Sunday, March 27, 2022

Voice in the Desert Biden Goes Insane Should Elon Musk buy Twitter? Joe Biden up to his elbows in Ukraine

It is sad, that one of my Favourite YouTubers is so Right and wrong at the same time. Styx is right, that it is wrong for a sane POTUS to say those things, in any context to avoid WW3. The problem in realising WW1 or WW2 narration in todays happenings; while not understanding, that more Principalities and Powers are in action, not to mention God Himself. That was the very reason, to Debilitate and Infantalize Biden and make Putin fight himself into a corner, for his gray mouse ending, he self proposed in one interview. There is so much blood between God Almighty and Usha+El+Nato, who have shaped the political face of the West, while not delivering on the selfimposed Christian trait. The West is as Christian, as if to use pastor Francis Chan's favourite comparison, calling throwing fish at deranged penguins in an icescating arena, and naming each hit with the fish, aiming at the penguins head, a goal -- to play soccer!! 

World War 3 is what God Wills, due to Christians and the West not living up to the standards of the Sermon of the Mount (Mat 5-7) What is happening in Ukraine, is ample justification and proof of the West hypocracy and trying to powerplay as nothing has ever changed, much like the Baltic-Germans did in Estonia, until Adolph Hitler lured them out with promises of same glory as in their highth of power, to die in powerty and neglect, because he only wanted them out of the way, to not oppose his grand plan and final solution, which also included the eradication of Estonians as the lesser species. Only the losses in war, propelled Hitler to change his tune and found the Legion in order to see the Baltics higher born. 

The same problem is with Ukraine. Nobody wants it to win the War against Mother Russia, to not embolden it in the region, because the West doesn't really want to see Ukraine in Nato!! At least not in equal terms. Just in the way as Hunter Biden and family did in Ukraine -- they want a serf. Because of that, voices like Styx will have their heads chopped off, like did John the Baptist, who condemned the marriage of Herod Antipas and Herodias. Because they say the right thing at the wrong time. Or like Steven the first deacon to martyr in office for being so holy!! Too bad Christians don't follow suit, but Styxhexenhammer666 has to do their bidding. Let that name sink in and the gravity of the effort and situation. I wish you Godspeed and a nice day. Halleluyah! (Y)


  1. White House in FULL BLOWN Damage CONTROL over Joe Biden comments on PUTIN in POWER!

  2. Ice T Just Won The Internet With A Dad Joke About Gas Prices & Twitter RAGES About It
