Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Do unto others... Why must I love my enemies? Do all Good People go to Heaven? Highplace 

Hebrew: בָּמָה, bāmâ (H1116) 1:24 "Stop hitting yourself!" Ben10 Waybig vs Vilgax

Christian, before you do unto others and turn the other cheek, try not to be a pussy -- because although Lord Jesus Christ didn't summon holy fire upon Samaria Luke 9:52-55  for not receiving him for lodging, nor ask Heaven for 7 Legions of Angels Mat 26:53  to wipe the Roman Empire from the face of the earth, He was no pushover!! Before you can go and be a nice guy, remember, what Ezekiel, who saw the Tesseract Angels, was told: Eze 33:1-20 

Due to the Ukraine -- Russia World War lets use that as an example. 

I have said, that Nightmares shall haunt Mother Russia, and their swords shall be turned against them, because they tried to bring the Arc of the Covenant to war and hunt for Nazies, and Ukraine can have their head -- but even a Wolf head (Princess Mononoke) can bite. If Ukraine forgets about his humility and thinks its all said and done, God may rethink of His aid, and reinstate the status of Mother Russia in Heavens. You still have to steel your resolve and remember your first love towards your Homeland, what made you fight like One. And this shall be a dirty and long and hard battle. But if Mother Russia repents, and turns back from her ways, than all the words about wiping them out, will not come to pass. God can regret His evil, He is thinking about, if there is enough Good Will, to think twice. 

A Christian, as a Watchman, cannot be the nice guy, just like an accountant cannot be your friend, if he has to serve you the Eviction Notice; or the Account overdrawn notice or pay extra taxes notice etc. Its nothing personal, but his duty. Some Christians still think, that they should be the friends of this World and especially friends of Money. If I would be friends of Mammon, I would have no problem donating 20$ to Donald Trump :(( Mat 6:24 which follows up with the Don't worry be Happy quote, Christians so Love Then the Pharisees heard Him speak, they there furious, because they there eloquent in monetary transactions, and they had greatly benefitted from the Temple of Herod, what was built to Yahveh, allthough the halls of the pagans there filled with cattle and monetary booths, because only the Holy Sheckel had value in the temple, while in Rome a different currency was valid. Which made Jesus make his notorious whip out the cattle and Bankers meme. Also erecting that Monstrocity hyperinflated and empoverished the local populus, while not erecting not much spirituality of the Sermon of the Mount kind... 

If you see things so amiss, there, that the Pagans cannot pray, because of all of the Cattle being noisy also the bankers (Also see Akhans Silver under Ai which means Ow or Ouch in Estonian Joshua 7:1-26 and The Cattle (I regard Agag as cattle too, because all of it was vowed to God as burnt offering being Holy, denying this challenged Gods cut of this war) what King Saul saved, for being too good 1 Sam 15:1-35) You have to deliver, and forget about your face, because it already belongs to Goid. Or didn't you hear the lieutenant speak: Deu 24:5 or the Great Supper Mat 22:1-14; Luke 14:15-24 I don't care, that Joe Biden does Lip service to God, promising aid for Nato while not stating, that American troops shall war Mother Russia. It is cowardly. I might ask, how far should the conflict escalate, to make POTUS consider to WW3 to not loose face! If you still mind about political correctness or feelings or something else, as did the holy men, who didn't save the victim on the road, to avoid loosing their sanctity, to go to the Temple, while  a wicked Samaritan, whom all despised. Why are the Samaritans so despised? Samaria was the Capitol of all the ten tribes, who defected from Judah and Benjamin (The Tribe of King Saul, who have to steal their brides, because of fucking a wife dead on the doorway and not delivering the culprits to law, because they valued their tribe more), then Solomons sons finger was thicker than the thighs of King Solomon 1Kings 12:1-32, refusing to ease the yoke of his Father. And this is the story how the golden calfs killed the faith of Israel, because of a stupid young prince and the arrogance of Jeroboam, not sharing his loyal subjects with the holy grounds of Judah. 

