Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Treatise on Spiritual Warfare

 Mat 11:9-14; Luke 7:26-29 Luke 16-17:10; 18:1-30 John 9;12 Mark 1:12 

I positively recommend to read the passages, before you go through this. This Treatise will focus on the ominous words upon Jesus saying at Mat 11:12; Luke 16:16 Violent people pressing onto Heavens and claiming it, while the Pharisees as the Children of the Kingdom failing to do so. The Parable of the Shrewd Steward makes no mistake of it, nor that of Lazarus and the Rich Man in Hades. 

What is the Problem, and why is that of importance in Spiritual Warfare? Its the entitlement of being a born again Christian or faithful Jew or some other common denominator. If you thank your status or title, (Luke 19:11 is very close to smiting the other cheek, what no sane Jew would ever do, but they would still condemn a tax collector like that... funny how those potatoes are in Heaven) because Jesus didn't like these, refusing even the calling of Mothers; Fathers or Rabbi as such. If you use titles, you don't commune with their owners, you commune with their established narrative and reputation. You deal with art for the sake of art, not really with the real discourse open for debate. You cannot win a fluid and open contest of wits, if you assume, that you already won, because Jesus Saves, or God is Allpowerful. That may be the case, but it might not be relevant in your context!! 

Some pointers are wedged into the passages, then Jesus addresses adultery, namely divorcing and remarrying women. The problem was, that Romans gave women more rights in that matter. Herod Antipas married Herodias, who was his niese, divorced from his previous wife, while such a divorce was not condoned even by Roman standards, which in the end cost John his head, for challenging it!! At the same time, some Rabbi there arguing that you could divorce for any reason, while Jesus there concluding, only for adultery, because otherwise you make Men fornicate with said woman!! You cannot have a moral boundary be loose, or otherwise too many people will be prone in breaking it. 

What has it to do with Spiritual Warfare? Criminals, in which column Jacob also belongs, being a trickster, robbing his older brother of his birthright, know very well, that they are breaking the law. As such, they are more open for God to contact them, as a person, who is "woke" and exclaim "I can see!" John 9:41 it is better to admit your weakness, then to assume false pride and attributes, what only propels God to do unto you as He did the Pharaoh of Egypt. Enlightened and Woke people, don't know that they are breaking the law, condemning the Witches and Infidels, while himself being in the same column, for disobedience and lack of love reasons. It is better off, to admit you don't like God and want to do nothing with Him, than fake loyalty by molesting people, who have a hard time following the Law. Just because you can step on people, who's yoke is too hard for him, dost show your loyalty nor honesty, as dost show a warden justice, who violates a convicts rights in jail. The same law applies anywhere -- more harshly to the Warden and other Loyalists of God, because they there meant to lead by example, not to undermine the Law!! <3 ^^ :P (Y)

God knows no enemy worse, than Lucifer, who was supposed to give witness of His magnificence, and fail to do so, because Man was created! All the Wise and Smart people fail exactly in that faculty -- holding fast to their awesome powers, much like King Solomon did, listening to his foreign wives... or Adam, listening to Eve in committing the Primordeal Sin. You can only win Spiritual Warfare, if you compete no more and only trust in God!! A Wicked can do it, because he has no hope from the Law, but an able Theologian or Rabbi has a hard case there. How not to depend on your awesome skills?! It is still important to hone your skills and follow through, but mercy must triumph over Law, because it was given to make the life better, not wither away, due to a leaf falling on your shoulder on Sabbath day!! 

If you cannot deliver on that, it doesn't matter, how many PhD you got or how well you are renowned in this world; how many spiritual powers you have and how many times you have exorcized demons etc. It matters, how many lives you can transform, delivering them the Gospel or the thing, you are here for!! Its nothing personal, but the letter is not important, only what it said, and then you remember the message tossing away the paper... if you are too self-important, it will get in the way of true obedience and discipleship to the Lord. Thus it will also hamper your understanding and ability to Spiritual Warfare. How do you even put on your gear, what St. Paul talks about, if you don't know, whom you are fighting for?? I know, it sounds absurd, but in a way, we are in the same bind, Saul was persecuting Christians and getting blind, then Jesus confronts him, because he didn't know at that time, Jesus is the God, he believes in, and He was persecuting Him!! That experience made Saul into St. Paul. You cannot enter the presence of the Lord, without much the same conversion experience, there everything in your past remains exactly that. You cannot even take your Int. with you. Just read the letters of St. Paul about it, what the Man talked about himself. We are talking about a Zealot of the first and worst kind, and look at His Transformation. You need that and no friendly bullshit. Just, as with the Apron of Japha, what was a big deal, because before St. Peter had that vision, Gentile Mission was a big nono for Jewish Christians. Before, where there only the converting of diasporah Jews to Christendom. 

There is no Conformist way of reaching Lord Jesus Christ -- You have to work for your meal. If you have no Solitary Individual relationship with God, its no good. Because your church cannot go to Heaven for You,. You will or will not go to Heaven! This experience cannot be replaced by anything, just as your place in a marriage cannot be replaced by anything!! It is of that importance, that you realise this, in Spiritual Warfare. You are as strong or weak, as strong or weak is your conviction to Lord Jesus Christ and how many people you can believe into His Presence!! Then was the time, then the Disciples asked Jesus to raise their Faith Level? Luke 17:5! Why for -- because He askewed them to always forgive your brother, even if hed wrong you seven times per day and repent!! Try to do that SSS Tier Christian challenge. I know, I would fail and also had to plead mercy and more faith, judging my relationship with my little brother,whos being mentally handicapped drives me insane every time we clash. It has something to do, with Him being a Lion/Boar and me being a Bull/Dog -- if hed be my boss, I wouldn't mind, but being my little brother -- time out!! :(( X^D >/////< Sometimes Gods judgement is so bizarre and perplexing... 

Anyway, know Yourself (gnothi seauthon) or your Sin will know you (fornicate with you) making you invalid for God. If your Righteousness is not better than a Rabbi (Mat 5:20) you shall not go to Heaven!! Those believe in the Righteousness of good deeds and titles, not in the Continuous Righteousness of a Conscience you can gain or loose, regardless of Establishment and Titles. Its very risky and unsafe to fare in this kind of nomans land and enter the wilderness, as Jesus was tossed by the Holy Spirit, the word being used in the Bible Mark 1:12 If you are not the same level Possessed by the Holy Spirit, you cannot do Spiritual Warfare for Lord Jesus Christ! Your cup must be full of Father Son and the Holy Spirit and nothing but, or else you shall not enter Heavens with Him nor fulfill the Sermon of the Mount. We're experiencing it at different grades, sure, but eventually you should want to have a more deeper experience, than just listening to sermons. What does your faith in Christ propel you, and how does it transform your surroundings and other peoples life? That is here the question. UWU

Peace and Justice be with you, Halleluyah!


  1. Jordan Peterson - Committing To Your Purpose Is Terrifying <3 ^^ UWU

  2. Då Som Nu För Alltid (Then As Now Forever) :P OwO (Y)

  3. kent - Den sista sången (the last song) Worthy to be sang at my funeral, if that ever came to pass ^^ Has the right mood, I would wish, not the ordinary gloom you attribute to last things... OwO UWU
