Monday, March 21, 2022

World War 3 KIA Lt. Gen. Andrey Mordvichev Slava Ukraini Song what young russians think of Putin 

It is becoming a shame, that America and Europe have not done more, than just sending weapons. The same happened, then people wanted to avoid WW1 and now WW2. How much must Ukraine suffer more, before the old geezer Biden is willing to fight old geezer Putin? 2 days of Hellfire missile excursions on Russian troops would have made all the difference, and there would be no more war. The Russians are emboldened by the dependancy of Europe in Gas and Oil, also reluctance in staging a World War. At some point, you must ask do the West deserve its values -- or is it just small talk; just as ladies and gentelmen are not really rojalty nor gentry, but just polite ways addressing common people. What is the difference in being a tyrant regime and a Democracy, if there is no War effort against the current circumstances in Ukraine. Even the youth in mother Russia wants change, should the Free World not hand it to them -- or perhaps you want China to take over, as I have predicted... 

On a sidenote... it's good to see the big number gone away, it was scary... America 37 Germany 6 Estonia 6 France 6 United Kingdom 2 Spain 1 is so much more fair and fun. My numbers almost reached triple digits, super annoying >////////< OwO Still thank you for the attention <3 

Not having World War 3 is handing Ukraine to Mother Russia thus staging China to having play Red Alert on our behalf, to save the bacon, because I don't believe, we have a Free World left, to wait for elecotral rotation and Trump even getting to the election booths, if there is no strict and resolute action moore than just condemnations; bans and restrictions, but no War. Especially if corporations are allowed to Fascist against the Russian civilian rights, on behalf of Democracy and Ukraine, whats the difference between having Tyrant Putin or Tyrant Google?? Nobody should be able without transparency and public debate, that he just unpersons somebody because of reasons, even or especially if its popular!! The Salem Witch Trials there extremely popular, so was the Satanic Panic against D&D and in England harrassing an innocent poor family, like a video I shared as commentary under one post. Bad things are done, having good intentions -- the road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions. Still, it can't drive us to indecision, just because we don't wanna be caught doing the wrong thing. Better do it, than live on as a Coward!! Values are thought and lived on, not debated and argued on. I think, the West is a cowardly degenerate Society, who dost deserve to win, because, then there is time to fight, they rather have a council of Ruben not real action and help. The Blood of Ukraine will remember! Even if you avoid the war, it will still happen, but History shall know, the people, who chose to not have the decision, because of no, the Elections and my cushy job and what would the cake think, if I eat it!! The Truth is, America, dost want Ukraine to win, but the both sides to drag themselves out. And History will know it sooner or later. It will know it with pictures of people in power today. And they will get a different death, than Lt. Gen. Andrey Mordvichev, who died a Warriors death, -- Rest in 'Peace and may God be Mercyful upon your soul -- and although you cannot agree with him politically and culturally, it is not in the nature of a soldier, especially so high up the ranking, to disobey and question orders. You cannot lead troops and couintries, if everybody has their own opinion, how to have a better fight. How would a game of chess look like, if every peace had its own mind -- Potters Wizards chess?! But the leaders of today, shall die a different death -- they will be memes and dead as people. Their relatives shall change their names and forget ever knowing them. Only if President Putin suffers a desicive loss, can there be a resolve of conflict here. No retreat no surrender on Ukraines side, because they are fighting for the Conscience and Survival of the Morals of the West -- while the West are cowaring on their games of thrones. You have Ukrainian Blood on thy hands Germany; France; America; Great Brittain. If those four would have gone to War, the rest of the world had easier time to follow suit. Don't fight the civilians, who cannot change anything; who did nothing against Ukraine -- because, thats the politics, what Mother Russia does to Ukraine, proving how our Legacy Media and Social Networking is part of the problem not relincuishing its power, becoming its own undoing -- fight the corrupt and Evil regime and country!! It is better to chop off the entire tail of the dog, if you going to do it anyway, in order to save the heat, then you need to let the dog out, compared to choping the tail off daily and making the dog hate you!! Thats a soviet saying and it still has meaning in this conflict, there the indecision of the West drives us back!! The Choice is yours, West. What say you! May the Good people do more Justice and the Wicked more Iniquity in Godspeed! Halleluyah! 


  1. I wonder if those people have also those Ukraine flags in their bio, who are busy putting Democrats in office, in Star Trek, while Ukraine is bleeding... :o

  2. The same is allegorically wrong with the political climate in the West :o

  3. Russia SLAMS Joe Biden as TIRED and FORGETFUL! | World leaders don't respect the U.S.A. anymore!
    A Walking corpse receiving flak from yet another corpse!! X^D Because attacking Ukraine with Mother Russias army -- and fail, is brutally strong. :o A Pot cursing the cettle.

  4. Trump Supporter KID ROCK Can NOT Be Canceled! He says STAY AWAY from WOKE CORPORATIONS!

  5. I just love Tyrions fall. It has a strong foreboding for any conflict. Unless heroes are willing to die for what they deem right, they wont stay alive. Mat 16:25
