Sunday, March 13, 2022

Forged in Prayer

 Eph 6:10-20 The Armour of God by St. Paul Partir Avec Moi -- Poets of the Fall Dancing on  broken glass -- Poets of the Fall


May you waist be girded with Truth, chest wear the Breastplate of Righteousness; 

your feet prepared with the Gospel of Truth -- being Godspell and Godspeed!

May your prayers fast in your mind and spirit, from all worldly pleasures be quiet; 

take resolve in solitude and spill your guts in front of your Lord and Saviour... 

Haunt your craven images and sift through your words sullen silver in honesty 

accounting for all weight you pushed and pulled from your Talents and Savoir: 

Partir Avec Moi, come ca ce la Vie de soir est la nuit bon heur grimoire Noir... 


As you wake up, don't fall asleep in your grandeur, navel-gazing like Solomon; 

who lost himself in the councel of Women, then his wives doused his first Love! 

The Sweetest game, the dearest name, and fear is Myself, to blame -- forsake it!! 

There is no You nor Me nor I, just yours true duty and shine, compassion to aid; 

as you wither and die, as you falter and cry -- God shall rejoyce in Thy Soul!! 

Fly up above the darkness and shadows despair, piercing the veil and fogs of War; 

the way you hold your hands and shield your faith, begets Virtue in your Way... 


Be forged in Prayer and tempered in temptations -- hold your course in Christ; 

carry your cross and lift up those, who are broken under their yokes -- Redeem; 

thenever you grow strong for your neighbour, you are mighty for Your Soul -- 

Indeed, those, who in God shall Trust, will be Exalted on memory lane and 

dancing on broken glass; be the lovesong of your Lord and Saviour, the Gospel 

of Lord Allmighty, holding back the nightmares and staunch Gaunts of Darkness; 

blessed are those, who worship with broken hearted and lost to be found in God!


  1. Moonlight kissed -- Poets of the Fall

  2. Daze -- Poets of the Fall

  3. Rise Up -- Avatar Korra

  4. The Way Ukraine Could Destroy A Russian Army And Win The War A (theoretical) Battleplan
