Thursday, March 10, 2022

Ideological Purity as the burning Library of Alexandria Kill Bill Jordan Peterson International Womens Day Sparring Vaush vs J. K. Rowling The Law and Harry Potter 8 Mile B-Rabbit vs Papa Doc

The reason, why we  need Ideological Pluralism, is to protect the education from bad decisions. You cannot assume positive criticism, then  you have a "Right" way of seeing things. Everything, what dost not meet the requirements of this Bed of Procrustes, shall either be cut short or bent/stretched out. People hate the Inquisition -- why. Because it assumed the Ideological Purity of the Church. Thenever a faction sees to it, how to rule the right way, who is judging the judges, who bacially look after witches, lest those cast a spell on you!! This kind of Bill is Anti-Democratic; especially using critical race theory, which is also concocted by forces, who don't want a free and democratic cociety. To say that race dost not matter, is the same that, language and abilities dost not matter -- that being said, overstressing those traits is like the Narssicist putting his girl on a pedestal, while not granting that person no freedom at all! Moderation is key. It is disturbing, that the side, what talks about race, does it over the board; patronizing in a colonial manner, which makes it question, do those "Anti-Racists" wanna bring back segregation? You should always be sus, then you hear themes like "Shmersh" or concepts, what allow to bully against the bully. Because, who gets to choose, who is the bully; and is his court transparent, hearing any cases and evidence against that said claim. Are the quilty allowed to see themselves as Innocent until proven, or are they it by default? The Library of Alexandria is burning once more. All good people and intellectuals. If you remain silent -- you are guilty of the death of Democracy and the known world. You deserve the fate, you shall suffer, don't askew for any kind of help thereafter. Why should your life or property be sacrosanct, then Democracy is not sacrosanct from your idiocy and spiritual/ intellectual lazyness!! 

Democrats don't support any kind of Purity in regards of Politics; religion etc. Democracy is about allowing you and your neighbbour to be morally and politically wrong, because previously it was ok to arrest and hold indefinitely, thenever a lord felt like it. Do we wanna go back to Feudalism, there the lords and ladies have the two swords, allthough Jesus said "Enough of this" not "this is enough"? Do we wanna give the rich unchecked power, for the sake of panem et circenses. 

Read my lips: THERE IS NO EQUALITY, WHERE THERE IS IDEOLOGICAL PURITY!! Once you give up your freedom, whats stopping the party, who controls this Ideolical Purity, to do whatever the fuck they want against their political or moral opponents? How do you stop nonpersoning from there?

We all know, how Vaush attacked J.K. Rowling on behalf of her being a billionaire and thus not having eligibility to call out victimhood. Nice Shot, Sir, Rich noncomrade Communist traitor!! :o You do understand, the same rule can be applied against you! And that happened on International Womens Day. Why? Because Vaush supports the blurring, what it means, to be a woman. All of the sudden, you need to be trans, in order to be deemed eligible to be woman, because if you dare to be woman biologically, it is no longer good enough to some people, who don't like this world, nor Democracy!! If it is transphobic to be affirming bilogical sex so much so, it unpersons a woman based on sex and defending that right, then based on Democracy, this Transsexualism must go, because it breached the ToS of Democracy!! If a Christian Church or Party would attack just as was depicted in the V for Vendetta, that some trait or political trait should be singled out as the enemy of the State, people would be up in arms to call it out, even more so, if a Communist would attack a Woman on Internation Womans day -- then previously women there the protected class. It is not possible, for a true Communist to attack a woman on Womans Day for being a woman and protecting her right to be a woman -- because somehow it is morally and politically wrong. Did Vaush just create the Voldemorts teaching WitchCraft is Power!! Do the Woke and Trans-Community have an Extra Special ability to assume and detect like a Inquisitorial Squad member, what is right and wrong, and what kills Trans-sexuals in Jail? Last time I checked, J. K. Rowling dost take responcibility for actions done in jail, because she dost rule over jail! Vaush is rich, if he feels the jails are not well enough, donate your money to fix that problem Mr Rich Communist!! Why are you enabling the sexual abuse of Women in jail by sex offenders who fake gender transition?? Laws always must be passed in accordance to the lowest denominator. The lowest denominator is the scam artist, taking advantage of loopholes! That is the reason, why there is no trans-jail, because it would also be morally wrong to single a group out like that. The genetical gender, while not sophistically challenging it by wordplay and wiseass skullduggery whataboutism on behalf of how many cromosomes etc. If it was born Woman, it was raised Woman, it was treated Woman -- just like with the Proverbial Duck -- It is a Woman!! Because of that, we cannot put a person, who was born a Man, was Raised a Man, Was treated a Man, now transitioned, due to not being able to verify through psychic scan or scientific alternative, if she is telling the truth or is he lying. If you are worried about abuse, why are you not worried about the abuse done by a faker, mr Rich Communist Vaush? :o 

Every scholar or Freeman, who remains silent, on this assualt on the Person of J. K. Rowling has done it against Democracy and against Freedom of Speech. Fuck Trans Rights and protect the gender!! Because you are assuming at the expence of another Person, based on her monetary funds not laws broken; who should also have the right to freely assume those rights. One person or class cannot infringe on the other person or class, in assuming its rights!! The same goes to the Canadian Kill Bill. 

What say you, Christians and Woke people! <3 ^^ UWU Halleluyah Godspeed! Deus Vult (Those, who do well, do more Good; those who do Evil, do more Iniquity, for God Wills it!!)


  1. If you feel like the words in this song, take faith, for lord Jesus Christ is Merciful and full of Loving-Kindness. Become the Navy-Seal of Virtue and nonconform against the Woke agenda -- Critical Race Theory <3 ^^ UWU

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