A man who hopes to buy faith with money, is more desperate, than a gambler betting on a loosing horse, fully knowing it to loose. True faith is expencive, for not having a price tag -- if you buy it, all your friends forsake you, your parents call you a fool, people avoid you on the streets and ridicule you. Faith is obtained through training and meditation. Thus many people mimic and fake it, to be friends with the World. Why loose it all, if you cannot even loose yourself for your goal? Why do people seek enlightenment Is there a job, what requires it? Is there a field, what requires it? Is there a reward, what comes to it? Enlightenment and Wisdom, is like buying a fortune and not having enough food to eat nor water to drink, nor a place to lodge. How many people can choose to alienate from all... If you love women and the booze, don't choose Enlightenment, for women and the booze hate enlightenment. One wants you to get drousy and agitated, pretending to be the master of the Universe, the other makes you a servant of the servant, the pillar, on which is founded the Universe, but who is unbegknowst to all! You cannot go two separate paths, which lead in oposite directions... If you choose Money, good, if you choose God, good -- don't choose Money and God, one will drive you crazy over the other, being jealous. You can't be married to two beautiful women. One will drive the other out, or you crazy!! People don't go to Hell, because they chose either Money or God, they chose both. And then they try to pretend, it didn't happen that way. If people there themselves, being happy about their lot, they would go to Heaven. But after choosing your lot, you see, that your neighbour has something, what you want, and you take it away. That brings people to Hell!! Not letting go of things, you cast off yourself, drives people to Hell!! Not understanding cost drives people to Hell!! Don't buy more things, you need nor more nourishment you can binge. If people would be happy, with what they got, there would be less conartists, like wolves die out, if there is not enough sheep and rabbits to go by. People feed and create their own demons, and then complain to fake necromancers and exorcists the problem. Get rid of the liar and the gossip dies itself!
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