Sunday, March 6, 2022


Look, here I stand, send me! Your Shield and Sword, ready to serve, My Lord; 
give me your quest and run me through the treadmills of calamity and turmoil. 
As the mundane and ordinary life vains, build me up as your warding Angel... 
There is no other God, but You My Lord; I cast your enemies upon stone; 
and their infants upon hillsides. Holy is Your Name, and Holy is Your Coming; 
blessed are, who come in Your Name, who have washed their cloth in Righteousness!! 
There I shall see the martyrs of all, who have given account of your splendour; 
all the saints and faithful, who didn't bow down to Mammon nor false church. 
Only You shall stand alone in the Courts of The Most High exalted -- Holy Holy Holy: 
Yahveh Sebaot, His Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit!! The World is full of Your Honour! 

Look, here I stand, send me! Your Shield and Sword, ready to serve, My Lord; 
to protect the meek and to aid the heartbroken, then the shadow of death reigns supreme. 
The world is in turmoil and presinct is upon presinct, everybody does their own bidding; 
what is Good and Evil in their own eyes -- make me Yours Judgment, Adonai; 
the attribute and meaning of El Shaddai; to raise up the children of El Elyon!! 
With You, I shall jump over the Wall and raise to the ground ten thousand Champions; 
Only You shall stand alone, in the Courts of The Most High exalted -- Holy Holy Holy; 
Yahveh Sebaot, His Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit!! Take my Heart as Thy Throne!
One hour at your gates, defending your Honour, is worth more, than a lifetime in the World; 
Ay, blessed are those, who die in duty, for he who leaves his life for My Lord, vindicates it!!

Look, here I stand, send me! Your Shield and Sword, ready to serve My Lord; 
My heart shall know, neither mother, father nor brother, sister -- but your Will be done! 
You shall be my promised booty and my spoils of War, that my name is written in Heaven; 
Grant me My Will in Godspeed, to make haste and raise Sodom and Gomorrah to dust, 
for your enemies have risen once more, to make themselves a tower of Babel in spite You!!
Let none pass, make me a fiery furnace to your enemies; a flaming wall around your beloved. 
Only You shall stand alone, in the Courts of The Most High exalted -- Holy Holy Holy; 
Yahveh Sebaot, His Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit!! To bounce in, who are on the Crossroads. 
Think of Samaria, My Lord, for the Priest and the Pastor hath abandoned his position once more; 
may I be the cup of cold water and Manna from Heaven, your Bread and Wine, make it so.


  1. Jordan Peterson: Nice Guys and Their Tyrannical Fathers

  2. 「Kizumonogatari」→We Are The Hearts [AMV]

  3. Shuo Feng- Po Zhen Zi「AMV」ft. Habibi

  4. B̶̧͗E̶̗̓ ̶̞̽N̵̦̈Ő̸͜Ṫ̷̨ ̴͔͘A̶̪̿F̴͔́R̵͖̈́A̷̡̽Í̵̝Ḏ̷̚ - Biblically Accurate Depictions
