Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Don't cast your pearls in front of Swine

 https://youtu.be/gI5ke5CxP40 How do you help somebody with problems?

https://youtu.be/b0f4Lgqvd24 The Journey to God 

https://youtu.be/eVTXPUF4Oz4 In the end Linkin Park 

https://youtu.be/PJGpsL_XYQI Lithium -- Evanescence 

https://youtu.be/_nz99E218X0 Mr. Beast joins Joe Rogan

Mat 7:6 "Do not give, what is holy, to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underr their feet and turn and tear you to pieces." 

The Problem in proclaiming the Gospel, is not persecution nor stupidity, although the latter has something to do with the perils of faith. Its the problem of so many people thinking, they are smarter than God. Too many people, like Usha, want to lift up the Arc of the Covenant, while it was falling due to be hastily carried, not minding about proper procedure; or because a successful leader thinks, like King Uzziah, he should also be a Priest!! Its the stupid folly of Hybris, what made even King Solomon fall, thinking he can afford the religion of his wives. 

The dogs, what Jesus speaks of, are the bingecelebrants of any religious thought and contemplation, while not really scratching the surface. Like the 4 soils, Jesus talked about. Mat 13:1-23;  Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15. Previously they there called Rabi or Pharisee, now they are called scholars and woke people. Whenever knowledge takes the audacity to teach, while not emanating it in their own lives, don't you believe it!! Don't give holy things to people, who are Holier than God in Heaven!! Because their relentless pursuit of enlightenment proves themselves wrong. A strong man, dost not have to flaunt his mucles all the time, unless he's insecure. Why should you trust somebody who has to cockslap you with his spiritual attributes, every time he starts conversing? 

Before you ask or give help, you should know yourself, how much you can give and receive. Many Christians have burnt out and lost faith, because they asked or gave too much!! Take responcibility for your actions and don't stay alone, then you wallow in selfdoubt and anguish for making mistakes. Always come back to Jesus, for He is Merciful and Kind! <3 

The Swine are the same, their common denominator is, that they cannot eat pearls. Its not a transaction they can comprehend! Some people will never be able to make the thought patterns, you deem easy and essential to a healthy dialogue, because either, they there educated differently or their homes there different from yours. People may have unhealthy habbits; and friends and intrests, what makes it hard to be a Christian. If you don't mind, what you mix together, it can happen, that Jesus's teachings get cast out, to stay tolerant towards the evertything else. 

Don't you dare help the people, make them help themselves!! Teach them, how to fish, not give em a fish, and you have a fisherman, who can give you new insight, how to better catch fish. If you hand out fish, you only get another mouth to feed, who dost not care about your reasons, why you are giving him fish. Because only his body received food, not his spirit; his mind and his resolve! 

True wanton of following Christ has to be taught, and it is very rigorous indeed. 60% at least, just like with the Navy Seals shall fail. The Four soils are given precicely due to that. That's why the megachurces and success theology has such allure towards people, because it offers safety and anonynmity, while taking the responcibility away. Just give your tithe and you're saved. Who doesn't like that? But following Christ as a messenger in your life, there You are Gods letter to the People. There you can be called out, if you are even Real! If you are the target for ridicule and molestation of contemtuous thoughtplays... Who can suffer that? I feel awkward wearing my real name, because it feels too heavy... :$ :o 

Its very hard to let go of people, you wanna help. I was the right hand of the Youth Pastor and ALL of our Youth Work Failed and our youth Pastor went to a different more successful church. Basically I was the only one, who converted into that church, then everybody else went to greener pastures. 

Give yourself room for failure and forgiveness. Don't be that proud guy who cancels himself, because he didn't achieve the perfect SSS score, in his spiritual life. That's what Lucifer did! If you can give yourself room for forgiveness, you can see your kin and brother, to forgive their trespasses in front of the Lord and You. I purposely don't mention the church, because its the greatest sore in Christian life, that so many Christians have to be moral busybodies and outrage on behalf of the church and start fixing things, they have no priority for. Give your opinion as an opinion and an advice as such. Don't hide behind God, then you are the one condemning!! Always admit your beef, what you have against the other and then deel with it, if the wrong is with you. Hotheads and younglings should not teach -- I learned it the hard way, much like Avatar Korra battling Amon and loosing all her other bending but learning airbending, the stuff she hated the most!! Sometimes you loose it all, to see what really matters, like the song from Linkin Park "In the end".

Who wants to give his life up and follow Lord Jesus Christ all his life! OwO


  1. https://youtu.be/GRLj7YAO7fE Why Putin Explained geopolitics to stewardesses on TV

  2. https://youtu.be/FHccClTAdzc CAZZETTE - She Wants Me Dead ft. The High (CAZZETTE vs. AronChupa) [Official Video]

  3. https://youtu.be/aw_NubhDZg0 BELIEVER - Imagine Dragons | AMV - Youjo Senki ▰ jamiax

  4. https://youtu.be/yvYAOQG_UOU 10 Words that Will Change the Way You Read Scripture [No Background Music]
