Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Incompetence and Intolerance levels fatigue

 https://youtu.be/74DCPlxAFnY Joe Biden can't do anything nor take no Responcibility! 


How has Gold become dim and Silver sullen beyond value; 

the leaders of Usha, like infants and geezers molesting Thee? 

A Leader, who washes his hands, like Pilate, to ask on Avenues: 

"Quid est Veritas?", while buying the orphan and widow menues 

for a sole and the worker for a mortgage -- uprooting every Tree 

and Citizen, to make the people, like Israel in Egypts molested glee!! 

Abandoned is the Covenant; accursed the straight-narrow sinew... 


Wisdom has fallen from Grace, Justice abandoned the Couincil, behold -- 

junkies shall reign over your laptops and grifters over you streetcorners! 

Every man will become a bitch and every daughter a pimp seasoned-bold!! 

Your taxes shall soar to Heaven and your money descend to darkness sold... 

Nothing ventured, Nihil gained, void will be Democracy and null newcomers; 

all your workplaces fatigue, craving loyal workers, which are dead Homers!! 

And the number of illegal immigrants keeps on increasing to light the World. 


Who wants to be King? But you say: "Its not Us, Orange Man Bad!" Silence!! 

Darkness shall be your friend and selfloathing your atorney, as you mingle 

with the wraiths and banshees. He, who takes no sword, dies by Intolerance -- 

because you think, you can pick and choose, then to fight and bleed en Manse!! 

God will cast down your Houses and make your enemies great, Ivory singles -- 

none shall marry you, but the marred bucket of oblivion -- solitary Pringles!! 

Your bread shall be as a chip and your wine as piss on the drain for Repentance... 


Forsake thy Evil, you people of Iniquity and Terror! Who you save the planet, 

but offer your women and children at the altar of Baal, Dagon and Astarte... 

who you call men women and folly wise. Henseforth God will disconnect 

your children from their parents and your elders off their subjects -- miss Comet 

as your wizards and Sorcerors lead astray and Aster for the xXx Mont Martre: 

Scenes de la vie de Bohemian Rhapsody in blue checkmark a la Sartre!! 

Nonexistent are your True Colours, abstained your True Love and Virtues omit. 


The more capitals you loiter and heroines you possess to be first time ever; 

it cannot instill safety and tranquility to your soul. Your Ironmen are fatigued -- 

your Cpt. America demoted to private Awol!! Chimeras reign your clever 

market workshops and the possessed make any narrow coridor NSFW in favor 

of the next Communal Nightmare, a rotten tomato beget in somebodies hue!! 

Your moral compass is a Thopter and your engines are running bluffed revenue. 

Crypto currencies shall shortcircuit and skulldugger your gatherings forever... 


Come back to the fold, ye lost sheeple, who think themselves Ferocious Wolves! 

Remember your Ancestry, Constitution and Ammendments ordealed, ye slave!! 

Your mother was a cotton farmer and your father a housenigger full of scowls... 

Learn to be Free as a White Man before, then people looked up to you, Fowles; 

then you shall lead, and people will follow, give advice and people listen-behave!! 

But you want to be Wise on your own accord, just like the Boar in China shave 

closely at the ravine of the abyss -- slipping over the slope, lapsed judgment colts. 


Alas, Incompetence spreads rumours of fatigue, and Intolerance rising, the Valve 

crammed and overlowing; exceeing all Ultra Instinct and Supermen-HyperHumanists 

to send their regards to Hitler, by making Germany look black again; polls halved!! 

He who is ashamed of his roots, shall not bear fruit nor labor for the Goodchild; 

there can be no Utopia Mayor then passive aggressive traits minor sinkholes per gist!! 

Why should people entrust Scorpios fared over by Aquarii foxes saking Atomism; 

go back to the beginning and be America once more, or die forgotten and sullied!!


  1. https://youtu.be/sAU5cgBGcUk How They Fight! The Russian Battalion Tactical Group. Tactics, Equipment And Effectiveness

  2. https://youtu.be/7OpE7GcgEqA Man Lived For 14,000 Years And Met Both Buddha And Jesus

  3. https://youtu.be/dieM4IDbJsQ Sergey Karjakin BANNED From Chess... Good Riddance, such stupidity must be punished. You can't just glorify a War Criminal -- being forced to condemn your leader? He could have walked away with dignity and say nothing. Previously chess was thought to be cosmopolitan, its surprising Karjakin cant see past his Nations pride... :(( At the same time, I can't say I like the other Russian players abstaining, because it creats a dangerous precedent. In that matter, I salute Magnus for integrity in pointing that out. OwO

  4. https://youtu.be/58zGtp8pDns Production Hell - Justice League
