Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Case on Lord of The Rings and its New Adaptation as the Fight of the Two Towers Ring inscription Cerebrimbor of Föanor Eru Iluvatar,_the_Witch_and_the_Wardrobe The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis Laulev Revolutsioon ja Gustav Ernesaks Tolkien Lore thoughts on "Rings of Power" Rachel Levine as the Woman of the Year Drinker -- The Death of Stalin Can the Rings of Power succeed even if you hate it?

 I don't mind, that Amazon made its horrendous take on the LOTR universe, because its good -- I never liked them to begin with, and want them gone to the dustbin of History, so it is nice to see Amazons worthy contribution of being and becoming Omega-Cancelled! ^^ the reasons run deeper, than just Amazon being a corrupt conductor, if to use Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Music Meister meme. In order, to understand, why is it so wrong, to insert politics into LOTR lore and make black dwarfs and shorthaired elves, lets delve deeper into the subject. 

What there the two sides fighting? On one side, there was Saurons all seeing Eye on top of his high tower and his hive-mind to force everybody to heel his vision. If you have read Silmarillion, you also know about the Song-Crafting of the World and the Master Mind, who commanded Sauron, who was but a leutenant of Melkor then. The Rings of Power there a plot, to avenge itself on the Exalted elves, for triumphing over Melkor. This is the reason why: "Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul; ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimbatul" (One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to guide them all, in the darkness bind them) That included the elven Craft, who knew nothing about Saurons treachery, then they accepted his aid, especially elwish runesmith Cerebrimbor, who fell at the gates of his own workshop. 

On the other side, fighting this Primordeal Evil, is Eru Iluvatar, the God who created all Creation in LOTR lore, although, judging through Estonian grammar, which is very close to the elvish language, being derived from Finnish and Welsh. The Tar ending is only used for female regal or common titels and names, like Kuningatütar -- princess or even tütar -- daughter. In Estonian, "Iluvatar" would be Warden of Beauties" one of the reasons, I fell for the lore and story of LOTR and Silmarillion later. I make no secret being a Tolkien Fan. UWU Tolkiens Friend was C.S. Lewis the author of and while Tolkien despized allegory, they there both Christian authors first, before anything else. Because of that, the fight between Good and Evil, was the fight between the American Dream and Soviet Union. Due to this, LOTR was banned in Soviet Russia as a book, which makes it no surprise, that those little would be bolshevics want to corrupt the classics, while writing "their own story" under the original title. They would be hit by a cease and desist order, was Tolkien still alive and well. Even if sold all rights, there is the thing about being "ungreatful" and "not respecting the spirit of the contract" what would become the problem with the new adaptation of LOTR. Amazon would be bankrupt if that came to pass, and can only do thus, because Tolkien is dead!! 

So Eru Iluvatar, created the World through Singing!! (Estonians had a Singing Revolution, which makes it even more special to us... ^^ <3 UWU) and everything was preordained because of that tune. The emergence of the Men of Numenor etc. The World as a composed masterpiece, there all participants still had free will. They could follow it and further themselves and be on the side with Elves and Dwarves (who there based on Jews not Africans; especially the stubbornness etc.) or forsake yourself and loose your colours to heel with Melkor/Sauron/Saruman (The wise man, who knew betters and became the chinese pig hoisted by his own wisdom) 

If Tolkien would still be alive, he would put all the CPR onto the lips of Saruman at the service of Sauron, because it denies true freedom and self-expression!! Especially to the Haradrim and other not so fortunate and privileged races. Thenever you micromanage a race -- guess what, you make its fate worse, not better, like creating the Uruk-Hai, didn't make things better, but worse, because they there more bloodthirsty and menacing, than the regular orc (Corrupted elf) for being a corrupted human bred together with a corrupted elf. Even the Orcs hated them being the foreboding meme about wokeness today, without the author ever intending it. It just happened that way!! X^D 

In that sense, the creators of Amazon are right, that Tolkien has only vitriol for them, but its their own fault, for not respecting the source material, or how did they put it so well. "It does not matter, what Tolkien has to say!!" ^^ How to make an adaptation, if the author like a general is confined into his chambers and the soldiers fight on their own? X^D Tolkien wanted True Freedom, unmolested by Race and Creed, even Christianity, the reasons, why he despised allegory, because not all there as eloquent as C. S. Lewis, who before converting to Christendom was a well established Atheist Author. The Problem with many Enlightened Authors is, that they first become Enlightened, and then try to become an Author!! Good authors do it the other way around. That is the very reason, why Amazons adaptation sucks shit, not even ass, but shit in the gutters of Californyanya, for it was never intended for the LOTR fan but to smell their own farts and congratulate themselves. ^^ In so doing they recreated the Sauron Philosophy behind the ringchant. They only want to seek out, corrupt and bind people in a hivemind, so they would make all the money (666 talents of gold in Bible, what King Solomon made annually 1 Kings 10:14 this quote is ought to be taken as a symbol for All the Money Humanly possible not literally) Well done indeed, Amazon, for being an fabulous example, of what the elves and dwarves and humans fought against! (Y) I hope you bring down the Western Movie and Book Industry, so I would not have to worry about you despoiling the youths mind and soul itself. It is betters to look at Japanese anime/manga or at China from now on, than to expect anything from the West, who has had its Akallabeth moment. Let it sink and remain dead. :o (Y) The only Reason, why you want to have a racially aware LOTR adaptation, is if you have lost your Soul; American Happy Thought and Faith in Democracy itself!! Only then would someone be hellbent in furthering that goal, and creating a World under the gaze of Saurons all seething eye! All True fans boycot Amazon and All who support them! That is all what remains to be said and done... its the case supporting true Americanism and Democracy there pluralist values are possible or supporting hiveminded Puritan Prudish droning there everything is politics and seethes people apart! Which side are You and how say Thou, faithful Christians and Woke people? God bless you and Godspeed UWU

Godspeed -- Moving at the pace and velocity of God, arriving always, then the time is right, getting your job done in the most benefitial and positive manner, a Brittish blessing to end letters, I have learned to adore so much, being Gandalfs favourite quote, which Tolkien transcribed there, as an Christian inside joke. Godspeed cannot be used in the morrow, because then it fares like a curse, (Luke 14:15) for you don't know what this day holds yet. If the receipient is unworthy of your blessing, it will come back to the caster. Mat 10:13


  1. Trnity depicted as the three-faced Jesus

  2. Youjo Senki (AMV) - She got two little horns

  3. Joe Biden is the Worst POTUS Styx! (Y) <3 ^^ UWU
