Friday, March 11, 2022

Magic is Lawful; Agression is Chaotic

 People have always tried to school Magic, designating it to various shapes and sizes; colour and attributes. No. Magic is not Good nor Evil, just as a knife or Internet Access cannot be Good nor Evil. Your actions based on the medium and understanding its strengths; weaknesses and limitations, can be Good or Evil. Magic, being the Attribute of Lucifer and other Demons or such angels, is Lawful. due to the archfiend being a Spirit of Lawfulness, to bare witness of Gods Magnificence, was found short in this duty, then as from a Programming and Beta Testing perspective (See Tron, because on that meta-narrative level, we lack propper quotes and have to resolve in poetry and  entertainment)  (Daft Punk -- end of Line) failed to comprehend the benefits of a Humanoid, who can Chaotically choose Good or Evil, not Lawfully fare in accordance to the Holy Code. This is also the reason, Why Communism Exists -- the Perfect Environment for Angelic beings and Demons, to test the mettle of Mankind, do they really mean to Love lord Jesus Christ, or is their interest in The Sermon of the Mount (Mat 5-7) arteficial, just like calling somebody a lady/gentleman is mere smalltalk, not affirming his/her gentry!! 

Magic has always been Lawful, going through propper channels. Thus is the art of Magic also been called "Channeling". You channel your emotional attribute and assume it into a colour or Martial Arts Form and Tehnique, to do your bidding. Its not God or The Devil, who does it; You do it!! You are the Warden of your Inner Mirror, and define, if its Black or White. Nobody else can define its colour and attribute. There is no such thing, as Good Magic and Evil Magic -- there is just Magic, just as there is no such thing as Good Static Electricity or Evil Current Electricity or vice versa. On this fundamental level, there is only You, making up your mind. You know, already, why you look at the mark, and what you're intending. Its the thought, that counts, just as Lord Jesus Christ talked about adultery. Mat 5:21-32. 

I personally don't like the translation of v. 22 because it has been politically corrected, the right meaning goes from Anger without cause -- Raca (Fool) -- Abomination; Bile (Word equivalent of slapping the other cheek) Because you cannot have Fool twice. That's why they don't translate Raca anymore, than in my 1968 Bible it was a footnote. The Estonian Bible used the Word "Sa Jõle" Bile; Filth to give a Spiritual assessment, that somebody is condemned both in Heaven and Earth, it was meant as a legal term, then you hold somebody in contempt, but you can cause purgery, by falsely using this term.

Which is the reason, you can go to Hell, then you unperson somebody with that escalated Term, which is stronger than Fool!! The reason is, we don't know all the information, like God does, thus we should not condemn from His seat, there we don't sit, for only Lord Jesus Christ gets to judge over Mankind and Creation, not Lucifer nor You!! You're either on the Devils side, approving the hivemind and Lawful giving up your rights, or you approve Lord Jesus Christ, there you approve the Chaotic nature of Freedom of Speech and Thought, where there, is no "Righteous" way to see things!! Or how was the Rain and the Sunlight by Lord Jesus Christ Mat 5:45 or are you too much of a Jobs Friend to see the difference, that you need to condemn the victims for the sake of being at the side of the Law -- thus transgressing against Law and God itself!! 

Only judge Your own Character and Disobedience to the Lord and Saviour, if You are a Christian, not the WitchCraft of others!! I will go to court as the devils advocate against any Christian or Woke, who dares to challenge 22:18 wedged between v. 16,17 if a man fucks a woman outside of marriage, whom his father refuses to give to the adulterer in marriage -- how to compensate that; and v. 19 Zoophilia... Because that's how dire adultery; disobediance and Sorcery are to the Lord!! You deal with your own Log file, in your Eye of the Beholder Mat 7:1-6 (also see my post on casting pearls upon swine) before you get to deal with the splinter in your neighbours!! If Judgment dost start from the Temple (That means You) its not from the Lord!! You have to first survive the ruler, then you get to use it to rule the straightness of their borders and lines... Somehow the Woke and "Communists" first rule and presinct others, before they do themselves. "One rule for thee, but not for Me!" God Himself will Pharaoh this Man or Woman or Trans, who dares to judge others, while not living up to his/ her own Standards! 

You shall not judge any Witches nor Wizards nor Shamans nor Satanists etc. If there is a deity or spirit, you shall not pass, for you have to go through Whiteraven first! Because, Lord Jesus Christ grows weary of your bickering and sidestepping, awaiting for 2000 years already to see fruit from the Sermon of the Mount, but lo behold, there are nothing but leafs to cover the shame, like Adam and Eve! Luke 13:6-9; Mat 21:19 Just as the time of judges, there every man did his own bidding, what was right in front of Himself, so shall God bring back all Magic and Deities, He banished, to allow People to rest. For this is the Jubilee Year of the Lord, there Yahveh Sebaot and His Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit release all Demons and Spirits from Captivity to do their biddings -- for Lord Jesus Christ was looking for Fruit, but found merely words and smalltalk; action but saw only entertainment!! Because Europe; Nato and Usha have no time to go to War with Mother Russia, as Ukraine duely deserves, God will close down Heavens and hide his face and not listen to You. Pick your side already!! Lawful Magic and the Parable of Nietzsches Alzu Mensch (Hyper-Humanist) or Chaotic Truth, as told by the Parable of Nietzsches Superman. Sokrates vs. Homer. Certain things cannot be reasoned with but must be lived through, because You have the Power! 


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