Sunday, March 6, 2022

Win for us, Ukraine! Putin as the Modern day Anti-Christ 

I normally don't wanna speak about this awkward topic, which makes me feel as unconfortable, as women, talking about gravity being a thing, then you draw boobies; or then Kierkegaard condemned a clergyman on assuming office calling his predecessor on his funeral speech a Martyr, although he had a nice career and was as far away from that, as possible. Why do Christian clergymen need to dilute spiritual symbols so much, to fight their political battles?! Don't you have better things to do, like praying for Ukraines victory or for the wounded and dead? Perhaps even organising community work, to receive the homeless and war fugitives? Why are you stressing out, the Anti-Christ!! If Mr. Putin was the Anti-Christ, or even the modern day Anti-Christ, then the church being so alienated from Lord Jesus Christ, would be surely on his side! Its a lazy and half-assed responce, to call Mr Putin Anti-Christ. Putin is insane, much due to this war being a fatigue to his mind, or perhaps a little whiteraven pecking on him, like the spirit of Madness harrassing King Saul of Israel. Because the world deserves this moral and fundamental victory over Mother Russia, due to EU and NATO not declaring war with Russia on the same contrast, as Brittain and former Great Leaders there reluctant doing so against Adolph Hitler at WW2. Its fascinating how the history can repeat itself! Its also cowardly to demand peace at Ukraines cost, and not look at things as they are. Ukraine is Our Champion, who fights for All of Us! Why does the Ukrainian Orthodox clergy wish to alienate Ukraine from God? Mr. Putin is not the Anti-Christ. This only proves, how little certain people wish to genuinely aid Ukraine, in defeating Mother Russia. Mr. Putin is the aggressor in an ongoing war campaign, and he must be dealt with as such. The sooner people realize that, the cheaper this war shall be. There can be no talks of peace or negotiations with the Russians, as long they have some fight left in them, because they have deemed it so. It is time to take resolve and win this War for Ukraine! Ukraines, victory is Our Victory and the Victory of Europe and the Free World! Who's with me, what say you, Christians! Onward Ukraine, Godspeed!



  2. In Memoriam for all, who have fallen and uprooted from homes for the greed and madness of one man, who wishes to be King. Take heed and rejoyce, Ukraine. For God is with Thee! <3

  3. Youjo Senki Final「AMV」- Rise

  4. together we stand United, divided we shall Fall
