Based on S1 ep 10
Most people think, diplomats ought to be picture perfect, like diamonds without a flaw. That is very far from the truth. It is true, that they need raw talent in telling the ugly truth, which may alienate people from you, as is Homare's forte, but he's true strength is acknowledging his shortcomings. It is a good thing, then a person, who wants to be the diplomat and bring rivaling factions together, admitts, he is lacking in empathy. Too much confidence in the fields of empathy drives out and smothers it. King Solomon is the most notorious example of Empathy, in the Bible, due to who he was, whence he came, and who was closer in the line of succession. At a point his brother Adonija staged a coup, which was only intervened, by having Solomon put on the throne, while King David was still alive. There was no temple and people still used offering mounds, which made offering 1000's troublesome. Solomon, was at his lowest and was propelled at his highest, there he had no kind of hindrance. All the wisdom; all the money; all the love of his people and peers and surrounding neighbours, even women. That is a danger for the diplomats heart and senses. It is better to be an emotional cripple; a little bit autistic, there you understand, you need help from others, than to be totally autonomous. I think the "broken cyborg" side of Homare Arisugawa is also cute. The way, he always tells, what he thinks like a 6 year old, without regard, how it may fall short -- because his insight is impeccable. Just watch the show, and you have to admit, even without the Loupe of Sincerity, he could describe the problem accurately.
Empathy is not a one man ability, its a combo ability, which gives its true power, then you admit, that you don't always know and understand, what the others are thinking and feeling. Its about listening, just like a poet does. Sometimes its about failing with your friends together...
The suggestions, Homare Arisugawa was able to give thanks to the loupe of Sincerity, brought also out the fortes of the other characters, how to make their acting better. I'm happy that God troupe is the Antagonist, it brings the best out of Winter, revealing how far you can fall, if you only trust in your talent and experience but refuse taking your opponents seriously and improving on your own act. There can be no navel-gazing on the stage...
People should take Homare's admissions at 14:14; 14:31; 14:59 seriously. There can be no Empathy, without this level of honesty towards yourself and your friends and peers. You have to respect yourself at a high standard to be regarded on that level by others. Respect and understanding dost not come anywhere else, nor Empathy. Empathy and Sympathy. Push and Pull like the ebb and the flood of water.
Haruhi Suzumiya would be the female version of a perfect diplomat... although being this young, she has too much confidence and should tone bit down. Getting older, will probably solve that for her.