Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Famine, would you eat Mother Russias Grain

 https://youtu.be/PjwvXcfBQ6I The Wrong Wang 

https://youtu.be/5PMhVTRcY78 Songs you hear in your head before you die!

Its time for the Black Horse to assume Power, for Conflict summons thee; 

make haste and vermin the Granaries of Mother Russia, let the season run dry!! 

no more Vodka for Rasputin, no more cakes and bisquits -- halt the flour spree; 

starve the haughty, who went to smother Freedom in Ukraine, who decree: 

"Let us engulf them with War and cease the Capital, to make Russias Eagle fly!" 

Your Two headed Turkey shall fly no more, but the Rule shall go Speznashi  Church bye: 

Famine, would you eat Mother Russias grain for they drank too much Vodka in glee!

Let the breadlines fatigue and stranglehold the streets until a loaf costs a thousand; 

no more Vodka for Mother Russia, let her become sobber and see what she wrought!

You can drink oil and bathe in it, Mother Russia, nibble on the shards in the sand -- 

perhaps you shall gleam a final drop of sweat left there from past exploits Grand!!

Look sus, for the coat check is conspiring against you, Rasputin, black cats caught 

your silver linings and parceltongues, no more Loki for you let the turmoil prolong. 

Eat from Left - Right - Center, all your children, like Chronos, soar like Wrong-Wang!

The Writing is on the wall, for all the offerings Uzziah did to fight Nazis, but there's nihil; 

ex diffindo Vigil  don't sniff the flowers and work until you drop, lest you miss a beat...

God is taking back His Sabbath day from you Mother Russia for horses must be chill, 

before the Animal Farm sends them to make glue and feed the Foxes for the black Pill. 

Famine, would you eat Mother Russias Grain, and her nuts and spine -- no Retreat!! 

Let there be no mercy nor understanding, until the blood of Ukraine has been quenched neat; 

only Yahveh Sebaot, His Christ and The Holy Spirit shall reign Supreme Russia die on that Hill!


  1. https://youtu.be/W5bgZLkwcKU 2Pac ft. Eminem & 50 Cent - 50 Enemies • (2022) an 11yr old boy traveled alone by feet 1000 Km from Zaporizhzhia to Slovakia. My God! What a Hero TwT ^^ <3 UWU

  2. https://youtu.be/z50AovBjw04 Black South Carolina Democrat FLIPS to Republican because Democrats DO NOT align with her values!

  3. https://youtu.be/0qGCgKEPN40 If Our Voices Were Autotuned All The Time

  4. https://youtu.be/1jd8dR9R0Vc Milunka Savic Lady of the Dark
