Monday, March 28, 2022

Joe Biden as the sign of Demagoguery in the Establishment NBC Poll about Joe Biden Aleksander Dugin and Antiliberalism On Relative Truth and Russian Truth

The Problem with the Establishment is, as Chad put in his Aleksander Dugin Video on 28:47 the denial of being a Nation, while having a left drive for the Globalist world -- fighting the Establishment, while being totally undermined by it!! Joe Biden is the Hallmark example of an establishment figure -- being senile -- wanting to fight the woke progressive way... You cannot have a Nation, without acknowledging the needs of the Republic and Conservatives, just because it could lead to Fascism, also keep in mind the Status Quo Conservatives like Burke and Romney don't really help but further the alienation of the people from the whole, which is the common goal of any left leaning movement -- while being funded by the establishment, (30:43) the ancient man sitting on the treebranch he himself is sawing off not realising it. Usha and the West lack real Enemies, what has made them docile and insane, unable to think for themselves, without succumbing into this navelgasing/pityparty tantrum, there you either are superhyped about America, seeing all criticism against America itself, not its problems or in contrast super cynical and against everything it stands for!! Basically Joe Biden corresponds, how the Demagogues failed in Greece as political leaders and advisers. That is the very reason, why Putin could emerge and first take away the Chrimea; Luhansk and Donetsk and now go for the Entire Ukraine, because of the moral weakness of Usha and the West, what corresponds the easiest in the reluctance to spend 2% GDP to real army funding to have an actual military force, because of the ideology of "War is Bad" now due to that, it gives the West a lot of headache in Supporting Ukraine, not to mention the dependency from Russian oil and gas. 

The Naivite, of Usha, of thinking, that mother Russia is fighting on the same side as America, just because we there on the same side against Fascism, not that Russia under comrade Stalin had its own agenda, in supporting the West in killing his opponent. The same is true about Putin, who wants to make Russia great again, only more aggressively and without remorse, than a western leader would dare. Also he is a little bit senile, much like Joe Biden. 

You cannot really have a solitary individual, if you havent resolved the problem of its existance and duty in this world. For this reason Aleksander Dugin seems to negate individualism by its entirety. (I haven't seen this philosopher before this video) Joe Biden and the other woke established rulers, cannot establish a contemplative understanding of the individual and the Establishemt, because that would put it bare to see for everybody, that the left arm of the government hits itself, while the right arm tries to put bandages to the bulletwounds, while not taking them out. Seeing the time runnng into one possible bright future, from its path you just need to remove the obstacles (see critics and plitically different thinkers) it grants no possibility of communication and dialogue, but witchhunting and Inquisition!! It is to no surprise, that the Trans community cannot define, what a woman is, as significant to Joe Biden and Woke Establishment, lest admitting moral bankrupcy... The West has nothing to wait for in the future, for stressing out progressivism so much, that Christianity cannot amend it anymore, to put his escatology and Apocalyptical visions in the service of the Nation, if they are also fighting for survival, while being not progressive enough, then they just want to hold fast on their traditions and morals. It doesn't matter how many times Joe Biden attends a cathedral or masse, listening to a sermon, for the clicks. If the tradition is not lifted up and lived in accordance, what made America Great. You cannot compete with Russia and their transcendental time, then you deny your own, for the sake of appearing more progressive; stunning and brave. 

The Relative Truth Synopsis of Aleksander Dugin is the deserved rewards of the West, for not combatting Nihilism as it should have been, because people have always been, then tackling Nietzsche, either on the side, of lumping him together with the Nazis or just misunderstanding him as a hopeless romantic of Germany (Spengler). The Unique Mastery or Unilateral World View, is one of the reasons, why China and Russia and even India and North-Korea want to assume more political power. Nobody wants to accept the beliefs of the Bully, who himself dost not live according to them, regretting and regressing its existance, for the sake of progressivism!! Reluctance of fighting in the War of Ukraine, can only signal the descent into darkness and end of Western Worldview. Even the lashing out against Putin and demanding him to be ousted from office, for not being able to do anything about it. Because nobody sane, believes that, Joe Biden is in office, but his handlers. How do you believe the politics of a Country or side, who only sends weapons and exchanges warnings and verbal punishments/Sancrtions, targeting more the people of Russia, what dost not really affect the person in charge, what does it really do! At this point death by Nuclear weapons is preferable to this cowardice, because your monetary transactions would become in check -- that is the real reasons, why Joe Biden and his handlers are reluctant in sending troops into Ukraine and bombing Russian Troops in Ukraine. The question is not even attacking mother Russia on her home, but the reluctance of putting your money there your mouth is. How can you tell, support of Ukraine, if you only send defencive weapons, but no plains?!!? Also the hilarious attempt of BBC trying to assume moral supremacy on the Truth in second video about Aleksander Dugin -- how do you do that today, then a possible Justice of the Supreme Court cannot define a Woman, while being elected by Joe Biden for being "A Woman" and "Black" not because she fits in the office. This kind of highly politicized contempt against the world, there you estimate Us vs. Intolerance, because you are always right, is the reason, why Usha and the West shall fail, and why it will start with Joe Biden, being the best or worst remark of that notion... A real Individual is always connected to his flaws, learning from them, not only to his strengths and victories, identifying him more, than the good stuff. It seems to me, both Russia and Usha have forgotten this in the Ukrainian War. Take care and have faith, for the night is always darkest before the dawn. Halleluyah! 


  1. Even CNN is Panning Bidens Dangerous Lunatic-Fringe Regime Change Comments

  2. Arya Stark and the Descent Into Disbelief

  3. Alexander Dugin speaking on the Ukraine conflict

  4. How Could Russia Win The War Now? A (Theoretical) Battleplan For Turning The Tide

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