Saturday, May 22, 2021

Preconseptions are the root of moral failure

 The reason, why many able Christians fail, is not that they haven't studied so hard; or that they don't understand so well, what they did study. The reason is far more simple than that. They are, as they say,  hyperventilating -- trying to breathe in and breathe out too soon. Because lord Jesus Christ is in da house, like happened to Martha and Mary. One immediately started to do chores, her cup being full, thinking, that this is the reason, they there honoured by such holiman in the house. The other just listened with glee, her cup being empty, not even troubling herself, that it was not her place to accept the male role in life. We choose our roles in life ourself. Nobody can make us submit, but ourself. Accepting those misconceptions, what could our lord be expecting from us. The question is not, whether or not doing chores is evil. Both there valid and good options -- but if you choose your option, why dost it upset you, that your sister/ brother chose otherwise? Does that mean, you wanted to choose that option too, but didn't dare? And that is the reason your sister/brother is at fault with you -- needing perhaps even to apologize, although, she never did any wrong. You there just a coward and didn't ask from the lord, what was the right way. We don't see, not because lord Jesus Christ didn't give us sight; but because we exclaim: "I already understand and see, you don't have to say!!" and lord Jesus Christ, watches us with saddened eyes: "Very Well" and goes His ways, for the coward was too embarrassed to admit, that he didn't understand and see, what was told and shown. You be better and smarter than that.


  1. 639 Hz | Unite in Infinite Love - Tantric Sexuality | Merge in Sacred Union - Meditation Sleep Music

