest, even though, it was not your fault!! Yeah, try to sell that notion to Hollywood these days, who has a hard time making a normal TMNT rerun, what don't piss off the fanbase. Nowadays, they like people, who never hanged out with them nor wanted their business to begin with. That's some business modeling taken from the demagogues of Greece or Kilplased of Estonia. Why would you fucking care about the fake tears of someone, who doesn't even spend money on your thing?? How is that humanly conceivable? I guess, Americans have too much Money; too much Good Health and too much Luck to begin with, as the Russians say. Not to worry, I can help you out and give it to someone else ^^ Studio Ghibli seems to need your stuff more, so lets do a trade off. You, Hollywood shall get a nat 1 and studio Ghibli shall get a nat 20; Hollywood will be the nigger, in Ghiblis temple, to gatekeep in accordance to Ghibli ToS or loose his head on a pike. Maybe then you shall learn, how real movies are made. Now that this business as usual has been dealt with, lets go on with the Masterpiece I was enjoying so much UWU
And Ashitaka saves the day, while getting at the brink of death and still going on, until he also gets the waifu. Notice, how Ashitaka and Princess Mononoke have no fear, the Irontown Lady has no fear, but everybody else is full of it, trying to save their miserable lives. Even the boars there full of fear, not wanting to become lesser beings, who shall be food on the table of Man, but go out with a bang! In a way, its Nobel, but in a way, its also annoying to waste so much resources. Sometimes it is better to forsake your values, if it saves the Face of your subordinates, than follow through and take them down like Lucifer did in Heaven, being banished with his entire court, who followed him... That's not something worhy of lordship, someone should do! It doesn't matter, that the men and the women of Irontown, see themselves the most important. Its the ancient question, who was first, the Egg or the Hen. There is no clearcut answer, because its a circle. It has no beginning nor end. In the end Prince Ashitaka succeeds in his Mission Impossible and builds a new life on the corpses of fallen gods. Its a startling message, that our deeds have severe consequences and can't be taken lightly. Just like with the Jesus Loves You thing, what Chrsitians do. In the olden days, if God loved you, it was as good, as King Saul offering Captain David, the future King of Israel his daughter in marriage, and He accepts it with the foreskins of how many Philistines. Just because King Saul in reality wanted to kill the Future King of Israel with the enemies sword. But God loved him and he prevailed. See the difference, in those two concepts and you understand, why such Masterpieces are so hard to get by!! People like to get their things for free, not go to a Qeust Ashitaka style. I really like this Ashitaka fellow, its my kind of a worship, I've been trying to do in this blog.
Btw. Shoutout to Coffee In there I buy my Extra Espresso Cocoa shot Extra with chokolate. Its a good way, to chill a good workday or rewarding essay, I loved writing etc. If you like this setting, give me in the comments, what you want to see me responding next. Porco Rosso is already in the stars UWU 5 Subconscious Things You Do Make Others Ignore You
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