Saturday, March 26, 2022

What it means to be Racist or measure Racism? Bill 67 invoking 1984 Thomas Sowell on Wokeness and Slavery The Perversion of Bill 67

Why is it a problem, to be measuring Racism actively? To state peoples race, while pennalizing White people, for their previous agenda, then Racism was the norm in the known world? For starters, it is naive and Baizuo, because Racism is not gone in this world, infact Black people and Asians are more abt in it, than White people, who are too busy in feeling guilty of their glorious past. People, who selfproclaim, based on the blue chekmark bios, are having all kinds of mental illness, should not define or have any kind of say, in stating how normal mentally healthy people should think and feel about Race or proper code. That goes without saying, if those said scholars and teachers have an obvious agenda, that detriments their good faith in conversing with people, who don't think alike. How do you even call it Democracy, then your first thought is, that your opponent is a Witch -- a person, who dost not just think wrong, but his being wrong is so corosive, that he should not be allowed to have any say what so ever, due to it invoking a breach in the fabric of reality and damage of peoples minds itself. It is also insultive in assuming, that all people in this world are infants, in need of the excess parenting skills of said agents of CRT and Wokeness. Imagine, if for instance The Southern Baptist Union would try to take over same fold. If The Union gets to decide, what is holy and what is not. What is the proper dresscode at schools and what time should students wake up and how many prayers snuff. People would be up in arms, if such a thing happened, accusing the Union of trying to bring us back to pre-Democratic periods. Strangely enough, nobody cries out, then the Woke and CRT do the Spanish Inquisition!! Aside from the chosen few, who don't care about their career and have a greater moral obligation to Truth and Duty towards society, as it previously was ordained paramount, to any faculty of teaching... 

How will we make and live in a tolerant society, then a part of it depends, on casting devils onto the wall, in order to make a living? Surveillance always begets more surveillance, for that very reason, it was prohibit to the Israel Kings to know the exact number of Citizens in his country, so they would bill moderately and do statepolitics more humbly, nor hoping on the strength of young men. 

It is alarming, that the strongholds of Democracy are crumbling by themself!! I'm scared to think, what the world would look like, is such giants as Jordan Peterson or Thomas Sowell die. How to feel about the intellect of a person, who unironically demands reparations today, while doing nothing against the slavetrade still ongoing in Africa or other places. All that matters, is which race is the racist!! Isn't it a lot hypocritical, to fight White slavery, which has no real meaning in the world, unless you would tackle minimum wage workers -- which the woke dost do, because minimum wage supports the corporations, funding the woke, by making it harder to compete by smaller players. 

I will not trust any Government, which needs to superwise peoples thoughts on racism, because the more you control something, the more the rule gets broken. The reason, why juveniles and teenagers like to be edgy and use the word "nigger" so much, is the same reason, why they like to pick up smoking or drinking. Instead of promoting proactive skills, what help to live a different life, there you don't need these things, the woke rather antagonise and ostrisize people to powerplay and -trip, lest people be getting along not be suspicious about each-other. Or People could find out, they don't even need this much Government and that kind of think tanks and moral busybodies thinkning for you. 

The Racist is always in the Institution, the person, looking for Racism, just as the Witch-Hunters there the true Witches of Salem and otherwise, making people distrust each-other not being able to practice Christian Love and Loving-Kindness. Then the true reasoning and root of all evil, was in peoples social interactions and possessions, the wicked wanted for themselves. It seems to me that We havent learned from History at all, if we bring Thiefdoms back with such laws and superstitions. How else would you inspect such notions, if a white man is by default racist -- how exactly is this assumption different, what the nazis thought about the Jews? How is CRT differing from Mein Kampf!! A Normal person has no business with Racism, because he is too busy living his own life, not questioning himself and others, what the cake would think, then you eat it... 

This should be the Thin Red Borderline, stating: "You are leaving Democracy -- This is the Road to Perdition!" Stop this Woke CRT Madness and End this Canadian Hell -- give us Freedom or give us Death!! :o


  1. Korn - Coming Undone (Remix by Violet Orlandi)

  2. Jordan Peterson EMBARRASSES BBC Journalist
