Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Scatterbrian was on cian, the brainy ingrain and no shame yee;

suburban in caravanned burbone Cara mia de Chio Renault Clio - 

the rainbow crayon what craved to berave the ravens flashlight-telltale

on the rocks, in the doxx -- as the Red sox had to Wilcox onatops. 

The Boston parried a tea, as I had to haul coffee in my coffin; 

smuggling it on bootleg from Hell to Heaven and backstreets enpoise.

One more Indian going for Wounded Knee, as my cold shoulder drank 

Corn-Holio and duke had some Corona to rip of your shirt and shit in your brains. 

One leg in dead, the other in life, owing the pope some Alumni and goo' mooning!!

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