Thursday, March 17, 2022

You are, what you eat! Enslaved Addict -- NEFFEX Valorant -- Die for You GMV Phenomenon GMV 


Treating your abilities and thoughts granted, ranting on flaws; 

thinking good deeds are yours for the taking and not encored! 

What you treat yourself in daring, has more say than crawls 

up the good mannered broadwalk to your lofty Manor's sprawl!! 

How you treat the victim and the victor speaks volumes more, 

than any picture or bookstore could sell a century their Implore; 

You are, what you eat, and the thoughts make reap your Claws.


Treating topics though you knew it while not knowing the Heart; 

shouting farsight, while stumbling at close encounters indeed -- 

How should those Blind Jesters Court to the Most High but farse; 

if you release an obvious criminal, you bail yourself in by charge!! 

He, who sides with Evil, becomes the Devil in plain sight decreed; 

just as Absalom died, hanging by his hair, his pillar killed-redeemed 

Joab of his name and remembrance, he so wished, going Upstart!!


Treating Justice and Righteousness though Man could afford them; 

Virtue and Good Graces, as though they there GG no Ree memes... 

Life may come down a Game you learn to hate and despoil Creme; 

making mundane things have more taste, than Avant garde Golems!! 

You are, what you eat, and become as bored in the same old Times, 

the Lancasters need to remind them, how York fared well gleamed. 

News gets discarded, once its Stunning and Brave wears off-end!!

How dare you -- in Estonian Mida sa endale lubad, can also be translated to what are you treating yourself into? 

Releasing an obvious criminal -- 1 Ki 20 because Ben-Hadad called Yahveh a pussy and the King decided to do some diplomacy there, God being the True King of Israel and Ahab just His Steward had other things in mind, if He learned this of Israel!!  

Hanging by his hair/Pillar of Joab renamed to Absalom -- 2 Sam 18:1-18


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