Monday, March 21, 2022

The reasons why people don't like politics in their games

 In order, to tackle this question in a fair and respectful condition, I want to share with you a Soviet Joke, I loved in my childhood, what had inner meanings, what the censor always didn't get, because you needed to understand the speech, you didn't say. OwO The tale of the Hare in the Hardware Store. A Hare went to a hardware store and asked: "Can I buy 1Kg Carrots, please!" The vendor replied: "Sorry, this is a Hardware store, we don't sell carrots." The Next day the hare was back and askewed: "Can I have some carrots, please!" "We don't sell carrots!!" mused the vendor silently. Then the hare was back on the third day and asked his usual, the vendor snapped: "Listen, you little shit, this is a goddamn hardware store! We don't sell fucking carrots! I Hate carrots come to think of it.. . anyway. If you'd buy some hammer and nails, I would love to serve you, but if you come back for carrots even one single time, I will nail you to this wall!!" The next day the hare was back and the vendor was flustered: "Oh the fuck you want again?" The Hare just smiled and asked: "Can I have 1 Kg Nails -- and a Hammer please!!" It took some time for the vendor to process this, then he replied with a sad face: "Sorry, we're sold out and the next shipment is due, come back later..." Then the Hare heared that, he cheerfully probed: "In that case, can I have 1 Kg carrots please!! (In alternate endings, the Hare will be hoisted to a handle for the coat, and asks about the Gorbatšov picture next, if he asked for carrots too.)  

Without even having to explain, how this joke works, and which social criticisms there packed in it, people don't wanna see that picture looking back, then they play their games. Games are not meant to be answering to Hares, who want to buy carrots in a hardware store! If such a story is used as a meme and shown, how to overcome this obstacle, it would be a worthy social commentary and criticism, but if your game is filled to the brim with obstacles, there you need to know the Bible so to speak and shout Halleluyah or figure out, that the right answerr is Jesus Christ, then people wont tune in to your stuff. People want to shut out from politics, then they entertain themselves. I come from a Church, what was built to nourish the students of the Seminary of Theology -- for some reasons, people didn't wanna tackle the topic 6 days per week, to be rewarded a heavy condenced treatised as Sermon on Sunday. I loved it to peaces, and it was one of the reasons of my conversion, that I enjoyed exactly this kind of childhood and teenage period. Most normal people are off put, then you heavy duty them, like their lived their entire life in Holy Fire of your Message -- not even in front of the Message, but inside of It!! 

People need to look a game, like it was a painting, so they can gain ground and space -- you cannot do it, if there is a political; moral or Religious Message, what you need to agree on first, to even have the game. Remember Gulliver, and how to eat your egg properly? That is exactly, how the problem boils down to. 

Games are meant for entertainment, and thus can educate the people, not because they are meant as Education by governmental standards. Governmants give always standardized forms, that are giving a order, they want for the society, meaning you can only achieve one solution to get a good grade. A Game for a casual player, is only Good, if you can Fuck or Success it on your own pace at your own Whim and Style. If you take that away, you take the reason, why Game Industry exists in the first place. Even the Porn Industry cannot exist without a good and plausible storyline you wanna be a part in. 

The Fisrt reason, why political or"Woke" games fail is -- nobody ordered your Agenda!! You are selling a video-game and its story, not your message. There are ways, how to make a Political; Socially Critical and Religious message to come through, which is the reasons, why Bavis& Butthead; The Simpsons; Southpark etc. was cool at their peek, but who all succumbed to the sequel problem and trying to conserv their established role in the society, because they run out, of what to say.... Seconds: Your understanding in relying the Message sucks!! The Christians also suck at it, because at a certain money and prestige level, it almost seems, that the brains are diluted out. I will never understand the pride of certain Christian Directors, who could say this sentence: "I don't do it to have any artistic style or finesse but to get the Message through!" What say, oh what say!! Insert "Interview with a Vampire" Theatre scene of a mock court enactment. So meta, so reasons, why it cant be working. And people still err against it. You cannot get the message through, if people don't buy it!! 

Third, blaming it on the customer, then people have been nauseated with: "The customer is always right!" signs, but these come from realisations, corporations had to gleam from many lawsuits, that its not lucrative to challenge your customer at your own peril. Because you want the customer to buy not to be upset!! How does antagonizing your fan- or player base help in selling the product? 

In case people didn't get the memo, if to use the Batman meme: "You don't deserve anything from the People -- no money; no power no Nothing -- Just do your thing and be done with it, then move on!! Nobody died, to make you His Pope!!" 

Games are meant for Fun and Playing, not for scolding and nagging. The Soviet Union Collapsed, because it had become a morbid game, there nobody told the truth anymore, because that was called treason. Due to everybody Lying to the core, no correct data could be fetched about the status of the society and economy, and due to the warped agendas and expectations, the plans could go only one direction -- down the abyss, what glimpsed back into your soulless body, because the soul moved out a long time. Nobody wanted to be a Hero and do the right thing, because that endangered you with Gulag or just loosing socially and being pushed aside, teaching people to grift as a way of life -- which in turn made it impossible to acquire certain things, if you there a Baptist or some other religious person with a deathwish... and wanted to hold fast of your Faith and Values. The same will happen to the game industry, if it keeps banking on the Woke people and the Message. People will just learn Chinese or Japanese and move east, to have their Reverse Songoku story. You soon have nothing to sell, then the customer wont be there anymore, message or no message. It works in anything. 

People play video-games, because they want to tune out!! Because they want control! Because they want to tell the story!! Keeping them the useful tools, how to do that, is the building blocks of a Great Game. Why not make a Game, what is really a 

game level generating and editing tool. Game Companies should not be the idiots keeping all the market to themselves, they should sell out franchizes!! They should let the Game Player create more games for themselves on their platform. That is the future! Just like YouTube started, letting people to make their own videos, give people tools, how to have functioning Games from start to finish and how to bring different people together. One has compelling storyline; the other art or gamelogic etc. That's how the 12 Disciples of Jesus Christ there chosen. They shouldn't have worked as a team, but they did!! You can only sell games, if you really 24/7 want to sell Games. Then every ounce of your mental capacity and Love goes for Games!! Having the Message next to it, is very much like, recreating the Spanish Inquisition, in order to hunt for some fabled Jewish Well poisoners, because you cannot accuse the leadership and/or the hygene nor social life in general. Looking outside and not inwardly is the recepy for disaster. Get your shit together Gaming Industry or make way for something betters, what is already coming! Can't you hear its hoofbeats? Have a nice day <3 ^^ UWU


  1. Then people don't understand your message...

  2. This is how a good story should look like! <3

  3. "Based" FOX News Claims Too Much Meat can Cause Low Testosterone Ah yes, the Protein problem ^^

  4. Clarence Thomas HOSPITALIZED and Leftist DEMAND that he DIES! I hope he has a speedy recovery.

  5. Twitter flagged Texas AG Ken Paxton's tweets as "HATEFUL CONDUCT" for stating BIOLOGICAL FACTS!
