Tuesday, March 22, 2022

YouTube Scam targeting gulllible users

 https://youtu.be/_AbHxVFLLZg Desolator Magic Youtube Scam out of Control (Rant) 

Give this Man some love, though his autistic manners make it sometimes hard, I like His Chaotic way of thinking -- He got a point. I would have fallen for it too, its sometimes good to have no content and be an overthinker. OwO 

Mostly Desolator Magic does MTG content, so if you're into it, though Magic is abismal and I wont ever consider playing it unless Hasbro sells it to a freeware company and fires Rosewater and everybody on the team, who is woke and fucked up the code. There are just too many beefs and cold turkey with this one. But stay safe, people are after YouTube channels again!! :(( :$ :O 

Actively report any and all sus emails and correspondence happening on social media, because it might be a precursor of taking down peoples rights. It might be a wild conspiracy theory, but better safe than sorry. The future of Social media might be corporate, to avoid that, as much as possible, team up and share all info relevant. I will share it back with Des if YouTube allows it and wont spamfilter my comments, as it sometimes does. :S Take care and Godspeed! <3 ^^ UWU


  1. https://youtu.be/eMKcZbTDSp8 Warning Deepfakes ahead :o

  2. https://youtu.be/F06fOBz1jmo WOTC Makes WORST MTG Arena Decision, The Community Loses Their Minds
