Friday, March 11, 2022

Nobody suspects the Spanish Inquisition Tanya with a Capital T Youjo Senki Gatekeeping Are all fandoms Toxic? 155 Japanese Proverbs

1 You are a part of community whether you want it or not. I didn't know liking Star Wars was state funded or sanctioned. Nor people craving for such fascist setting, but it is always nice to attack the fandom, by such an toxic presupposition, which you don't word out. That's why they are called Communities, based on interest. If a Community is not your thing, you are free to create your own, but that was never the case. The case was using the Community to share Agenda around like wokeness or Communism, not the interest what glued it together. If a Christian would do the same, people would immediately see the Spanish Inquisition at work! <3 

2. You get the cognitive disconance of sharing your community with people, who don't share your beliefs. 

This is a known Communist or should I say Bolševic move, of first accusing the victim of a sin, then creating that said sin in disguise, by fighting against it. The same was done by Mother Russia, then she annexed Crimea and Donetsk on the claims of the locals wanting it. In other words, you wanna choose, who is a genuine fan and who is not, based on their "beliefs" which might have nothing to do in watching and liking Star Wars if to further the used example. Are we talking about the Community or the Church; The Cult? A Community dost not need to stress out borders, and even different community members can like your thing. For instance, a Fairy Tail fan can also be a One Piece fan, but a Presbyterian cannot be a Adventist at the same time, because that kind of double citizenship dost not work. You could argue to create one with influences from various sources, but that couldn't be done from the inside, but from the outside!! Mat 9:14-17; Mark 2:18-22; Luke 5:33-39 Would again the Spanish Inquisition be a thing, what would be the World Record in calling something out by the Billions? X^D 

3. You get the embarrassment of outsiders lumping you together with people you dislike, if the fandoms topic is a big part of your identity, you can feel  that, it or you is tainted based on the presence of bad actors. 

Having such a take is a presence of bad acting. Would the Witch-hunter please leave the room!! Watching Star Wars isn't an identity on the same level as ethnicity, as such your human rights are not in violation, if you have to share it with people, who don't agree with you. In fact not having one Cult take over and deciding, who gets to like Star Wars, is what allows different kinds of people to like the show. Taking issue of peoples feelings, who are outside, lumping you together, with people you want out of the Community anyway, seems like a Psyop to me. What proves, that there is no connection between You and the presumed host lumping you together with the victims, you want out, in order to gain priority for a favourable motion? A true fan would not have the time to worry about, what the cake thinks, while you eat it, he would simply think about eating the cake. You would only think like that, if you don't like to eat that cake and look for excuses to undermine it for the rest of Community, to have something else, than eating the cake. Deescalation and walking away from a toxic convo have always been best in schooling edginess, while allowing people to learn the error of their ways. Nobody suspects the Spanish Inquisition... UWU 

The result is always Gatekeep the Witch-Hunter and Gatekeeper out, for we don't want no Spanish Inquisition regardless its new namesake!! 


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