Monday, March 7, 2022

Go fuck yourself, Wizards and Hasbro Mono-White Diplomacy Engine Four Horseman Explained

A Good trading card game understands the following options. It respects its customer base, who produce revenue and don't antagonize them, by creating mechanics what forces people to throw the kitchen sink at the playing table. I don't care, you are making profit Hasbro, it can change in the future, cause I don't like you. (Star Wars Thug talking to Luke Skywalker) 

There should be a way how to limit token generation, the same way there is a limit to duplicate cards in the deck. How hard it is, to make that figure 4?? And make a bravado effect, what overrides it for one turn, cancelling all extra turn mechanics and loss impair mechanics, while this last stand is active, if you wanna floor it. And if it isn't enough for the win -- well, then you loose! Its not fun to see tokens being generated as though its some kind of idle simulator or solitaire game. 

People wanna participate in the game and make decisions, not sip their soy latte -- offence intended -- why else bother to even shuffle the deck. Just because the drive does it for me, it dost give me enjoyce. Not to mention the botched dungeon mechanics. How hard was it to print it on lands?? To make it like The Amazing Labyrinth, or can't you work together with Ravensburger. Meaning, you would have to tap the right lands in the right sequence to make their dungeon rooms connect, or you couldn't activate the special dungeon effect, which is a separate card. Which would limit the amount of dungeons you could have in one deck. Also it would create fairness, cause you could draw the dungeon card, but not have the right lands to activate it. 

Its a good thing, I don't play this game anymore, and there are entertainers, like Quasar, who can point out the obvious. Also the shuffle rigging. Its not really a TCG if the owners of the game, have to premed your hand and deck, to create a "fair" game. Shouldn't the gamedevs do something, they would not have to micromanage this way? RNG should be the friend of this game, not the enemy. You know what, go fuck yourself Wizards and Hasbro, I never liked you anyway... :(( I just stupidly thought, you might be in it to educate the youth and challenge their minds to greatness and give them more than a cashgrab, it wont happen again :$ :o 

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