Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Disney go back to School!

 https://youtu.be/fHJp41KJWYg Ron DeSantis for Parental Rights 

https://youtu.be/Z07G1AVMYi4 Woke Disney Exec, admits to LGBT agenda 

https://youtu.be/BPuVI7l4ETk Hollywood Looney Ron Pearlman destroyed

Let me tell you something, Disney, what part of giving parents rights in deciding about their childrens education, takes away gay rights? Why do you want to hate Democracy and misappropriate people as mindless slaves of the Government!! 

It is deeply disturbing, if corporations with such amount of influence, whether through idiocy or cynicism, being a "family friendly" content creating Company, decide to do politics in such a disruptive and dishonest way. Imagine, if Christians would have stood up and duped the bill "Don't say Christ" bill or "666 Bill" because Parents wanted to decide on their childrens education, rather than letting the Pope or the local church ministry do that for them. People would be immediately calling them out. But if the LGBT+ community does that, even Disney bends the knee! Because parents should not exercize their Constitutional rights, but let the Country become Russia or Belorus!! For the record, I think those laws are better packed in said Countries than in America. I wanna know, did the owners of Disney listened to rather the LGBT+ community or to their Parents, then they grew up? Who's counsel did they adhere? Why then do they not grant the children of America today, the same right not to be bullied by an political activist group slandering Ron DeSantis and his Bill to give Parents their rights to know and choose, what their children get to learn. I think all the names of the demonstrants should be written down, and any members of any school board/adjacent to it, should be fired, because they have slandered DeSantis and his Bill and commenced a directly antiConstitutional action, what exceeds the protection of political debate and demonstration. Parents in all Nations and Cultures have the inalienable right to teach their children in the ways they seem fit, not the Government -- unless we are living in a Nazi Regime!! What say you, for here I stand! Wish you a good day, Halleluyah!