I tried to find a passage what did a wordplay with Obamas name (Mah Bamah Bah) Which meant, why did they go to the highplace as in to offer to the Idols, but I couldn't locate it. :(( It was funny to use google translate and find out that this term means "scold scold" in chinese. X^D Because the prophet was really scolding there. Too bad, I cannot remember that passage, I read in my youth.. my memory is not the same anymore. :$ The point was, POTUS Joe Biden, has the same flaws, as Dem Bill Clinton and Dem Barack Obama, who go up to the Offering Mounts of Justice and Democracy to burn insence, but never go beyond lip service!! Why should God care, or a demon of Nightmares and despair? :o Usha has long since, tried to touch the Arc of the Covenant and save it from becoming dirty, then the original sin was, carying it with oxen and wheelcart, and not annoynted priests!! Because Usha has no time to do it right, but all the time in the world, to leave Ukraine hanging -- if Joe Biden had acted resolute and sent his stealth bombers to hellfire the Russian troops, that would have sent a message. But POTUS still wants to have the marketplaces among his enemies lot, as the Kings of Israel did. 1 Ki 20:1-43 because of that, you shall share the curse of Mother Russia, I laid upon them. Madness; dread and despair shall haunt you, like King Saul before you; all your minions shall be in disarray and full of fear and anxiety. You there supposed to be Superman, who saves Louis Lane from falling to her death, after reclesly jeopardizing her life in action. Why did you become like all the other nations, and had worthy considerations like Ruben and Sebulon?? Had you listened to the counsel of Deborah, you could the very least be Barak, who was scared at first, but still followed a womans voice. But you couldn't even do that!! I used to like you, Joe Biden, back those days, you had the "3 strikes and you're out" plan but abused it, to harrass the black community. I would have supported that, had you used temperance and resolve, but you there just lashing out and playing with words... :(( You never cared about offering real community service, to help the people between the cogs of Justice get their second third and fourth chances if necessary. You there doing just politics. That is the reason, God denied you Spirit and made you as mad and fragile, as Nebuchadnezzar then he was eating grass like a mammal. 

If you so much want, you can always cut this little white raven down, whats gonna happen anyway -- I triple dare you, in the name of Morrigan; Kitsune-Hime and Zozo =)) X^D whom I'm gonna use to strike you down, because you don't deserve to be called out by The Father The Son and The Holy Ghost!! It is common cortesy, if you really hate somebody, who wronged you severely, you don't send a worthy minister, but an unworthy one (Birds of Passage spa. Pajaros de Verano 2018) To make sure, the humbling experience gets the message through, that there is no room for bravado and false pride... :o Either you make up -- or you perish with all your family!! You have wronged my God, as POTUS and Politician of America and not done Justice to your people nor Ukraine! Thus you shall account for all the blood in Wounded Knee; and all the blood of the Japanese and Chinese workers building up your land; and all the blood of the slaves; and all the blood of the hindus and other lesser nations you exploited, while hitting the Republicans on the head with the Lawbook, as though they are related to the Confederate Plantation owners, and not you!! Its your guilty conscience, what drives you to doubt so much and exclaim, how you shall build back better and fight systemic racism and corruption and intolerance. How are you gonna deliver on that, if you're in the Office? -- Stop Hitting yourself, Stop Hitting yourself, Why are you hitting yourself (ben 10 as Waybig against Vilgax) Are you gonna tackle the corruption in your own party? I guess not... Didn't think so... :o 

I want to be judged same fold. You can to thus unto me, if you're Man enough and possess True Love, not fake love, what tries to get along with everybody. For friendship with the World is enmity with God 4:4 Although it was written to adulterers, rest assured, the Office of POTUS falls under this passage for 1 Sa 15:23 "For Rebellion is as the Sin of WitchCraft and stubbornness, is as iniquity and idolatry! Because you have rejected the Word of Yahveh Sebaot, He has rejected you as being King" (POTUS)  Why can't I still donate to Donald Trump? Are you scared of my 20$??  What say thou, ye Christians, Truth or Dare!! <3 ^^ UWU Godspeed and may your deeds walk before you, and exalt high Lord God!


  1. Start WW3 or 無限月読, Mugen Tsukuyom

  2. 393619 My favourite h-manga right now <3 OneShota Byoutou 24-ji Harem Nyuuin Seikatsu | OneShota Ward 24 Hour Care Harem Hospitalization Life Me being the boy in my fantasy abused by all the Wisdoms I have gathered ^^ Abuse and _Spiritual Bondage are my things UWU

  3. One True God - Afterlife UWU

  4. Ukraine Invasion Day 7: Big Tech Blocks RT, Cluster Bombs?, Ukraine in EU? SOTU Recap
